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This is just a quick listing of languages, meant primarily as a reference point for people adding ranks to their Linguistics skill.

Basic Starting Languages

All races may learn any of these languages at character creation if they have a high enough Intelligence score to qualify for bonus languages.

  • Common
  • Dwarven
  • Elven
  • Gnome
  • Halfling
  • Orc
  • Tengu

Advanced Starting Languages

These languages are more obscure, and races tend to have access to only 1 or 2 of them depending on their exposure to these cultures. See the race listing to determine which, if any, of these languages are available to your race at character creation, if your Int score qualifies you for bonus languages.

  • Aquan
  • Auran
  • Draconic
  • Giant
  • Gnoll
  • Goblin
  • Ignan
  • Sylvan
  • Terran
  • Undercommon

Encountered Languages

These languages are never known by starting characters and can only be learned by encountering cultures and races which speak them, and spending some time studying them. A working knowledge of these languages can be achieved by deciphering overheard conversations, translating books or just being around it while it is spoken.

  • Aboleth
  • Abyssal
  • Aklo
  • Awnsheghlien (Unseelie; Fey)
  • Boggard
  • Celestial
  • Courtly (Fey)
  • Cyclops
  • Dark Folk
  • Grippli
  • High Draconic
  • Illithid
  • Infernal
  • Nagaji
  • Necril
  • Onundur (Ghoul)
  • Primal
  • Protean
  • Sphinx
  • Strix (infernal)
  • Thanatos
  • Treant
  • Vegepygmy
  • Xth'tl'ck (zith'til'ick)

Secret Languages

Finally, there are secret languages. These are languages which cannot be learned by anyone except those specifically invited to learn them. In many cases, these languages are deliberately deceptive, with fluctuating grammar or syntax changes based on the calendar, lunar cycle or some other variable. They are, in short, codes. While it may be possible to decipher short passages of these languages given enough time and the proper cypher keys, the languages themselves will always remain a mystery, as the keys change and the lexicon evolves to deny knowledge to outsiders.

  • Drow Sign Language
  • Druidic
  • Ghoul Sign Language
  • Thieves' Cant

Learning A New Language

The Linguistics skill allows characters to learn a new language for each rank they place in the skill. Some GM's may want to keep this simple and assume the character has acquired some means of studying the new language and is doing that in their spare time. Other GM's may wish to add a little more realism into the learning process. After all, just because you have a rank in a skill granting you the mental space to learn a new language, characters may not have a logical way to pick up that language without some effort first.

It's up to the GM whether characters can just learn one or more of the encountered languages when they level up. Perhaps there is a great library where tomes containing lexicons of bizarre and diverse tongues can be looked over. Maybe a college teaches classes on how to speak High Draconic. Or maybe the players just need to run into these things and piece it together from scraps of conversation they overhear through doorways.

GM's should allow a linguistics check for each significant exposure to a new language, even if the character rolling the check doesn't have any available language "slots" at the time. If the characters are in an immersive environment (i.e. that language is the only one spoken by the locals, and basic interactions can only be performed in that language), the DC for the linguistics check is 15. If the language being studied is common but not the only language spoken, the DC for the linguistics check is 20. If the language being studied is only heard from a single source (one creature, one book, etc.) the DC for the linguistics check is 25. Finally, if the language being studied is observed from a source which is, itself, not an expert at the language, the DC for the check is 30.

After two successful rolls (and usually a minimum of two days of study), the character can speak the language at the Pidgin level, meaning they communicate at approximately the same degree a toddler communicates -- no full sentences, no conjugation or subject/verb agreement, frequent mispronunciations or incorrect word usage, etc. Only basic ideas can be conveyed, and technical conversations or topics requiring skill or training are impossible.

After a 5 successful rolls, the character can speak the language at a novice level. This includes a vocabulary of around 1000 words, and the ability to address more advanced topics, though frequently making mistakes (using the wrong word, etc.). Understanding comes easier than expression at this level. To be frank, most people communicate in their native language at not much above the novice level. This is a fully functional degree of familiarity, though it is obvious to everyone that the character is not a native speaker.

A minimum Linguistics skill of 10 is required before a character can speak a language other than their native tongue at a 'native' fluency. For every 2 skill levels above 10, one additional language can be so mastered, assuming the character also has exposure and time to study the new languages. Considerable time and study is required to achieve proper mimicry of the local dialect, learn the many euphemisms and achieve believable nuance with the language. GM's are encouraged to make this process reasonably achievable, since the PC's are heroes and therefore achieve great things much easier than normal folks. A general guideline is 2 weeks of further study after the novice level is achieved before the language can be spoken at the 'native' level.