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; Hobble
; Hobble
When a hyena takes a full attack action, it is able to clamp it's mighty jaws upon its foes legs and savage them.  This does the normal bite damage for a Hyena's bite and unless the foe succeeds on a DC12 Reflex save, inflicts the [[Unsteady]] condition until the end of the encounter.  
When a hyena takes a full attack action, it is able to clamp its mighty jaws upon its foes legs and savage them.  This does the normal bite damage for a Hyena's bite and unless the foe succeeds on a DC12 Reflex save, inflicts the [[Unsteady]] condition until the end of the encounter.  

Revision as of 01:54, 26 May 2014


Hyena (CR 2)

Hyenas are pack hunters infamous for their cunning and their unnerving, laughter-like vocalizations. They are largely scavengers, but aren't above supplementing their diet of carrion with fresh prey.

When hunting as a pack they typically send one or two members against a foe's front while the rest of the pack circles and attacks from behind.

Many of the savage humanoid races, particularly gnolls, kobolds, goblins, orcs, and the like, use hyenas as guard dogs. Such hyenas typically wear leather barding and are trained from birth to be vicious and savage—many such creatures are advanced hyenas.


CR 2 Hit Dice 3

XP 600

N, Medium, Animal

Init +1; Senses low light vision 60 ft, Scent, Perception +8


AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 dex, +4 armor)

hp 22

Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: -

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 50 ft.

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Single Melee Bite +4 (1d6+2/x2)

Full Melee Bite +4 (1d6+2/x2), plus Hobble

Ranged None, but see Hyena Cackle

Special Attacks Hobble, Hyena Cackle

Action Points 0


Str 14, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6

Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 16

Feats -

Skills Stealth +6, Stealth +10 in natural settings (tall grass, brush)

Languages -



When a hyena takes a full attack action, it is able to clamp its mighty jaws upon its foes legs and savage them. This does the normal bite damage for a Hyena's bite and unless the foe succeeds on a DC12 Reflex save, inflicts the Unsteady condition until the end of the encounter.

Hyena Cackle

Once per encounter, as a standard action, a hyena may give off their horrible yipping cry. This affects all enemies of the hyena in a fifty foot radius. Affected creatures must make a Will save versus a DC of 12 or suffer the Anxious condition until the end of the encounter. This is a fear condition.


sell value of approximately 500 gp


Hyena's will attempt to sneak up on their victims using natural cover, and will try to get two of their members on the opposite side of the victims if possible. In the first round of combat, they will move in using a half move and use their Hyena Cackle ability, hoping to soften up their foes. They will then make charge attacks and bite, with flanks if at all possible. they will then try for full attacks with flanks to Hobble their victims.

If the fight is going poorly they will flee, and come back to see if any of their Hobbled victims have been left behind and are now easy pickings.