Dragloth: Difference between revisions

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'''Speed''' 30 ft., [[Types_of_Movement#Lesser_Flight|Lesser Fly]] 50 ft.  
'''Speed''' 30 ft., [[Types_of_Movement#Lesser_Flight|Lesser Fly]] 50 ft.  

'''Space / Reach:'''  5 ft. / 5 ft.
'''Space / Reach:'''  10 ft. / 10 ft.

'''Single Melee''' Dark-toothed Bite +24 (3d8+15/x2)
'''Single Melee''' Dark-toothed Bite +24 (3d8+15/x2)
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'''Action Points''' 0
'''Action Points''' 0


Revision as of 03:26, 25 January 2016


Dragloth (CR 15)

When the Matriarch's sought more powerful males to do their bidding and crush their enemies, after decades of work they created the Drider's. No one can argue with the power of the Driders, and usually their loyalty is without peer. The houses that developed the Drider's saw their fortunes rise compared to other great Houses among the Drow, and they were smug and well-pleased.

However, not all was perfect for the Drow, even with the incredibly might of the Drider's at their side.

The Draw matriarch's needed vast armies to enact their terrible wars of conquest and vengeance. And while the Drider's are incredible engines of destruction, they are also...expensive. Thus is was that after a goodly time passed, the houses that had not developed Drider's on their own began to experiment in developing new males, equally as dangerous and powerful in battle as the Drider's, but who were easier to create, so that vast armies of them could be fielded to destroy everything in their path.

The Drow Strategists tasked with this work were utterly ruthless, as you would expect, and they tried everything. Demon hybrids, spider hybrids, aboleth hybrids, every type of aberration you can imagine, even devils and dark, horrible things from the Outer madness, all these things were attempted. And while hundreds of sickening abominations were created, none of them were quite what they were looking for.

Until, in the fullness of time, the heartless, searching Drow decided to try something really scary...and they made a hybrid with a dragon.

Here, at last, the Drow had everything they could wish for. Incredible power, ridiculous fecundity, and if they were just a touch too arrogant for perfect obedience, well, so be it, it was a small price to pay for being so ideal in so many other ways.

The new creations were called Dragloth's, and finally, the Houses that lacked Driders had their own mighty and deadly troops to bring to the battlefield.

The use of Dragloth's spread like wild among the Great House, nearly every house acquiring some breeding stock as quickly as they could. Equality reigns among the Drow great Houses once again, and with the eternal deadlock renewed, the Drow are once again turning their dark, dark gaze jealously to the outside world, always seeking more resources, more power, with which to wage their eternal battles.


CR 15 Hit Dice 22

XP 51,200

NE, Large, Fey (Dragon)

Init +7; Senses Weak Blindsense 30 feet, Standard Darkvision 60 feet, Perception +23


AC 36, touch 21, flat-footed 31 (+10 armor, +6 dex, +6 natural, +5 deflection)

hp 328

Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +14

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: -

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: Vulnerability to Cold Iron


Speed 30 ft., Lesser Fly 50 ft.

Space / Reach: 10 ft. / 10 ft.

Single Melee Dark-toothed Bite +24 (3d8+15/x2)

Full Melee Dark-Toothed Bite +24 (3d8+15/x2), 2x Blackened Claws +24 (3d6+3/x2)

Ranged Bolt of Darkness +24 (3d8+8/x2), 50 foot range increment, 500 foot max range, Negative Energy Damage

Special Attacks Breath of Shadow, Shattering Scream

Action Points 0


Str 22, Dex 24, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 22

Base Atk +15; CMB +24; CMD 32

Feats None

Skills Fly +25, Survival +23, Sense motive +23, Intimidate +23

Languages Common, Undercommon


Breath of Shadow (Su)

Once per encounter, as a standard action, a dragloth brings forth a dense cloud of roiling black negative energy. This affects all enemies in a 5x5 space and has a three hundred foot range.

Breath of Shadow deals 4d6 of negative energy damage and all enemies caught in it must make a Reflex save versus a DC of 23. Those who make their save take only half damage from the breath. Those who fail their save take full damage and are Dazzled for the rest of the encounter. If creatures with a Dazzled condition fail a second save against Breath of Shadow they become Baffled until the end of the encounter. Baffled creatures who fail a third save against Breath of Shadow are Confused until the condition is broken with a Dispel Magic. The Caster Level of Breath of Shadow is the Challenge Rating (CR) of the dragloth.

Shattering Scream (Ex)

Once per encounter, as a standard action, a dragloth may emit an ear-shattering howl. This is a sonic-based attack that affects all enemy creatures within 30 feet of the dragloth's space. The dragloth must have line of effect for this power to operate, but does not require line of sight. This power inflicts 4d6 of sonic damage. Shattering Scream allows a Fort save versus a DC of 23 to take half damage. If this save is failed, the Dragloth may roll one free Sunder attempt against their victim, choosing an item to attack at random and rolling a CMB roll of 24.


sell value of approximately 18,750 gp


Dragloth's are not gifted tacticians, but with their terrible powers, they hardly need to be. They begin combat by using breath of shadow and bolts of darkness as they advance toward their enemies. The reason they alternate is so that they can stagger their Breath of Darkness power, seeking to stack up status conditions, looking to Confuse or otherwise hamper enemy spell casters and ranged attackers.

As they close in, the leading Dragloths use their Shattering Scream, to soften up their foes even more, while more of them will use Breath of darkness. As the front row of attackers moves to melee, they will use their weak lifesense to find any hidden or invisible enemies (they were designed to fight Drow), and will engage spell casters, ranged attackers, and hidden foes in melee.

As the further away dragloths enter melee range, they repeat this process, seeking to swamp their foes in a tidal wave of damage and status conditions. It is a simple and brutally effective tactic.

Once engaged in battle, Dragloths are as proud as their draconic heritage would indicate, and are very unlikely to disengage in battle. Once Dragloths attack, not even a female Drow can order them off their victims.