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[[Category:Epic Path]]
<!-- Version 2.10 -->
[[Category:CR 11]]
* ''Go back to the [[Epic Path]] page.''
* ''Go back to the [[Bestiary]] page.''

| CR=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|CR}}}
| CR | 9
  <!-- Value: integer between 1 and 40. -->

| Min-CR = 6
== Hill Giant (CR 11) ==
| Max-CR = 26
Hill Giants are massive creatures, covered in huge masses of thick muscle and fat.  While they are technically size Large, they are definitely at the very upper end of that size category due to their simple bulk.  Hill giants exude a sense of huge power mixed with dull frustrated rage at a world they simply don't understand.  Indeed, Hill Giants are the second strongest breed of Giants, their physical power exceeding the strength of far more dangerous clans of giants, such as Cloud giants, who are frail weaklings compared to Hill giants.   
| MonsterName=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|MonsterName}}}
| MonsterName | Hill Giant
| Image=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Image}}}
| Image | Hill_Giant_1.png
  <!-- Value: file name and extension only    -->
| Caption=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Caption}}}
| Caption |
  <!-- Optional: inserts hover text for the image. If left blank, will insert the monster's name. -->
| Role=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Role}}}
| Role |
  <!-- Values: Heavy, Killer, Leader, Legend, Minion, Shooter, Skirmisher, Sneak, Swarm, Tank, Threat, Villain, or leave blank -->
  <!-- Prevent this monster from being assigned certain roles in MMM -->
| Restrict-Role-No-Role =
| Restrict-Role-Heavy =
| Restrict-Role-Killer =
| Restrict-Role-Leader =
| Restrict-Role-Legend =
| Restrict-Role-Minion =  
| Restrict-Role-Shooter =
| Restrict-Role-Skirmisher =
| Restrict-Role-Sneak =
| Restrict-Role-Swarm =
| Restrict-Role-Tank =
| Restrict-Role-Threat =
| Restrict-Role-Villain =
  <!-- Values: Y or leave blank -->
| Pattern1=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Pattern1}}}
| Pattern1 |
  <!-- Use to assign a Pattern to the monster, which will alter its effective CR.  Or leave blank. -->
| Pattern2=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Pattern2}}}
| Pattern2 |
  <!-- Use to assign a second Pattern to the monster, which will further alter its effective CR.  Or leave blank. -->
| Description=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Description}}}
| Description | Hill Giants are massive creatures, covered in huge masses of thick muscle and fat.  While they are technically size Large, they are definitely at the very upper end of that size category due to their simple bulk.  Hill giants exude a sense of huge power mixed with dull frustrated rage at a world they simply don't understand.  Indeed, Hill Giants are the second strongest breed of Giants, their physical power exceeding the strength of far more dangerous clans of giants, such as Cloud giants, who are frail weaklings compared to Hill giants.   

Luckily for every other creature in the world, their incredible strength is also their downfall, as Hill Giants, charitably, are musclebound idiots.  They are physically clumsy, slow of action, and awkward when they manage to do something, as likely to break a weapon as use it to smash a foe.  Even worse, they are crude and stupid creatures.  Ogres are mental giants compared to a Hill Giant.  Hill Giants struggle to sustain even the most rudimentary of social structures, like family, or language.  The actions of most other races are incomprehensible to a Hill giant, who is too limited to even grasp what a farm is, never mind understand why agriculture is a good idea.
Luckily for every other creature in the world, their incredible strength is also their downfall, as Hill Giants, charitably, are musclebound idiots.  They are physically clumsy, slow of action, and awkward when they manage to do something, as likely to break a weapon as use it to smash a foe.  Even worse, they are crude and stupid creatures.  Ogres are mental giants compared to a Hill Giant.  Hill Giants struggle to sustain even the most rudimentary of social structures, like family, or language.  The actions of most other races are incomprehensible to a Hill giant, who is too limited to even grasp what a farm is, never mind understand why agriculture is a good idea.
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As a result of their incredible physical strength and incredible mental deficiencies, Hill giants on their own live lives of desperate poverty, lacking fire, shelter, and far too often, even clothing.  Despite this, Hill giants thrive on their own, their size and strength serving quite well in Nature to sustain their lives.  Groups of Hill giants are uncomfortably common in untamed lands, and they are disgustingly fertile, to boot.
As a result of their incredible physical strength and incredible mental deficiencies, Hill giants on their own live lives of desperate poverty, lacking fire, shelter, and far too often, even clothing.  Despite this, Hill giants thrive on their own, their size and strength serving quite well in Nature to sustain their lives.  Groups of Hill giants are uncomfortably common in untamed lands, and they are disgustingly fertile, to boot.

Many Hill giants find themselves working as serfs for other races.  Ogres and especially Trolls find Hill giants to be excellent companionship, and those creatures serve to improve the life of Hill giants tremendously.  Other Giant races also employ Hill giants as serfs, especially Frost and Fire giants, as well as Death giants and the terrible Fomaori.  No one tries to enslave a Hill giant, by the way.  No chain will hold them and no punishment will deter them, so there is little point.  Give them a warm place to sleep, food to eat, things to torment, and rugged, simple work to do, and Hill giants will be loyal forever.
Many Hill giants find themselves working as serfs for other races.  Ogres and especially Trolls find Hill giants to be excellent companionship, and those creatures serve to improve the life of Hill giants tremendously.  Other Giant races also employ Hill giants as serfs, especially Frost and Fire giants, as well as Death giants and the terrible Fomaori.  Hill giants are sadly susceptible to the mental enslavement used by Hobgoblins, and make valuable chattel for their strength and ability to fight.  No one tries to enslave a Hill giant with simple physical force, by the way.  No chain will hold them and no punishment will deter them, so there is little point.  Give them a warm place to sleep, food to eat, things to torment, and rugged, simple work to do, and Hill giants will be loyal forever.

Hill giants usually live in small tribal groups, and make crude mud huts out of sticks and wattle.  They will roam out daily, in a more-or-less random direction, and forage for food and victims.  If Hill giants are serving as serfs for other classes of creatures, they will arise, take their food, and then happily perform whatever jobs they are given, as long as those jobs are within their intellectual grasp. As long as they are given lots of things to do, Hill giants are surprisingly tractable.  If some of those duties involve killing and hurting things, all the better!
Hill giants usually live in small tribal groups, and make crude mud huts out of sticks and wattle.  They will roam out daily, in a more-or-less random direction, and forage for food and victims.  If Hill giants are serving as serfs for other classes of creatures, they will arise, take their food, and then happily perform whatever jobs they are given, as long as those jobs are within their intellectual grasp. As long as they are given lots of things to do, Hill giants are surprisingly tractable.  If some of those duties involve killing and hurting things, all the better!
| Alignment=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Alignment}}}
| Alignment | Pure Evil
  <!-- Values: Lawful Good, True Lawful, Lawful Evil, Pure Good, Neutral, Pure Evil, Chaotic Good, True Chaotic, Chaotic Evil -->
| Size=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Size}}}
| Size | Large
  <!-- Values: Fine, Diminutive, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, Colossal, Titanic -->
| Type=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Type}}}
| Type | Humanoid
  <!-- Values: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid, Incorporeal, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Protean, Undead, Vermin -->
| Subtype=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype}}}
| Subtype | Giant
  <!-- If second monster type: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Humanoid, Incorporeal, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant, Protean, Undead, Vermin -->
  <!-- If Humanoid: Duergar, Giant, Gloom, Gnoll, Human, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Maenad, Norker, Orc, Somber Crool, Troglodyte, Vampire Thrall -->
  <!-- If Outsider: Air, Chaotic, Demon, Devil, Earth, Elemental, Evil, Fire, Good, Lawful, Native, Water -->
  <!-- Only one entry in this field. If multiple options exist, choose the most important/appropriate one. -->
  <!-- Add any secondary subtypes into the notes field below. -->
  <!-- Otherwise leave blank.  -->
| Subtype2=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype2}}}
| Subtype2 |
| Subtype3=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype3}}}
| Subtype3 |
| Subtype4=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype4}}}
| Subtype4 |
| Subtype5=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|Subtype5}}}
| Subtype5 |
| NudgeBasicLoreValue=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|NudgeBasicLoreValue}}}
| NudgeBasicLoreValue| -2
  <!-- This field lets you alter the DC of the basic knowledge check for this monster -->
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullLoreValue=<onlyinclude>{{#ifeq:{{{transcludesection|NudgeFullLoreValue}}}
| NudgeFullLoreValue| -2
  <!-- This field lets you alter the DC of the full knowledge check for this monster -->
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Lore-Notes =
  <!-- Notes related to the monster's lore check can be put here -->
  <!-- Example: "identifies as a CR 5 Ghoul if lore check is failed." (no quotes) -->
| NudgeInit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->
| Nudge-Ambush-Chance =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
  <!-- Default value is 10+ on a d20 -->
| Ambush-Chance-Notes =
  <!-- Put any comments about ambush preferences here, or leave blank -->
  <!-- SENSES -->
  <!-- These senses have no ranges; the monster either has them (Value: "Y") or doesn't (leave blank) -->
| Sense-Is-Blind-to-Vision =
| Sense-Is-Blind-to-Sound =
| Sense-Is-Blind-to-Smell =
| Sense-Has-Low-Light-Vision =
  <!-- These senses require ranges; if the monster has them, list the range in feet (just the number only),
        or leave blank if the monster doesn't possess the sense in question.            -->
| Sense-Darkvision-Range =
| Sense-Heartsight-Range =
| Sense-Keen-Hearing-Range =
| Sense-Precise-Hearing-Range =
| Sense-Echolocation-Range =
| Sense-Scent-Range = 30
| Sense-Keen-Scent-Range =
| Sense-Perfect-Scent-Range =
| Sense-Airsense-Range =
| Sense-Blindsense-Range =
| Sense-Cloudsense-Range =
| Sense-Lifesense-Range =
| Sense-Mindsense-Range =
| Sense-Tremorsense-Range =
| Sense-Watersense-Range =
  <!-- If you want custom text in the 'Senses' field, use the field below, or leave blank -->
| Senses-Custom-Text =
| NudgePerception =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->
| NudgeAC =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeHitPoints =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Added to the base HP total (after role, if any) -->
<!--  SAVING THROWS  -->
| Fort = S
| Refl =
| Will =
  <!-- Values: S (for Strong save), leave blank for Weak save
        * Most monsters have 1 strong save and 2 weak saves
        * Heavies, Tanks, Threats and Villains have 2 strong saves
        * Dragons have 3 strong saves                              -->
| NudgeFort =
| NudgeRefl =
| NudgeWill =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-3                  -->
| SpecialDefenses =
  <!-- Put any DR or ER values here -->
| StrongAgainst =
  <!-- Put any 'immunity' or 'hardened' values here;
        immunities based on type (e.g. Vermin) or role (e.g. Threat) are automatically added
          '''''Hardened (1/2 damage):'''''
          '''''Immune (no effect):'''''                                                                  -->
| Hide-Role-Strong-Against-1 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for role (if any))    -->
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-1 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-2 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-3 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-4 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-5 =
| Hide-Type-Strong-Against-6 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for type (if any))    -->
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-1 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-2 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-3 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-4 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-5 =
| Hide-Subtype-Strong-Against-6 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for subtype (if any)) -->
| WeakAgainst =
  <!-- Put any 'vulnerable' or 'defenseless' values here;
        vulnerabilities based on type (e.g. Vermin) are automatically added
          '''''Vulnerable (1.5x damage):'''''
          '''''Defenseless (2x damage):'''''                                                              -->
| Hide-Type-Weak-Against-1 =
| Hide-Subtype-Weak-Against-1 =
  <!-- Values: Values: Y (for yes) or leave blank (to leave 'Strong Against' values for type and/or subtype (if any)) -->
  <!-- MOVE TYPES -->
  <!-- If the monster has a given movement type, list the speed, in feet (just the number only), below;
        if they don't have that movement type, leave it blank                    -->
| Move-Type-Walk-Speed = {{#switch: {{#expr: floor({{#var:Displayed-CR|1}}/5)}}|0 = 30|1 = 30|2 = 40|3 = 50|4 = 60|5 = 70|6 = 80|7 = 90|8 = 100}}
| Move-Type-Burrowing-Speed =
| Move-Type-Tunneling-Speed =
| Move-Type-Earth-Glide-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Climb-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Climb-Speed =
| Move-Type-Brachiating-Speed =
| Move-Type-Vaulting-Speed =
| Move-Type-Hover-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Flight-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Flight-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Swim-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Swim-Speed =
| Move-Type-Jet-Speed =
| Move-Type-Lesser-Teleport-Speed =
| Move-Type-Greater-Teleport-Speed =
  <!-- If you want custom text in the 'Move Type' field, use the field below, or leave blank -->
| Move-Type-Custom-Text =
| NudgeSpace =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2. This is number of SQUARES; will be converted to feet.
        NOTE: If role is "Swarm", only put the space occupied by the COMPONENT CREATURE, NOT the space of the swarm, troop, or horde.
        NOTE: Swarms default to 10 feet. Troops default to 15 ft. + the normal space for the component creature size (e.g. 20 ft. for size medium) -->
| NudgeReach =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-2. This is number of SQUARES; will be converted to feet.
        NOTE: If role is "Swarm", only put the reach of the COMPONENT CREATURE, NOT the reach of the swarm, troop, or horde.
        NOTE: Swarms default to 0 ft. Troops default to the normal reach for the component creature size (e.g. 5 ft. for size medium) -->
| MeleeOrNatural = Melee
  <!-- REQUIRED; Values: "Melee" (has ONLY a Primary attack), or "Natural" (has Pri and Sec attacks) -->
| MultipliedDamageType =
  <!-- Roles only (leave blank if no role); Values: "Attacks" (+atks/rnd), "Damage" (+damage/rnd), or "Hybrid" (default; both +atks/+dmg) -->
| PriAtkName = Giant Club
  <!-- name of primary attack, weapons or natural attacks (e.g. "Longsword" or "Bite") -->
| Pri-Atk-Dmg-Type = bludgeoning
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| PriAtkNotes = '''plus:''' Giant Swing
  <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->
| PriAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Primary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces PriAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Pri-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Pri-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Pri-Atk-Is-Touch =
  <!-- If attack is a touch attack; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| PriAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->
| NudgePriToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgePriDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullAtk-PriDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Nudge-Pri-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| SecAtkName =
  <!-- name of secondary attack, natural attacks only (e.g. "Claw"); leave blank for none -->
| Sec-Atk-Dmg-Type =
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| SecAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->
| SecAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Secondary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces SecAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Sec-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Sec-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Sec-Atk-Is-Touch =
  <!-- If attack is a touch attack; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| SecAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->
| NudgeSecToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeSecDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullAtk-SecDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Nudge-Sec-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| TerAtkName =
  <!-- Roles only; name of tertiary attack (e.g. "Shield Bash" or "Tail Slap"); damage equal to primary attack; leave blank for none -->
| Ter-Atk-Dmg-Type =
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| TerAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->
| TerAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Tertiary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces TerAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Ter-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Ter-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Ter-Atk-Is-Touch =
  <!-- If attack is a touch attack; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| TerAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->
| NudgeTerToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeTerDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullAtk-TerDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Nudge-Ter-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| QuaAtkName =
  <!-- Roles w/natural attacks only; name of quaternary attack (e.g. "Wing Slam"); damage equal to secondary attack; leave blank for none -->
| Qua-Atk-Dmg-Type =
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| QuaAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->
| QuaAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Quaternary Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces QuaAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Qua-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Override-Qua-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| Qua-Atk-Is-Touch =
  <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| QuaAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->
| NudgeQuaToHit =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeQuaDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullAtk-QuaDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Nudge-Qua-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| RangedAtkName = Giant Boulder
  <!-- Name of ranged attack (e.g. "Longbow" or "Hurled Rock"); if blank, monster has no ranged attack -->
| HasRangedFullAttack = Y
  <!-- Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| RangedAtkIncrementDistance = 50
  <!-- Range increment in feet (e.g. 20 ft.); -2 to hit per increment after first -->
| RangedAtkNumberOfIncrements =  5
  <!-- Number of increments before max range of attack, thrown is 5 (default), projectile is 10 -->
| Ranged-Atk-Dmg-Type = bludgeoning
  <!-- name of the damage type used; if the type isn't defined, create a new page using the 'Dmg-Type' template (see Using Templates) -->
| RangedAtkNotes = 
  <!-- add any specials; adds the word "plus" automatically. (e.g. "filth fever (see below)") -->
| RangedAtkNotes-FullAtkOnly =
  <!-- use if Ranged Attack does something different during a full attack; replaces RangedAtkNotes value if not blank -->
| Override-Ranged-Atk--Std-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for STANDARD RANGED Attack) -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value            -->
| Override-Ranged-Atk--Full-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for FULL RANGED Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value            -->
| Ranged-Atk-Is-Touch =
  <!-- If to-hit goes against touch AC; Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no) -->
| RangedAtkIsAuto-Hit =
  <!-- If attack has no to-hit roll; leave blank (for normal to-hits), or describe (e.g. "30-foot cone") -->
| NudgeRangedToHit =
  <!-- any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeRangedDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeFullAtk-RangedDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Nudge-Ranged-Atk-Crit-Range =
  <!-- Values: the text of the crit range, without the crit multiplier (e.g. "18-20", no quotes). -->
  <!-- Default is 19-20 for melee, and 20 for natural                                            -->
| Nudge-Maneuver-Offense = +2
  <!-- any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Maneuver-Offense-Notes =
  <!-- Values: Text about specific bonuses to Maneuver Offense (e.g. "+2 on Trips") -->
| Nudge-Maneuver-Defense = +2
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Maneuver-Defense-Notes =
  <!-- Values: Text about specific bonuses to Maneuver Defense (e.g. "+4 vs Grapples") -->
| SiegeDmgCapable =
  <!-- Values: Y (for yes), or leave blank (for no); use for monsters which can destroy fortifications -->
| SiegeAtkName =
  <!-- Name of siege attack (e.g. "Bite" or "Hurled Rock") -->
| SiegeAtkNotes =
  <!-- add any specials (e.g. "as negative energy" or "vs. all targets in 20 feet of impact", etc.) -->
| Override-Siege-Atk-Qty =
  <!-- Values: any positive number, zero, or leave blank (to use default # of attacks for SIEGE Attack)    -->
  <!-- if 0, attack will not be displayed; if 1 or more, # of attacks will be replaced with this value    -->
| SiegeAtkIncrement =
  <!-- Only used if this field is not blank; Range increment in feet (e.g. 20); number only (i.e. don't include "ft."); max range is calculated from this -->
| SiegeAtkNumberOfIncrements =
  <!-- Number of increments before max range of attack, thrown is 5 (default), projectile is 10 -->
| Nudge-Siege-Maneuver-Offense =
  <!-- any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| NudgeSiegeDamage =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Changes the base CR of the monster's value. Max recommended is +/-4 -->
| Str = 75
| Dex = 14
| Con = 16
| Int = 4
| Wis = 8
| Cha = 8
<!--  FEATS  -->
| Feat1 =
| Feat2 =
| Feat3 =
| Feat4 =
  <!-- Just the feat name; will be autolinked, and ShortDesc added -->
<!--  SKILLS  -->
| Skill1 =
| Skill2 =
| Skill3 =
| Skill4 =
| Skill5 =
| NudgeSkill1 =
| NudgeSkill2 =
| NudgeSkill3 =
| NudgeSkill4 =
| NudgeSkill5 =
  <!-- Values: any positive or negative number, or leave blank. Max recommended is +/-8 -->
| Skill1Notes =
| Skill2Notes =
| Skill3Notes =
| Skill4Notes =
| Skill5Notes =
  <!-- Values: Text about conditional bonuses to skill (e.g. "+4 while in tall grass") -->
<!--  LANGUAGES  -->
| Languages = Giant (pidgin)
  <!-- Comma-separated list -->
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 1  -->
| Ability-1-Name = Earthen Smash
| Ability-1-Type = Ex
  <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance" -->
| Ability-1-Action-Required = Standard Action
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-1-Concentration =
  <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will auto-detect Combat Casting and include it -->
| Ability-1-Description = As a standard action, a Hill giant may swing its huge club overhead and SMASH! THE GROUND!  Hill Giants actually like this a lot, because the ground is easy and satisfying to hit really hard.  Earthen Smash is a 30-foot cone area of effect (flying debris and concussive shock waves means it affects even creatures in the air or underground) that does {{Special-Standard-Dmg}} points of {{dmg|bludgeoning}} damage and knocks all creatures [[prone]].  A reflex save versus DC {{Save-DC}} negates the prone effect and reduces the damage by half.
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 2  -->
| Ability-2-Name = Giant Swing
| Ability-2-Type = Ex
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-2-Action-Required = Automatic
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-2-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-2-Description = Every time the giant uses its Giant Club attack, it may choose two adjacent squares in its reach.  If there are enemies in both of those squares, they are all attacked every time it uses its Giant Club attack. (Roll to-hit once, compare this number against all foes to determine if they are hit or missed.  Roll damage once, apply it to all creatures struck. Giant swing counts as AOE damage for swarms and other effects.)
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 3  -->
| Ability-3-Name =
| Ability-3-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-3-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-3-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-3-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 4  -->
| Ability-4-Name =
| Ability-4-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-4-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-4-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-4-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 5  -->
| Ability-5-Name =
| Ability-5-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-5-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-5-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-5-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 6  -->
| Ability-6-Name =
| Ability-6-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-6-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-6-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-6-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 7  -->
| Ability-7-Name =
| Ability-7-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-7-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-7-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-7-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 8  -->
| Ability-8-Name =
| Ability-8-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-8-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-8-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-8-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
<!--  SPECIAL ABILITY 9  -->
| Ability-9-Name =
| Ability-9-Type =
  <!--Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"-->
| Ability-9-Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Ability-9-Concentration =
  <!--Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded-->
| Ability-9-Description =
  <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom resurrection power for Heavies, Tanks,
        Threats, and Villains, replacing the rez power that they get by default.
        This ability will only appear if this monster is designated as a Heavy, Tank
        Threat, or Villain role.  All other times, it will be invisible.                    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Rez-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this
        monster is given the "Killer" role.  Any other time, this ability will be invisible.
        It does not replace any of the default powers that killers normally get.            -->
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Add-Killer-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Leader" role. It replaces the default "Shouted Command" power, which
        lets Leaders give an ally a Standard Action once per round as a Free Action.
        Leave this blank if you want the "Shouted Command" power to appear when this monster
        is designated as a "Leader" role.                                                  -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Leader-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Legend" role. It replaces the default "Lash Out" power, which
        grants Legends a bonus attack action each round, but only against a fresh target.
        Leave this blank if you want the "Lash Out" power to appear when this monster
        is designated as a "Legend" role.                                                  -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Legend-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Minion" role. It replaces the default "Packed Like Sardines" power,
        which allows minions to squeeze into the same space with another minion without
        penalty. Leave this blank if you want the "Packed Like Sardines" power to appear
        when this monster is designated as a "Minion" role.                                -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Minion-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Shooter" role. It replaces the default "Deadshot" power, which allows
        shooters to use any of their other special abilities at range, even if they are
        normally melee only.  Leave this blank if you want the "Deadshot" power to appear
        when this monster is designated as a "Shooter" role.                                -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Name =
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->
| Role-Only--Replace-Shooter-Power--Description =
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this
        monster is given the "Skirmisher" role.  Any other time, this ability will be
        invisible. It does not replace any of the default powers that skirmishers
        normally get.                                                                      -->
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Name =

| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

=== GENERAL ===
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Action-Required =  
'''CR''' 11  '''Hit Dice''' 16
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->

'''XP''' 12,800
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

NE, Large, Giant
| Role-Only--Add-Skirmisher-Power--Description =

'''Init''' +5; '''Senses''' scent, low light, Perception +17
    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:

  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

=== DEFENSE ===
'''AC''' 32, '''touch''' 19, '''flat-footed''' 26 (+8 armor, +5 dex, +5 natural, +4 deflection)

'''hp''' 240
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

'''Fort''' +14, '''Ref''' +11, '''Will''' +11
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Sneak" role. It replaces the default "Flash Bomb!" power, which allows
        sneaks to initiate a stealth stance even while observed (hide in plain sight).
        Leave this blank if you want the "Flash Bomb!" power to appear when this monster
        is designated as a "Sneak" role.                                                    -->

'''Aura:''' -
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Name =

'''SR:''' -  
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

'''Special Defenses:''' -
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action, Free Action, Immediate Action
                Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.        -->

'''Immunities:''' -
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

'''Weaknesses:''' -
| Role-Only--Replace-Sneak-Power--Description =

    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
        or save DC numbers with variables:

=== OFFENSE ===
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
'''Speed''' 30 ft.
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

'''Space / Reach:'''  10 ft. / 10 ft.

'''Single Melee''' Giant Club +16 (2d8+7/19-20x2), plus Giant Swing
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

'''Full Melee''' 3x Giant Club +16 (2d8+7/19-20x2), plus Giant Swing
        This section lets you write a custom power that will only display if this monster
        is given the "Swarm" role. It replaces the default "Personal Space Issues" power
        (or the "Darken The Sky" power, if it is a Troop), which allows swarms to inflict
        the Distracted condition when they damage a foe (or it grants an area of affect
        ranged attack if it is a troop). Leave this blank if you want the "Personal Space
        Issues" or "Darken the Sky" power to appear when this monster is designated as a
        "Swarm" role.                                                                      -->

'''Ranged''' Giant Boulder +16 (2d8+11/x2) 
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Name =

'''Full Ranged''' 2x Giant Boulder +16 (2d8+11/x2)
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Type =
    <!-- Values: Sp, Su, Ex; can also include things like "disease", "poison" or "stance"    -->

'''Special Attacks''' Earthen Smash, Giant Swing
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Action-Required =
  <!-- Values: Full Round Action, Full Attack Action, Standard Action, Move Action, Swift Action,
        Free Action, Immediate Action, Free Action 1/Rnd, Free Action 1/Enc, Always On, Auto At
        Start of Encounter, Auto Upon Death, etc.                                          -->

'''Action Points''' 0
| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Concentration =
    <!-- Values: "S" for strong caster, "W" for weak caster, leave blank if unneeded; will
        auto-detect Combat Casting and include it                                          -->

| Role-Only--Replace-Swarm-Power--Description =

    <!-- Insert colons ":" before each paragraph after first; replace any to-hit, damage
'''Str''' 75, '''Dex''' 14, '''Con''' 16, '''Int''' 4, '''Wis''' 8, '''Cha''' 8
        or save DC numbers with variables:

'''Base Atk''' +11; '''CMB''' +17; '''CMD''' 27
  {{To-Hit}}                {{Skill-DC|Easy}}          {{Special-Standard-Dmg}}
  {{Touch-Attack}}          {{Skill-DC|Average}}        {{Special-Swift-Dmg}}
  {{Save-DC}}              {{Skill-DC|Challenging}}    {{Special-Alpha-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Points}}            {{Skill-DC|Hard}}          {{Ability-Dmg}}
  {{Bloodied-Hit-Points}}  {{Skill-DC|Impossible}}    {{Siege-Dmg}}
  {{Hit-Dice}}                                          {{Primary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Offense}}                                  {{Secondary-Dmg}}
  {{Maneuver-Defense}}                                  {{Tertiary-Dmg}}
  {{CR}}                                                {{Quaternary-Dmg}}

'''Feats''' -

'''Skills''' -
| Name =
| Intensity =
| Save-Type =
| Save-Mod =
| Frequency =
| Effect =
| Fruition =
| F-Duration =

'''Languages''' Giantish(pidgin)

| CombatTactics = Hill Giants are too dumb for tactics, but that doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.  Their sheer size and power makes them deadly foes in battle.  As soon as they can get any enemies in their Earthen Smash, they'll start using it, whether or not their allies are also in the area of effect.  As enemies close in to melee range, they will take opportunity attacks due to their reach, and if they have more than one foe in their reach they will switch to using their Giant Club attack.  They will back up five feet each round with a five foot step, to get more room to swing and in the vague hope they can use Earthen Smash some more.  They like Earthen Smash.  If foes continue to press, they will again opportunity attack and use the Giant Club as much as possible.  They will never think of retreat.

<special abilities should have a save DC 20>

<special attack damage (standard action): 6d6>

<special attack damage (aoe’s, swift actions or inflicting status effects): 3d6>
<!--  OUT OF COMBAT    -->

| OutOfCombat = It should be noted that Hill Giants are ridiculously strong. Per the [[Ability_Scores#Carrying_Capacity_and_Encumbrance|Carrying Capacity]] rules, Hill Giants can lift and carry 272 tons as a light load!  This is completely intentional: Hill Giants are so strong that it is encouraged that out of combat they be treated as able to lift and carry pretty much anything at all.  Of course, given how stupid and lazy they are, its rare for them to do so unless motivated.  Note, however, that this amazing strength does not, will not, and should not EVER alter their combat statistics!  Out of combat a Hill Giant can pluck up huge trees as easily as a daisy, but their combat stats are just boring old numbers, as laid out above.

; Earthen Smash
As a standard action, a Hill giant may swing its huge club overhead and SMASH! THE GROUND!  Hill Giants actually like this a lot, because the ground is easy and satisfying to hit really hard.  Earthen Smash is a 30 foot cone area of effect that does 6d6 points of physical bludgeoning damage and knocks all creatures [[prone]].  A reflex save versus DC20 negates the prone effect and reduces the damage by half.

; Giant Swing
<!--  TREASURE AND XP  -->
Every time the giant uses its Giant Club attack, it may choose two adjacent squares in its reach.  If there are enemies in both of those squares, they are all attacked every time it uses its Giant Club attack. (Roll to-hit once, compare this number against all foes to determine if they are hit or missed.  Roll damage once, apply it to all creatures struck. Giant swing counts as AOE damage for swarms and other effects.)

| TreasureNotes =

=== TREASURE ===
| XPNotes =  
sell value of approximately 6,500 gp

Hill Giants are too dumb for tactics, but that doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.  Their sheer size and power makes them deadly foes in battle.  As soon as they can get any enemies in their Earthen Smash, they'll start using it, whether or not their allies are also in the area of effect.  As enemies close in to melee range, they will take opportunity attacks due to their reach, and if they have more than one foe in their reach they will switch to using their Giant Club attack.  They will back up five feet each round with a five foot step, to get more room to swing and in the vague hope they can use Earthen Smash some more.  They like Earthen Smash.  If foes continue to press, they will again opportunity attack and use the Giant Club as much as possible.  They will never think of retreat.

Latest revision as of 21:32, 4 February 2023

Hill Giant (CR 9)

Pure Evil - Large - Humanoid (Giant)
Lore: Know (Local)
16 31
Basic DC Full DC
Initiative Icon 2.png
24 +14
Passive Active
on a d20


Movement Types:


Shield Icon 3.png
Man Def
Shield Icon 3.png
Monster Health
178 89 14
Hit Points Bloodied Hit Dice
Saving Throws
Fort: +11
Refl: +6
Will: +6

Strong Against:

Weak Against:


Size: Large
10 ft. 10 ft.
Space Reach
Sword Icon 3.png
Man Off
Sword Icon 3.png

Standard Attack (Melee):

  • 1x Giant Club +15 (2d8+8/19-20 x2)
    as bludgeoning (physical, common)
    plus: Giant Swing

Full Attack (Melee):

  • 3x Giant Club +15 (2d8+8/19-20 x2)
    as bludgeoning (physical, common)
    plus: Giant Swing

Standard Attack (Ranged):

  • 1x Giant Boulder +15 (2d8+8/19-20 x2)
    as bludgeoning (physical, common)
    (Increment: 50 ft.; Max Range: 250 ft.)

Full Attack (Ranged):

  • 3x Giant Boulder +15 (2d8+8/19-20 x2)
    as bludgeoning (physical, common)
    (Increment: 50 ft.; Max Range: 250 ft.)

Siege Damage: Not siege capable




Languages: Giant (pidgin)


Special Abilities

Earthen Smash (Ex) Standard Action

As a standard action, a Hill giant may swing its huge club overhead and SMASH! THE GROUND! Hill Giants actually like this a lot, because the ground is easy and satisfying to hit really hard. Earthen Smash is a 30-foot cone area of effect (flying debris and concussive shock waves means it affects even creatures in the air or underground) that does 2d8+8 points of bludgeoning (physical, common) damage and knocks all creatures prone. A reflex save versus DC 19 negates the prone effect and reduces the damage by half.

Giant Swing (Ex) Automatic

Every time the giant uses its Giant Club attack, it may choose two adjacent squares in its reach. If there are enemies in both of those squares, they are all attacked every time it uses its Giant Club attack. (Roll to-hit once, compare this number against all foes to determine if they are hit or missed. Roll damage once, apply it to all creatures struck. Giant swing counts as AOE damage for swarms and other effects.)

Hill Giant

Hill Giant

Hill Giants are massive creatures, covered in huge masses of thick muscle and fat. While they are technically size Large, they are definitely at the very upper end of that size category due to their simple bulk. Hill giants exude a sense of huge power mixed with dull frustrated rage at a world they simply don't understand. Indeed, Hill Giants are the second strongest breed of Giants, their physical power exceeding the strength of far more dangerous clans of giants, such as Cloud giants, who are frail weaklings compared to Hill giants.

Luckily for every other creature in the world, their incredible strength is also their downfall, as Hill Giants, charitably, are musclebound idiots. They are physically clumsy, slow of action, and awkward when they manage to do something, as likely to break a weapon as use it to smash a foe. Even worse, they are crude and stupid creatures. Ogres are mental giants compared to a Hill Giant. Hill Giants struggle to sustain even the most rudimentary of social structures, like family, or language. The actions of most other races are incomprehensible to a Hill giant, who is too limited to even grasp what a farm is, never mind understand why agriculture is a good idea.

As a result of their incredible physical strength and incredible mental deficiencies, Hill giants on their own live lives of desperate poverty, lacking fire, shelter, and far too often, even clothing. Despite this, Hill giants thrive on their own, their size and strength serving quite well in Nature to sustain their lives. Groups of Hill giants are uncomfortably common in untamed lands, and they are disgustingly fertile, to boot.

Many Hill giants find themselves working as serfs for other races. Ogres and especially Trolls find Hill giants to be excellent companionship, and those creatures serve to improve the life of Hill giants tremendously. Other Giant races also employ Hill giants as serfs, especially Frost and Fire giants, as well as Death giants and the terrible Fomaori. Hill giants are sadly susceptible to the mental enslavement used by Hobgoblins, and make valuable chattel for their strength and ability to fight. No one tries to enslave a Hill giant with simple physical force, by the way. No chain will hold them and no punishment will deter them, so there is little point. Give them a warm place to sleep, food to eat, things to torment, and rugged, simple work to do, and Hill giants will be loyal forever.

Hill giants usually live in small tribal groups, and make crude mud huts out of sticks and wattle. They will roam out daily, in a more-or-less random direction, and forage for food and victims. If Hill giants are serving as serfs for other classes of creatures, they will arise, take their food, and then happily perform whatever jobs they are given, as long as those jobs are within their intellectual grasp. As long as they are given lots of things to do, Hill giants are surprisingly tractable. If some of those duties involve killing and hurting things, all the better!

Combat Tactics

Hill Giants are too dumb for tactics, but that doesn't mean they aren't dangerous. Their sheer size and power makes them deadly foes in battle. As soon as they can get any enemies in their Earthen Smash, they'll start using it, whether or not their allies are also in the area of effect. As enemies close in to melee range, they will take opportunity attacks due to their reach, and if they have more than one foe in their reach they will switch to using their Giant Club attack. They will back up five feet each round with a five foot step, to get more room to swing and in the vague hope they can use Earthen Smash some more. They like Earthen Smash. If foes continue to press, they will again opportunity attack and use the Giant Club as much as possible. They will never think of retreat.

Out of Combat

It should be noted that Hill Giants are ridiculously strong. Per the Carrying Capacity rules, Hill Giants can lift and carry 272 tons as a light load! This is completely intentional: Hill Giants are so strong that it is encouraged that out of combat they be treated as able to lift and carry pretty much anything at all. Of course, given how stupid and lazy they are, its rare for them to do so unless motivated. Note, however, that this amazing strength does not, will not, and should not EVER alter their combat statistics! Out of combat a Hill Giant can pluck up huge trees as easily as a daisy, but their combat stats are just boring old numbers, as laid out above.


XP: 6,400

Treasure: Sellable Goods worth 5,125 gp.

Weight: 90 lbs.     Volume: 3.6 cu. ft.

Optional Treasure Rules: Roll a d20 on Table 1 below once per encounter (NOT per creature). Any items discovered are in addition to the normal treasure for the encounter.

Table 1: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 10 Nothing Found
11 - 14 1 Languid Remnant (tier 1)
15 - 17 1 Pale Remnant (tier 2)
18 - 19 1 Bright Remnant (tier 3)
20 Roll on Table 2
### Nothing to see here!
### Or here. Move along.
Table 2: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 5 3 Languid Remnants (tier 1)
6 - 10 3 Pale Remnants (tier 2)
11 - 14 1 Intense Remnant (tier 4)
15 - 17 1 Blazing Remnant (tier 5)
18 - 19 1 Vital Remnant (tier 6)
20 Roll on Table 3
### Or here. Move along.
Table 3: Remnant(s) Found
1 - 5 3 Bright Remnants (tier 3)
6 - 8 3 Intense Remnants (tier 4)
9 - 11 3 Blazing Remnants (tier 5)
12 - 14 3 Vital Remnants (tier 6)
15 - 17 1 Prime Remnant (tier 7)
18 - 19 1 Mythic Remnant (tier 8)
20 1 Empyrean Remnant (tier 9)