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Outputs the skill DC for the specified challenge category when called, based on the CR of the monster. Primarily used inside the Monster template. Call as follows:

{{Skill DC|Easy}}
{{Skill DC|Average}}
{{Skill DC|Challenging}}
{{Skill DC|Hard}}
{{Skill DC|Impossible}}

Parameters (all are optional):

  • (unnamed) = modify CR with a positive or negative number. -2 lowers CR by two before outputting skill DC.
  • n = modify numeric value with a positive or negative number. "n=-2" lowers skill DC by 2 before outputting the skill DC.
  • op = modify the operand. Values are "op=mult" and "op=div", allowing you to multiply or divide by parameter n's value. Default is addition (with negative numbers subtracting).
  • nohi = don't highlight the text. Values: Y, or exclude variable. By default, the text is highlighted in a pleasant orange color.


  • {{Skill DC|Average|-2}} - outputs an Average skill DC as though CR was two lower than actual.
  • {{Skill DC|Easy|n = 2|op = mult}} - outputs double the normal Easy skill DC value for a monster of that CR.

You can also use {{Skill DC}} outside of a Monster template, but you must specify the CR:

  • {{Skill DC|Impossible|12}} - outputs an impossible skill DC for CR 12, if used outside a monster template. Inside a monster template, it would add 12 to the monster's existing CR.

If you don't specify a challenge category, it will default to Average.