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Consumable 1.jpg

Fugue Potion

Consumable Item - Necromancy Aura

A fugue potion grants the imbiber a full-night's rest in a single minute of time. They cannot be used during combat.

When imbibed, a fugue potion transports the drinker into a parallel pseudo-dimension, a ghostly reflection of their own world, where time appears frozen to a near-complete halt. The drinker remains in this world for eight relative hours, while in their own world only a single minute passes. The fugue-plane contains the same natural or manufactured terrain as the place where the potion was consumed, but any attempt to travel more than 10 feet in any direction leads the drinker back to their starting place. The physical composition of the place has an odd consistency, like a dense, gritty loam, easily picked apart (though, due to the drowning risks, this is strongly discouraged).

The fugue plane is completely uninhabited by any creature aside from the imbiber, with no recourse or aid from outside. If the imbiber has an animal companion or a familiar, they only know that the familiar is alive or dead and otherwise cannot interact with them in any way. If they have followers, they remain in the 'real' world, awaiting the drinker's return.

During the eight hours granted by the fugue potion, the drinker may prepare spells, pray to their deity for new spells, and perform any other elements of their nightly routine, just as though they were getting a full night's rest. If they sleep at least 6 hours during this time (or whatever is appropriate for the race/class of the imbiber), they retain every benefit of a full night's rest. However, while in the fugue-plane, spells and magic items do not work. Any attempt at spell casting, using any supernatural, spell-like, or extraordinary ability fails. Magic items cannot be activated. Any ongoing effects that were affecting the character when they drank the fugue potion continue their effects unabated, with spell durations and time-based checks, such as those from diseases or poisons, accruing based on the relative time of the imbiber (i.e., 8 hours pass). When the fugue potion ends, the drinker returns to their own plane.

To anyone witnessing this potion being consumed, the drinker abruptly disappears, only to reappear in the same spot one minute later. If the space they left becomes occupied or blocked during this minute of absence, the drinker is shunted to the nearest available space (roll randomly if more than one is possible) and takes 10 points of interstice (physical, rare) damage for every 5 feet of forced movement caused by this shunting. Furthermore, the potion's duration cannot be voluntarily shortened or aborted. Once in the fugue-plane, the drinker is committed to the full 8 hours of solitude. While the potion is in effect, the drinker cannot perceive, communicate with, or affect any creatures, from any other plane, in any way.

A fugue potion cannot be used in a pocket space. Those who make such items will speak at great length about the requirement for a 'flat space' for the item to work. You cannot use a Fugue Potion while inside a demi-plane, while inside a Portable Hole, or inside of any spell effect that creates a pocket dimension, such as a Mage's Magnificent Mansion (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell) or Oasis (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell). Attempting to do so inflicts (Order 1 damage): 1d6 points of damage per character level (max 8d6 at character level 8) as interstice (physical, rare) damage and the potion has no other effect.

Only one fugue potion may be consumed in a time period determined according to the potency of the fugue potion. If a second fugue potion of the same strength is imbibed within this time period, it inflicts (Order 1 damage): 1d6 points of damage per character level (max 8d6 at character level 8) as primal (undefined damage type) damage upon the drinker, and has no effect.

In the event that two or more people drink fugue potions at the same time, each person is sent to a unique fugue-plane and have no communication with each other, or anyone else, as per the normal effects of the potion. While the potion itself can be dispelled prior to its use, rendering it a useless liquid, a dispel magic cast on the space from which the drinker vanished has no effect.

This is a consumable item — once it is used, it is expended and cannot be used again.

The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.

Centennial Fugue Potion   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 220 gp
Weight: 1 lbs.
A Centennial Fugue Potion is the least powerful and most dangerous of them all. Once imbibed, this potion may not be safely consumed again until one hundred years and a day have passed.

While this means that Elves love them, most races can't really wait that long to use a potion again.

Note to GMs: In most cases, this potion is a 'use it once in a character's career' sort of item. Be sure to have the player track this on their character sheet.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 18 (10 + double CL)), Languid remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 110 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Fugue Potion, Decadal   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 2,840 gp
Weight: 1 lbs.
A Decadal Fugue Potion is a more potent version of a Fugue Potion. Once imbibed, this potion may not be safely consumed again until ten years and a day have passed.

Note to GMs: In most cases, this potion is a 'use it once in a character's career' sort of item. Be sure to have the player track this on their character sheet. Note that a player can drink one Centennial Fugue Potion and one Decadal Fugue Potion in a typical campaign without risking side effects, but much better (and far more expensive) potions must be used for even greater effects.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 40 (10 + double CL)), Pale remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 1,420 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Fugue Potion, Annual   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 9,600 gp
Weight: 1 lbs.
An Annual Fugue Potion is a more potent version of a Fugue Potion. Once imbibed, this potion may not be safely consumed again until a year and a day have passed.

Note to GMs: In many cases, this potion is a 'use it once in a character's career' sort of item. Be sure to have the player track this on their character sheet. Note that a player can drink one Centennial Fugue Potion, one Decadal Fugue Potion, and one Annual Fugue Potion in a typical campaign without risking side effects, but much better (and far more expensive) potions must be used for even greater effects.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 48 (10 + double CL)), Bright remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 4,800 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Fugue Potion, Lunar   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 30,200 gp
Weight: 1 lbs.
A Lunar Fugue Potion is a more potent version of a Fugue Potion. Once imbibed, this potion may not be safely consumed again until the next full moon has passed.

Note to GMs: This potion is the lowest level Fugue Potion that can be used with some degree of regularity in a typical campaign. Be sure to have the player track this on their character sheet. Note that a player can drink one Centennial Fugue Potion, one Decadal Fugue Potion, and one Annual Fugue Potion in a typical campaign without risking side effects, in addition to any better quality Fugue Potions they may consume.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 56 (10 + double CL)), Intense remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 15,100 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Fugue Potion, Cathemeral   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 124,000 gp
Weight: 1 lbs.
A Cathemeral Fugue Potion is a more potent version of a Fugue Potion. Once imbibed, this potion may not be safely consumed again until a full 24-hours have passed.

Note to GMs: This item can greatly increase the ability of a character to perform. In particular, it allows a spellcaster to refresh their spell slots nearly instantly, effectively doubling their spells per day, if they are willing to spend the gold to do so. Rampant use of this potion can change the fundamental speed of a campaign, allowing the party to persist through many more encounters per day than would normally be expected. While many GMs won't have any issue with this, it can be disruptive to pacing, if the campaign relies on any set calendar-based events. (For example, a party making heavy use of these potions will likely level up every 2-3 days, if they are aggressively seeking out encounters.) Some GMs may wish to limit access to this potion, or make it available only in some remote location, forcing players to go out of their way to stock up on it.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 66 (10 + double CL)), Blazing remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 62,000 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).