Rod of Deadly Flames

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Rod of Deadly Flames

Rod of Deadly Flames

CL 7 Magic Rod • Weak Transmutation
Cost: 22,500 gp
Weight: 4 lbs.

This rod is in the shape of a stout wooden tube, capped on both ends by volcano-shaped iron bosses, the whole with a hole bored through it so that the Rod may be sighted through. Often, Alchemical Fire will be poured into one end to empower the device, although this is not always neccessary. When the command word is uttered, the rod shudders and emits the terrifying rumble, crackle, and hiss of a great bonfire, while the smell of smoke permeates the air.

Wielders of this rod can utter a command word as a standard action to cast a Firefall spell, using up one charge from the rod.

When activated, this rod causes a fire source within 200 feet of the space of the wielder to erupt into a geyser of dazzlingly bright liquid flame. If there is an existing fire source within range, that fire can be the focus of this spell. In cases where there is no pre-existing fire, it is very common for the caster to use an Alchemical Fire item, and conveniently, pouring the Alchemical Fire into the hollow tube of the Rod does not interfere with the activation of this item. When the caster uses an alchemical item to activate the rod, they may place the origin square anywhere in their casting range to which they can trace line of sight and line of effect.

The rod consumes the fire source (up to size Large), which is immediately extinguished, such that an alchemical item used as the source adds no additional damage, nor does it harm the wielder of the rod. Source fires larger than size Large continue burning, albeit somewhat diminished.

As a special case, a creature with the fire subtype can be used as the source of fire for this spell. Such abuse causes 1 point of Primal damage per creator level of the rod (no saving throw).

The coruscating rain of fire caused when the fire source erupts fills a hemispherical burst with a radius of 30 feet, a gigantic 13 x 13 square space. All creatures and objects in the area take damage as laid out below as Fire (energy, common) damage, and suffer the Singed condition. Creatures who make successful Reflex saves against the DC described below take half damage and don't catch on fire. Note that the direct damage will not affect unattended objects, but the Singed condition is very likely to burn away many things indeed.

If a targeted creature has spell resistance, the wielder of the rod must first make a Bailiwick skill check against the target's Maneuver Defense. If they equal or exceed this number, the spell is resolved against the target as normal. If the check fails, the spell is cast from the rod (using up a charge) but has no effect on the target creature.

You can purchase this rod at a higher creator level than the minimum required to cast the spell. Doing so increases the potency of the spell as described above, but also increases the cost, as follows:

Creator Level Cost Save DC Damage Dealt
- -  - -
- -  - -
- -  - -
- -  - -
- -  - -
- -  - -
7 22,500 gp  21 7d6+7
8 28,800 gp  22 8d6+8
9 36,000 gp  22 9d6+9
10 45,000 gp  23 10d6+10
11 55,800 gp  24 11d6+11
12 67,500 gp  25 12d6+24
13 81,900 gp  26 13d6+26
14 100,800 gp  27 14d6+28
15 127,800 gp  29 15d6+30
16 173,700 gp  30 16d6+32
17 234,000 gp  30 17d6+34
18 324,000 gp  31 18d6+54
19 432,000 gp  32 19d6+57
20 576,000 gp  33 20d6+60
Creator Level Cost Save DC Damage Dealt
21 765,000 gp  34 21d6+63
22 1,026,000 gp  35 22d6+66
23 1,359,000 gp  36 23d6+69
24 1,800,000 gp  37 24d6+96
25 2,340,000 gp  38 25d6+100
26 3,150,000 gp  39 26d6+104
27 4,140,000 gp  40 27d6+108
28 5,580,000 gp  41 28d6+112
29 7,380,000 gp  43 29d6+116
30 9,810,000 gp  44 30d6+150
31 12,960,000 gp  46 31d6+155
32 17,010,000 gp  47 32d6+160
33 22,500,000 gp  48 33d6+165
34 29,790,000 gp  49 34d6+170
35 39,690,000 gp  50 35d6+175

This magic item does not require an attunement period, and grants its benefits immediately upon being worn or wielded.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 24 (10 + double CL)), Languid (tier 1) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 11,250 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).