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Return to Life in Celegia

Return to Celegian Prestige Classes

Revelers of Corellan

The Church of Corellan is extremely widespread and His worship is devoutly espoused by millions of followers, but there are few physical traces of it. Corellan is not out to impress anyone, He simply desires to spread happiness and good cheer all over the world, enlivening the lives of everyone. Temples of Corellan are fairly common, but they are usually modest structures, often in rented space. It doesn't really matter, since the Revelers are rarely there except to recuperate from their latest capers.

Additionally, every tavern, inn, gathering hall, dance house, whore house, guild hall, lodge, and longhouse in the Empire is counted as a shrine of Corellan, and there is usually at least a lay member in attendance at all of those places. Corellan's Church does maintain several large and impressive permanent Temples, known as Great Halls, but these are only in larger cities. A large portion of the Revelers of Corellan will be actively traveling at any given time, as they are avid attendees of the myriad fests and holidays celebrated by the various provinces and cities, and every major Imperial holiday is also a High Holy Day for the Revelers.

Most public Revelers are members of the Joybringers Sect, which folllow the teachings of Corellan the Merry. These cheerful individuals wander the world, singing, playing, dancing, and generally livening the mood. They are by far the best known sect of the Church and tend to do the majority of the preaching. As a note, Corellan has no trouble finding priests, and has surprisingly stringent entry requirements to screen out the merely intoxicated.

Another major sect is the Revelers. To an outsider, the Revelers are nearly indistiquishable from the Joybringers, but the difference is profound. The Joybringers exist to create happiness all around them, while the Revelers exist to destroy sorrow. The Revelers are the sect that travels the world, singing and dancing, but who constantly search out the causes of sorrow and fix them. The Revelers are the ones who actively destroy baneful spirits, dissolve bad marriages, oppose tyrranical rulers, and counsel those who have sadness engrained in their souls. Both sects attack the same problem, but from different directions.

A sect whose membership has been in slow decline for many centuries is that of the Cunning. Before the advent of Lyreth, Corellan's Cunning aspect was the only true deity dedicated to the "sly arts." Revelers of the Cunning Sect are genteel rogues who are constantly on the prowl for the opportunity to stir the pot a bit. Cunning Revelers are the worst enemy of beaurocrats and tyrants everywhere, never seeking to steal anything from those who can't stand the loss. They are always seeking to discomfort those who oppress others from behind the screen of laws and rules, and live to rescue damsels in distress, right wrongs, and stop oppression.

The Courageous Warriors Sect is an enigma, since these Revelers are that most odd of odd birds: Revelers who are quiet types. The Courageous Warriors enjoy seeing the spread of cheer as much as any others, and they often travel with Revelers or Joybringers, but the Courageous Sect exists to battle evil in a more direct and mundane fashion than through simple good cheer. If evil deeds are committed, then the Courageous will be there to redress them, no matter the price or consequences. The Courageous Warriors are only interested in justice, not in laws, and more than a few of them are desperately wanted by the Empire, Watch, and Templars alike. The Warriors are not crazed killers, though, and the punishments Corellan Himself places upon them if they stray equal the worst the Empire can manage.

Many Celegians never worship formally at a Temple of Corellan, but nearly every Celegian worships Corellan. Their ubiquitous presence at festivals and taverns mean they speak to hordes of people, and are almost universally well liked. If there has been an injustice done or a law has been perverted, the Revelers are the ones who will appear to correct it. More Celegians will see Revelers than will see Templars in any given day. True followers of Corellan attend services on most fesdays, although they are more like parties than formal worship ceremonies.

The leader of the church is The Exultant Reveler, Mistress Alexandra Glorane.

Duties: Revelers tend not to accumulate wealth or possessions, or such encumbrances as lasting relations or families. Revelers are expected to halt cruelty when they see it and not to back down from a confrontation.

Corellan's Colors: The raiment of revelers is most commonly Turquoise, Yellow, Black, and Gold, often in festive domino patterns.

Hit Die: d8


Alignment: Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral Skills: 1 rank of Knowledge:Corellan Spells: Able to cast 1st level Cleric spells. Special: Must have Corellan as patron deity.

Class Skills The Revelars' class skills (and key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information(Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate(Cha), Knowledge (arcana/history/religion/the celestial cascade) (Int), Profession (Wis), Perform (Cha) and Spellcraft (Int)

Skill Points: 4 per level + Int modifier

Advancement Table Level BAB Fort Refl Will Special Spells per Day 1 +1 +0 +2 +2 Divine Cheer +1 level of existing Cleric class 2 +2 +0 +3 +3 Turn Undead +1 level of existing Cleric class 3 +3 +1 +3 +3 Create Revelry, 1/day +1 level of existing Cleric class 4 +4 +1 +4 +4 +1 level of existing Cleric class 5 +5 +1 +4 +4 Untiring, Bonus Domain +1 level of existing Cleric class 6 +6 +2 +5 +5 Create Revelry, 2/day +1 level of existing Cleric class 7 +7 +2 +5 +5 Forceful +1 level of existing Cleric class 8 +8 +2 +6 +6 Fearless +1 level of existing Cleric class 9 +9 +3 +6 +6 Create Revelry, 3/day +1 level of existing Cleric class 10 +10 +3 +7 +7 Bonus Domain +1 level of existing Cleric class

Class Features Weapons and Armor: Non-Magical Leather is allowed, as well as any magical armor of the Light or Medium categories. (Note that Mithril armor DOES count for this class limitation.) A shield may be used only if it is magical. Revelers may use any sort of bow, including the Greatbow and Stonebow, but not crossbows or Onagers. They may also use slings, maces, mauls, flails, longswords, short swords, or any spear.

Divine Domains: Celerity, Charm, Competition, Courage, Creation, Good, Liberation, Luck, Travel

Spells per Day/Spells Known: When a new Reveler level is gained, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in Cleric. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of Reveler to the level of Cleric the character has, then determines spells per day and spells known accordingly.

Divine Cheer(Su): Revellers always gain the positive effects of intoxication, but none of the negatives.

Turn Undead: Starting at second level, a Revelar adds half his class levels (rounded down) to his cleric levels for all purposes related to turning undead.

Create Revelry(Ex): This potent power causes everyone addressed by the Reveler in the appropriate manner to make a Will Save vs a DC as if the Reveller was casting a spell of the highest level he can cast. Failure means the person drops all plans and joins the Reveler in an impromptu party, as if he were a trusted friend, for a period of time of at least one round per class level of the Reveller. The Reveller or any alies he has may not attack or otherwise harm in any way the creatures affected or the effect ends immediately. Successfully saving means that no individual who hears the Reveller speak will attack the Reveller that round, but may take any other appropriate action. This power only works once per day per person, so it is best used on three separate groups. This power has stopped countless riots, brawls, and bar fights, and has defused many tense occasions. The reveler must gain the attention of everyone in the area and invite them to join him in celebration.

Untiring(Su): Another power of Corellan functions continuously: A Reveler never grows weary. A Reveler can go without sleep or rest indefinitely with no ill effects. They get drunk but do not get hangovers. They never suffer effects of fatigue or exhaustion from any source. They may sleep normally if they don't need to stay awake. Weight encumbers them normally. A Reveler can force march all day, stand guard, party all night, and do this for weeks without end with no ill effects. In order to recover spells, however, they must sleep.

Convivial Force: Revellers may add their class level in Reveller to all checks they make for Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Gather Information checks.

Fearless: Revelers are completely immune to Fear and all related effects, whether spell, innate ability, aura, etc. They do not need to save, the fear effect has no impact upon them.

Bonus Domain: The Reveller may choose another Domain from Corellans Divine Domains. He immediate gets the appropriate Domain Power and may cast those domain spells.