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Return to Life in Celegia

Custom DnD Magic Items

Circlet of Diplomacy [-]

This silver headband grants a +25 competence bonus on the wearer’s Diplomacy checks.

Strong transmutation; CL 22nd; Forge Ring, creator must have 25 ranks in the Diplomacy skill; Price 62,500 gp.

Belt of Giant Strength [-]

This wide belt is made of thick leather and studded with iron. The belt adds to the wearer’s Strength score in the form of an enhancement bonus of +4, +6, or +8.

Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength; Price 16,000 gp (+4), 36,000 gp (+6), 64,000 gp (+8);Weight 1 lb.

Ring of Sustenance and Communication [-]

Each of these silver rings is inscribed with the Draconic word for friendship. While a ring of communication is worn, the wearer can clearly hear anything said (even if whispered quietly) by anyone else within 1 mile who is wearing another ring of communication to whom the wearer is attuned. To become attuned, two or more ring of communication wearers need to touch their rings together and speak the command word. Any number of ring wearers can become attuned to one another, so long as they are all attuned together at the same time. The wearer remains attuned until he removes the ring (or until all other wearers to which he is attuned remove theirs) or attunes himself to a different ring wearer.

It continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment. The ring also refreshes the body and mind, so that its wearer needs only sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. The ring must be worn for a full week before it begins to work. If it is removed, the owner must wear it for another week to reattune it to himself.

Faint conjuration and faint divination; CL 5th; Forge Ring, create food and water, detect thoughts; Price 5,500 gp.

Cloak of Resistance (+1 - +9) and Charisma (+2, +4, +6, +8) [-]

This lightweight and fashionable cloak has a highly decorative silver trim. When in a character’s possession, it adds a +2, +4, +6, or +8 enhancement bonus to her Charisma score.

These garments also offer magic protection in the form of a +1 to +9 resistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, and Will).

Faint abjuration and Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, resistance, creator’s caster level must be at least three times the cloak’s resistance bonus, eagle’s splendor; Price 7,000 gp (+1 Resistance and +2 Charisma), 10,000 gp (+2 Resistance and +2 Charisma), 33,000 gp (+3 Resistance and +4 Charisma), 40,000 gp (+4 Resistance and +4 Charisma), 79,000 gp (+5 Resistance and +6 Charisma), 90,000 gp (+6 Resistance and +6 Charisma), 145,000 gp (+7 Resistance and +8 Charisma), 160,000 gp (+8 Resistance and +8 Charisma), 177,000 gp (+9 Resistance and +8 Charsma); Weight 1 lb.

Shirt of the Veil Beast (Constitution +2, +4, +6, +8) [-]

This shirt is woven of long grey hairs. It is very soft to the touch, but quite strong. The shirt grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to Constitution of +2, +4, +6, or +8.

Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, bear’s endurance; Price 4,000 gp (+2), 16,000 gp (+4), 36,000 gp (+6), 64,000 gp (+8).

Sniper’s Cap [-]

Designed by a modern military scout, this light headgear was intended to aid snipers. It provides the wearer with a +9 insight bonus to Will as well as continually making him immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern his alignment, the better to prevent detection by magical means. Additionally, the cap empower the wearer to use any bow (not including crossbows) as if he were proficient in its use. If he already has proficiency with any type of bow, he gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls whenever using that type of bow. While wearing this cap, and the wearer is wielding a projectile weapon that fires arrows, he threatens all squares within normal melee reach (5’) with his bow, allowing the wielder to make attacks of opportunity with arrows shot from the bow. In addition, he do not provoke attacks of opportunity when he uses the bow while he is in another creature’s threatened square. The wearer’s range increment for ranged weapons increases by 50%, and he gains a +5 competence bonus on Spot checks. Lastly, he gains the ability to perceive weak points in his opponent’s armor. The wearer’s first melee or ranged attack each round is resolved as a touch attack, disregarding the subject’s armor, shield, and natural armor bonuses (including any enhancement bonuses) to Armor Class. Other AC bonuses, such as dodge bonuses, deflection bonuses, and luck bonuses, still apply.

Strong transmutation; CL 27th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, nondetection, arrorwmind, find the gap, hawkeye; Price 130,800 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Mask of the Shadow Hound [-]

This light cloth mask that covers the upper half of the face, including the nose. It is enhanced such that if you fail a Survival check to track a creature, you can immediately attempt another roll against the same DC to reestablish the trail. If the re-roll fails, you must search for the trail for 30 minutes (outdoors) or 5 minutes (indoors) before trying again. The mask also confers the Scent ability; This special quality allows a creature to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with the Scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights (MM 314). The lenses of the mask provide ability to see normally in natural and magical darkness, although it does not otherwise improve the subject’s ability to see in natural dark or shadowy conditions. The subject ignores the miss chance due to lack of illumination other than total darkness. The lenses appear jet-black. Lastly, the mask provides a +10 competence bonus to Survival skill.

'Faint transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, Bloodhound, Ebon Eyes, Scent, the creator must have 10 ranks in Survival; Price 40,500 gp.'

Necklace of Greater Protections [-]

This necklace combines the abilities of: Protection +5, Natural Armor +5, Resistance +9. In addition to these protections, the magic of the necklace wraps the wearer in a shell of fresh air, making him immune to all harmful vapors and gases (such as cloudkill and stinking cloud effects, as well as inhaled poisons) and allowing him to breathe, even underwater or in a vacuum. The wearer suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. He can exist comfortably in conditions between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves). The wearer’s equipment is likewise protected. The necklace doesn’t provide any protection (beyond the +9 Resistance) from fire or cold damage. This necklace continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment. The necklace also refreshes the body and mind, so that its wearer needs only sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. The necklace must be worn for a full week before this effect begins to work. If it is removed, the owner must wear it for another week to re-attune it to himself. Lastly, On command, the necklace creates an invisible, tower shield-sized mobile disk of force that hovers in front of you. It negates magic missile attacks directed at you. The disk also provides a +4 shield bonus to AC. This bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks, since it is a force effect. The shield has no armor check penalty or arcane spell failure chance. Unlike with a normal tower shield, you can’t use this shield spell for cover.

'Strong abjuration; CL 27th; Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, resistance, alter self, endure elements, shield, create food and water, shield of faith; Price 151,750 gp'

Cloak of Elemental Transformation [-]

Drawing upon the power of the elemental planes, the cloak allows the wearer to transform his body in a flash of light (as per the spell Elemental Body, SC 78). The wearer can transform his body into a particular type of elemental substance. The wearer and his possessions appear to be made of that element, though in the same general shape and size as his normal appearance. 1/day/element for 13 hours.

You gain the following abilities when you cast elemental body: You have the benefits of the attune form spell (SC 17) with respect to the appropriate element. If you choose a water body, for example, you can breathe normally on water-dominant planes.

You are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning, and are not subject to extra damage from critical hits or flanking. You gain darkvision out to 60 feet.

Your creature type remains unchanged, so you are unaffected by spells that target elementals, but you gain the air, earth, fire, or water subtype depending on the elemental substance you chose.

In addition, you gain the following exceptional abilities according to the element chosen: 'Air:' Fly at your normal speed (perfect maneuverability), air mastery (airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on attack rolls and damage rolls against you). 'Water:' Swim at your normal speed, water mastery (you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls if both you and your opponent touch water), drench (you can use your elemental form to put out non-magical open flames and dispel magical fire you touch as if casting dispel magic at your caster level). 'Earth:' Earth mastery (you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls if both you and your foe touch the ground), push (you can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking attacks of opportunity), +3 natural armor bonus to AC. 'Fire:' Fire immunity, burn (those you hit in melee and those who attack you with natural weapons must make a Reflex save or catch fire, with a save DC equal to that of a fire elemental of the same size).

'Moderate Transmutation; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, elemental body; Price 100,100 gp'

Armor of the Stalker [-]

This armor is an enhanced combination of a Mithril Chainmail Shirt and a Cuprium Soaked Thick Tunic, both interwoven with Blood Gold and Ambergold. It has been enhanced to have AC 26, Max Dex 7, Armor Penalty Check Penalty 0, Arcane Spell Failure 35%, DR 7/slash, ER 25/-. The armor has also been enhanced with Malleable, Soulfire, Glamered, Improved Shadow and Improved Silent Moves.

'Strong Abjuration; CL 30th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Tunnel Runner, Silence, Invisibility, Disguise Self, Death Ward; Price 590,300 gp. '

Ring of Wondrous Aptitude [-]

Since before the Nightmare Wars, the rogues across Celegia have known the value of their skills. In 57024 CR, the master rogue Nethalimus commisioned the first Ring of Wondrous Aptitude. These rings empower a collection of class skills, with a few limitations:

1) all skills must be defined at item creation. additional skills can not be added at a later date. 2) the skill enhancement type is classified as Competence. 3) a maximum of 9 class skills can be enhanced by the ring (normal cost rules for multiple similar abilities on a magic apply). 4) while the skills themselves must be set at creation, the enhancement value may be increased (up to +30) at later dates. 5) the enhancement value is set to the ring, and applies to all the skills of the ring evenly. you can not adjust skill levels individually. 6) the wearer can not gain more enhancement value than they have ranks with the skill. 7) limitations 3-6 gain the creator a 25% discount on cost.

'Faint Transmutation; CL 3rd; Forge Ring, creator must have a minimum skill rank equal to the enhancement bonus in each of the skills enhanced; Price dependant on number of skills and enhancements.'

This ring gives +24 enhancements (competence) to Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Listen, Open Lock, Search, Sense Motive, Spot. CL 21st. Price 226,800 gp

Tommy’s Boots of Safe Travel [-]

While it is often said that there are no new idea’s in the Celegian Empire, only old ones re-used, these boots are a true innovation. Designed by Tommy Nine-fingers, a stalwart of the 573rd, they are meant for the use by military scouts. These boots increases your base land speed by 30 feet. (This adjustment is treated as an enhancement bonus.) There is no effect on other modes of movement, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim. As with any effect that increases your speed, the boots affects your jumping distance (see the Jump skill). In addition, the wearer finds the undergrowth held aside while he passes. This effect essentially provides a trail through any kind of undergrowth, and he treats any trackless terrain has having a trail (PH 164). Once the wearer passes, the plants return to their normal shape. The DC to track the wearer is increased by 5 (the equivalent of hiding a trail). The boots have no effect on plant creatures (that is, they are not pushed aside by the effect). Also, the wearer can move through any type of terrain and leave no footprints. Add to this that these boots hide the scent of the wearer (the scent ability (MM 314) cannot detect the wearer) and tracking the subjects becomes impossible by non-magical means. Another benefit is the wearer can walk lightly over ice and snow without having his speed reduced. The wearer gains a 10-foot enhancement bonus to speed (supersedes the +30 on normal ground) and is not required to make a Balance check or Reflex save to walk on ice and snow without slipping and falling, to avoid cracking ice he walks over, or to avoid falling through cracked ice. To continue the benefits, the wearer’s steps are sure and true, even on the narrowest ledges. The wearer gains +10 competence bonus on Balance, Climb, Jump and Tumble checks. In addition, the wearer does not lose his Dexterity bonus to AC when balancing or climbing. Lastly, the boots confer Freedom of Movement, meaning the wearer moves and attacks normally, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. The wearer automatically succeeds on any grapple check made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin. The boots also allow the wearer to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled.

'Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, remove scent, surefooted stride, pass without trace, showshoes, easy trail, expeditious retreat; Price 51,750 gp; Weight 3 lbs.'

Sniper’s Friend [-]

This +5 Large Mighty (+8) Composite Greatbow of Distance (Range 260 feet) is the ideal for long-ranged damage. This bow’s attacks can be Sneak Attacks regardless of the distance between the wielder and the target. The wielder must still fulfill other conditions for making a sneak attack against the target. This does not grant the wielder the ability to make sneak attacks if he does not already have it. This bow ignores the Miss Chance due to Concealment, Blur, etc. The attack must be aimed at a hex containing a creature to work (i.e., it cannot find random Invisible foes in the battlefield). It suffers no penalties for fighting underwater. If the wielder is on land and attacks a foe who is underwater, the foe looses the Cover bonus to AC granted by the water. If both the wielder and the opponent are underwater, the weapon has a +2 bonus on attack & damage rolls. Due to the bow’s inherent Deadly Precision, if the wielder makes a successful Sneak Attack, the attack does +2d6 damage. Additionally, the wielder can deliver Sneak Attacks from this bow against constructs/undead/plant creatures as if they were not immune to the extra damage from Sneak Attacks. To attack a construct/undead/plant creature in this manner, you must still meet the other requirements for making a Sneak Attack. This only applies to Sneak Attack damage. It gives no ability to affect constructs/undead/plant creatures with critical hits, nor does it confer any special ability to overcome the damage reduction or other defenses of constructs.

'Moderate Transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, clairvoyance, true seeing, lesser planar binding, keen edge, golem strike, grave strike, plant strike, sniper's shot ; Price 234,300 gp; Weight 12 lbs.'

Ehlonna's Quiver of Plenty [-]

This appears to be a typical arrow container capable of holding about twenty arrows. It has three distinct portions, each with a nondimensional space allowing it to store far more than would normally be possible. The first and smallest one is able to create Masterwork Arrows at will (Broadhead, Blunthead, Softhead, Bumblebee, Chopper, Cruciate, or Longreach). The arrow can be all wood, or tipped with steel, alchemical silver, or cold iron. Additionaly, it is able to create 5 Adamantine-tipped Masterwork Arrows per day. The user cannot give the arrows to anyone else. Once the user fires the arrow and it strikes a target, it disappears. The second slightly longer compartment holds up to eighteen objects of the same general size and shape as a javelin. The third and longest portion of the case contains as many as six objects of the same general size and shape as a bow (spears, staffs, or the like). Once the owner has filled it, the quiver can produce any item she wishes, as if from a regular quiver or scabbard. The efficient quiver weighs the same no matter what’s placed inside it.

'Strong Conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wonderous Item, leomund's secret chest, major creation; Price 19,800 gp; Weight 2 lbs.'

Ologa’s Bulwark of the Legions [-]

This heavy shield made of dolemetal has been specially enchanted to independently protect the wielder, allowing her to use both arms freely (animated). Furthermore, the natural protective properties have been enhanced to provide a total of 10 AC, 10 DR/- and 10 ER/-. As these are shield bonuses to armor, they will stack with armor.

This shield is popular among the officer and stalwart ranks of the Legions. Despite its cost, many Ologa’s have found its considerable protection worthwhile. It has also become fashionable to inlay the Ologa’s Company standard in bloodgold onto the shield. Many Ologa’s spend months coming up with the most vibrant and ostentatious variant of their Company insignia, both to stand out on the field of battle, and to show up the other Company leaders who might see them. MW Dolemetal w/Bloodgold Heavy Shield, AC 10 (+6 enhance), DR 10/- (+7 enhance), ER 10/- (+8 enhance), animated

'(Strong Enchantment, CL 24, Craft Magical Arms and Armor, animate objects, mage armor, Price: 330,170gp, Weight: 23lbs)'

Coulat’s Bulwark of the Legions [-]

This heavy shield is quite similar to the one above, save that it is made of paramount alloy, is considerably more expensive, and provides much better protection. Only those officers of Coulat rank are likely to afford such a thing, and they wear it proudly as a sign of their prowess in raids or against enemy commanders.

While the shield is not sentient, it has been ensorcelled to detect hostile motions near it, and maneuver itself to better absorb the blow. It can also detect a type of energy attack and trigger a contingent enhancement to that energy type prior to it hitting (as the 5th level wizard spell, Contingent Energy Resistance). These enchantments provide an additional insight bonus to AC, DR and ER, which give the shield a total of 20 AC, 20 DR/- and 20 ER/-. Some Coulat’s have been known to enchant these bonuses even higher, but such modifications tend to be more personalized, and are frequently beyond the scope of what a stalwart can use. MW Paramount w/Bloodgold Heavy Shield, AC 20 (8 shield, 8 insight), DR 20/- (6 shield, 5 insight), ER 20/- (8 shield, 7 insight), animated

'(Strong Enchantment, CL 24, Craft Magic Arms and Weapons, animate objects, mage armor, contingent energy resistance, energy resistance, guidance, mage’s faithful hound, Price: 731,170gp, Weight: 30lbs).'

Satiate Chain (Necklace) [-]

This plain-looking silver chain, worn around the neck, provides the wearer several useful properties, which prevent her from requiring much further in the way of survival. The necklace provides +9 natural armor, sustenance (as the ring of sustenance), shielding (as the brooch of shielding), and adaptation (as the necklace of adaptation) and endure elements, as the 1st level wizard spell. While wearing this chain, the bearer only requires 2 hours of sleep per night, minimal food, and can comfortably exist in hostile (non-magical) environments.

Satiate Chain Natural Armor +9 Sustenance Shielding Adaptation Endure Elements

'(Strong Abjuration, CL 27, Craft Wondrous Items, mage armor, create food and water, shield, alter self, endure elements, Price: 190,125gp)'

Cloak of Obduracy [-]

This beautifully woven cloak shimmers with power. The wearer and those nearby can literally feel the energy rippling from its fabric. The cloak provides +9 resistance bonus to all saves, and grants immunity to all forms of energy except positive. Furthermore, it provides the wearer SR 30.

'(Strong Abjuration, CL 27, Craft Wondrous Item, spell resistance, death ward, energy immunity, Price: 429,500gp)'

Ring of Eventualities [-]

This plain cold iron band certainly doesn’t advertise its magnificent abilities, but many in the Legions know that its powers are life-savers. Even troopers have been known to save their money for this item. The ring offers two contingency spells, each triggerable once per day. The first triggers the 4th level Cleric spell Panacea (SC pg 152), in the event the wearer becomes immobilized during combat. The second is the level 7 cleric spell Fortunate Fate (SC pg 99), which triggers a 150-point heal immediately after the wearer takes damage that would normally kill her (bring her to -10 or fewer hit points). Finally, the wearer can trigger a Heal spell on herself once per day.

Ring of Eventualities Heal 1/day Contengency: Panacea 1/day Fortunate Fate 1/day

(Strong Conjuration, CL 27, Forge Ring, shield of faith, panacea, fortunate fate, heal, Price: 72,200gp)

Second Heart [-]

These items are exactly what they sound like. The hearts are usually "harvested" from powerful extraplanar entities in an involved ceremony which also serves to prepare the heart for it's new duties, but also have been known to be harvested from less grandiose creatures. The donation process has little bearing on the functions the heart performs in it's new host, except to make for some interesting role playing cues. (You're a paladin. Which would you rather have, a heart taken from a horrible, evil pit fiend, or a heart taken from a generous, kindly aasimon. Remember, this is going to be inside you. . . ).

There are two levels of Second Hearts, epic and non-epic. The major difference being whether the donor has inate regeneration, or it confers epic level benefits.

Having a non-epic second heart gives the recipient some extremely useful benefits. The first effect is a constitution increase (reinforcment) (size dependant on donor). The second effect is regeneration, at one hit point per turn, and with the usual limitations and advantages of the ring. The third is to need only minimal amounts of sleep and to feel minimal fatigue, being able to continue for days without resting (as the Endurance Feat). The fourth is to be inured to weather, normal cold and heat simply being ignored (as the Endure Elements Feat). Lastly, the second heart renders the recipient immune to disease. Examples of non-epic second hearts come from animals, magical beasts, and include Trolls and Ogre Mages (exceptions to the inate regeneration of the donor restriction).

Benefits of epic second hearts include; 1) constitution increase (reinforcment) (size dependant on donor). 2) Regeneration based on the donor. This follow the monster regeneration rules out of the SRD. 3) Bearer need only minimal amounts of sleep and to feel minimal fatigue, being able to continue for days without resting (as the Endurance Feat). 4) The bearer is inured to weather, normal cold and heat simply being ignored (as the Endure Elements Feat). 5) The second heart renders the recipient immune to disease. 6) Epic second hearts confer some of the racial benefits of the original owners upon the recipient, such as SR, DR, Fast Heal, Immunities, Resists, or Auras.

Epic second hearts still bear traces of their original owners. This is both good and bad. The details are left to the referee, as the exact effects vary widely. As a side effect, the recipient of the second heart gains the undivided attention of the donor of the heart. Most entities from which these organs are harvested can function quite well without them, and have a strong interest in what happens to their hearts. This can be benign or malign, and is also left to the referee.

A side effect of any second heart is the fact that the recipient of an epic second heart is forced to "eat for two" as long as the second heart remains. A second heart is usually permanent for as long as the recipient is alive, and given the powers of the heart they can be hard to kill. If removal is desired it is relatively simple to do, requiring the second heart be chopped out of the living body of the recipient. This always inflicts enough damage to drop the recipient to negative ten hit points, and unless dramatic healing is available right away will kill them immediately. Another side affect of second hearts is that they can be the focus for both magical effect (like items) and Armor effects, paying the normal penalities for non-location.

Having a second heart is an eerie sensation that should provide many cool role playing opportunities. The effect of the heart makes the recipient seem, . . . strange. They may burn with a slight fever, have an audible heartbeat in quiet rooms, have throbbing veins constantly bulge in their necks or foreheads, look flushed or pale, constantly sweat, smell strange, breathe heavily all the time, exude an uncomfortable aura, or other effects. Their activities will be suffused with supernatural vigor and they will be consumed with energy if they are not active. The character will always be able to feel the second heart beating away in their chest and blood may constantly thunder in their ears. In addition, with epic hearts the heart's original owner may try to influence their actions in mysterious ways, etc. Referees should feel free to be creative in providing roleplaying hints.

Acquiring a second heart is a simple process. A life rune must be carved into the flesh of the recipient and the heart pressed into the center of it. Speaking the Name of the donor activates the heart, which sinks into the recipient, leaving the skin unmarked.

Even in Celegia this is a very rare procedure, as obtaining the heart in the first place is a true chore.

Standard Non-Epic (+3 Con, endurance, endure elements, immunity to disease, regeneration 1 - as ring) 'Strong Conjuration: CL18th; Create Wondrous Item, regeneration, endure elements, remove disease, one donor heart; Price 271,000 gp'

Second Heart (Troll: +6 Con, endurance, endure elements, immunity to disease, regen 5 - monster) 'Strong Conjuration: CL18th; Create Wondrous Item, endure elements, remove disease, one donor heart; Price 1,099,000 gp'

Second Heart (Ogre Mage: +3 Con, endurance, endure elements, immunity to disease, regen 5 - as monster, SR 19) 'Strong Conjuration: CL18th; Create Wondrous Item, endure elements, remove disease, one donor heart; Price 1,131,000'

The Ultimate Mage Armor [-]

This armor is an enhanced combination of a Mithril Lamellar Shirt and a Cuprium Soaked Silkenmail Suit, both inlayed/interwoven with Bloodgold and Ambergold. It has been enhanced to have AC 20, Max Dex 8, Armor Penalty Check Penalty 0, Arcane Spell Failure 0%, DR 6/pierce, ER 7/-. The armor has also been enhanced with Heavy Fortification (100%), Soulfire and Glamered. This suit of armor could be enhanced for more DR and ER, at the discretion of the wearer.

'Strong Abjuration; CL 30th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Limited Wish/Miracle, Disguise Self, Death Ward; Price 231,990 gp. Weight 13 lbs.'

Mauler's Holdout [-]

The cultural disdain for unarmed combat in the Celegian Empire has, by no means, caused such combats to cease. Brawls remain commonplace in the rowdier bars, in the ramshackle shanty towns around the capital city, and throughout the wilder areas of the Empire. Because of the prevalence of magic, however, few people bother to achieve any real competence at fisticuffs, however, and thus was born the Mauler's Holdout. This glove, available in any variety of forms, including the spiked gauntlet (for those less inclined to subtlety), confers to the wearer the ability to strike an opponent with a chance to stun him, up to once per round, on a successful hit. The magic of the glove prevents one's opponent from getting an attack of opportunity, even though the wearer has engaged him in unarmed combat. On a successful hit, in addition to doing normal (lethal) damage, the target must make a DC 25 Fortitude save or be stunned (A stunned character can’t act, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a –2 penalty to AC). It is rare for any craftsman to imbue these gauntlets with any sort of beauty, since the target demographic for these items isn’t typically the sort to notice such things. Glove, Gauntlet or Spiked Gauntlet, Masterwork, grants wearer the “Improved Unarmed Combat” feat and the "Stunning Fist" feat.

Moderate Enchantment, CL 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Master’s Touch, Shocking Grasp, Masterwork Gauntlet or Spiked Gauntlet, Price 35,305gp.

Ring of Exquisite Grace [-]

This highly polished ring appears as though it is made of living mercury, spinning endlessly about the finger of the wearer. Wearing this ring grants the owner superhuman fluidity of motion, though it does not alter the wearer’s speed in any way. The wearer is given freedom of movement, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. The wearer automatically succeeds on any grapple check made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin. The ring also allows the wearer to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. Additionally, the wearer is far more difficult to hit, as the ring grants a +5 bonus to deflection AC, a +5 bonus to dodge AC, and a +5 bonus to luck AC. This latter property is indeed unusual, as the ring can seemingly warp probability for brief instants to protect its wearer. The ring also grants a +10 competence bonus to Balance, Climb, Jump and Tumble skill checks, and the wearer does not lose her DEX bonus to AC when climbing or balancing. Finally, the ring provides the wearer with the ability to swap places with anyone within 200 feet of them, once per day, as a free action (as the Quickened Baleful Transposition spell). Ring grants: Freedom of Movement, +5 deflection AC, +5 dodge AC, +5 luck AC, Surefoot (SC, pg 216), Quickened Baleful Transposition (SC, pg 23) 1/day.

Strong Enchantment, CL 27, Forge Ring, freedom of movement, shield of faith, surefoot, limited wish, baleful transposition, Price: 173575.

The Commander’s Frightful Visage [-]

This mask portrays the face of a beautiful man wearing a look of absolute peace and resolve. The material for the mask appears to be flesh of some sort, and, when worn, it is difficult to even tell the wearer has any mask at all, except for the complete lack of emotion displayed. The imperious urgency instilled in those looking on the mask makes this item difficult to even wear – the owner must make a DC 25 Will save first. Once worn, the mask makes the wearer completely immune to fear, grants darkvision and low-light vision out to 60’, grants scent to 30’, and grants true seeing. Furthermore, the wearer is able to easily discern weaknesses in an enemy’s armor, making his first attack of each round a touch attack. Finally, those gazing upon the mask for the first time must succeed on a Will save, DC 25, or cower in fear for 1d4 rounds (fear, mind affecting). This effect cannot affect anyone who has already made the save previously. Mask grants immunity to Fear, True Seeing, Deeper Darkvision, Low-Light Vision, Scent, First attack each round is a touch attack, Frightful visage.

Strong Enchantment, CL 21, Create Wondrous Item, true seeing, embrace the wild, deeper darkvision, find the gap, imperious glare, remove fear, Price: 363,000gp