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; Spawn Wraith
; Spawn Wraith
Creatures slain by a wraith become a wraith at the start of the creating-wraith's next turn.  The new wraith appears in the space where the creature died or the nearest unoccupied space.  Raising the slain creature does not destroy this wraith.
Creatures slain by a wraith become a wraith at the start of the creating-wraith's next turn.  The new wraith appears in the space where the creature died or the nearest unoccupied space.  Raising the slain creature does not destroy this wraith.  Creatures raised as wraiths do not retain any of the abilities they possessed when alive.

Revision as of 21:12, 24 March 2014


Wraith (CR 5)

This ghostly creature is little more than a dark shape with two flickering pinpoints of light where its eyes should be.


CR 5 Hit Dice 7

XP 1,600

CE Medium Undead

Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60', Lifesense, Perception +7


AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+4 dex, +7 armor)

hp 52

Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +4

Special Defenses Undead Traits, Regen 5 per round, ER 10/negative energy, Incorporeal

Weaknesses: Wraiths take +5 additional damage from attacks that deal positive energy damage, gain the Rattled condition when in direct sunlight.


Speed 30 ft., Flight (hover)

Single Melee Shadow Touch +10 (1d8+5 negative energy damage plus Inflict Weakness and Sneak Attack)

Full Melee Shadow Touch +10 (1d8+5 negative energy damage plus Inflict Weakness and Sneak Attack)

Ranged -

Special Attacks Shadow Glide, Sneak Attack, Spawn Wraith, Inflict Weakness

Action Points 0


Str 14, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 15

Base Atk +5; CMB +11; CMD 22

Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes

Skills -

Languages Common


Inflict Weakness

Creatures struck by a wraith must succeed on a Fort save, DC 14, or their Constitution is drained 1d2 points. In addition, all creatures struck, even those that made their Fort save, become weakened, dealing only half damage from all melee and ranged attacks until the end of their next turn. (Spell damage is unaffected by weakness.)


Creatures with the Incorporeal condition do not have a physical body. Incorporeal creatures are immune to all nonmagical attack forms. Incorporeal creatures take half damage (50%) from magic weapons, spells, spell-like effects, and supernatural effects. Incorporeal creatures take full damage from other incorporeal creatures and effects, as well as all force effects.

Shadow Glide

Once per encounter, the Wraith may move his full speed as a move action without provoking any attacks of opportunity. During this move, he may pass through solid objects, ignore corners, and pass through enemies without penalty, though he must end the move in an empty space.

Sneak Attack

If the Wraith attacks a creature which is flanked, flat-footed or unaware of the Wraith's location, he adds 1d6 extra damage to his attacks. This is precision damage, and cannot be applied to creatures immune to critical hits, or those with concealment, or other traits or circumstances preventing precision damage.

Spawn Wraith

Creatures slain by a wraith become a wraith at the start of the creating-wraith's next turn. The new wraith appears in the space where the creature died or the nearest unoccupied space. Raising the slain creature does not destroy this wraith. Creatures raised as wraiths do not retain any of the abilities they possessed when alive.


A wraith notices and locates living creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability.


sell value of approximately 1,375 gp