Talk:Headband Slot Magic Items

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Revision as of 21:43, 29 July 2020 by Tbolling (talk | contribs)
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  • Phylactery, headband, wreath, diadem, laurel, circlet, crown, tiara, coronet, apex, chaplet, anadem, coronal, festoon, medallion, lappet

Templates For New Items

  • Weapon Base Prices - used as base price for all items unless price-nudge field is left blank

Threatening Illusion (Feat) item
love the idea of a ring that does four things inscribed on it. see if there's a way to incorporate this mechanic.
headband of ponderous recognition = as head stat item, see above, plus 1/day allows a roll of 10 to id monsters, scales to 2/d, 1/encounter, 2/encounter, scales to roll of 15, roll of non-nat 20, roll of nat 20, action scales from swift to immediate to free
headband of unshakeable resolve = chose 3 status effect trees. any effect is one step weaker.  scales to more trees (up to nine? 18?) scales to two steps weaker, weak minimum, two steps weaker, no effect minimum.
phylactery of the shepard = as written, adds scaling number of times per day, adds scaling (CL of the item) to the healing granted, time taken scales from swift to immediate to free
headband of havoc = any time the wearer takes a penalty to hit for a bonus in damage, add the CL of the item to the damage.
hunter's band = acts as weak head stat item, adds +1 quarry die to any quary pool, scales to +2 dice, +1 to all dice rolled, +1 die and +1, +2 dice and +1, +2 dice and plus 2
phylactery of channeling = as hunter's band except for channel divinity, see negative and positive channeling headband
Brawler's skullcap = as hunters band except for brawler damage?
skulking band = as hunters band except for sneak attack dice 
stalking band = as hunters band except for encroaching dice
stalwart warrior band = adds item cl to damage granted by tactics only
headband of mental resilience = adds scaling temp ability points. Love this mechanic! temp hitpoints for stats! add this to a belt, possibly integrate this effect into all stat adders for a hefty price increase