Sharpness, Greater (Melee Weapon Magic Property)

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Sharpness, Greater (Melee Weapon Magic Property)

Enchant Cost: +3

Greater Sharpness is usually applied to slashing or hacking weapons, although the deadly power granted by this property will work on any weapon. There is no need to activate this property, it is always on.

The Greater Sharpness effect is simple, but deadly. On a natural 20, the critical threat is automatically confirmed, and a Greater Sharpness weapon inflicts the Crippled condition in addition to the normal damage of the attack. Note that you cannot inflict Crippled more than once on the same creature.

Creatures that are immune to critical damage still take normal critical damage on all confirmed criticals from a Greater Sharpness weapon, but they cannot gain the Cripped condition.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 30), a pale remnant (tier 2), and an item symbolic of the enchantment.