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| [[Feather Step, Mass (Spell)|Feather Step, Mass]] || || Druid 3 || || As feather step, but multiple creatures.
| [[Feather Step, Mass (Spell)|Feather Step, Mass]] || || Druid 3 || || As feather step, but multiple creatures.
| [[Fins to Feet (Spell)|Fins to Feet]] || || Druid 3 || || Transform the target's fins, flippers, or tail into legs and feet.
| [[Fungal Infestation (Spell)|Fungal Infestation]] || || Druid 3 || || Target takes bleed damage from attacks.
| [[Fungal Infestation (Spell)|Fungal Infestation]] || || Druid 3 || || Target takes bleed damage from attacks.

Revision as of 21:30, 5 August 2017

Spell Level

Level 0 Druid Spells

Level 0 druid spells are also called "Orisons".

Spell Name School Spell Level Components Description
Create Water Druid 0 Creates 2 gallons/lvl of pure water.
Detect Magic Druid 0 Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison Druid 0 Detects poison in one creature or object.
Enhanced Diplomacy Druid 0 Touched creature gains +2 on one Diplomacy or Intimidate check.
Flare Druid 0 Dazzles one creature (-1 penalty on attack rolls).
Guidance Druid 0 +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Know Direction Druid 0 You discern north.
Light Druid 0 Object shines like a torch.
Mending Druid 0 Makes minor repairs on an object.
Purify Food and Drink Druid 0 Purifies 1 cu. ft./lvl of food or water.
Read Magic Druid 0 Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance Druid 0 Subject gains +1 bonus on saving throws.
Spark Druid 0 Ignites flammable objects.
Stabilize Druid 0 Cause a dying creature to stabilize.
Virtue Druid 0 Subject gains 1 temporary hp.

Level 2 Druid Spells

Spell Name School Spell Level Components Description
Aboleth's Lung Druid 2 Targets gain the ability to breathe water but can no longer breathe air.
Accelerate Poison Druid 2 Hastens targeted poison's onset.
Aggressive Thundercloud Druid 2 Flying storm cloud deals 3d6 electricity damage.
Air Step Druid 2 Tread unsteadily on air, with limitations.
Alter Summoned Monster Druid 2 You swap a creature summoned by a conjuration (summoning) spell for a creature you could summon with a summon monster or summon nature's ally spell
Amplify Stench Druid 2 Amplify your natural stench special ability-its save DC increases by 2, and creatures that fail their saving throws against your stench becomenauseated rather than sickened.
Animal Aspect Druid 2 You gain some of the beneficial qualities of an animal.
Animal Messenger Druid 2 Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place.
Animal Purpose Training Druid 2 Animal gains a new general purpose.
Animal Trance Druid 2 Fascinates 2d6 HD of animals.
Ant Haul, Communal Druid 2 As ant haul, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Aspect of the Bear Druid 2 +2 AC and combat maneuver rolls.
Barkskin Druid 2 Grants +2 (or higher) enhancement to natural armor.
Bear's Endurance Druid 2 Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min/lvl.
Beastspeak Druid 2 Speak normally while in animal form.
Binding Earth Druid 2 DF Target creature treats areas of earth and stone as difficult terrain.
Bull's Strength Druid 2 Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min/lvl.
Burdened Thoughts Druid 2 Target creature gains heavy encumbrance and is cannot fly.
Burning Gaze Druid 2 Inflict 1d6 fire damage to creature.
Burst of Radiance Druid 2 Fills area with shimmering light, blinding (or dazzling) creatures for 1d4 rounds and damaging evil creatures.
Callback Druid 2 If your familiar takes hit point damage while within range of this spell, it immediately teleports to your space after the damage is applied.
Campfire Wall Druid 2 Creates a shelter around a campfire.
Carry Companion Druid 2 You transform a helpful animal or magical beast into a miniature stone figurine.
Cat's Grace Druid 2 Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min/lvl.
Certain Grip Druid 2 You gain a +4 competence bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks and to Maneuver Defense.
Chill Metal Druid 2 Cold metal damages those who touch it.
Climbing Beanstalk Druid 2 Create a beanstalk that is easy to climb.
Cloud of Seasickness Druid 2 As stinking cloud, except as noted and creatures are sickened instead of nauseated.
Companion Life Link Druid 2 Sense whenever your companion is wounded and call out to it in a time of need.
Control Vermin Druid 2 DF/M You and a number of allies less than or equal to your caster level designated upon casting can use Handle Animal and Ride checks to influence or control the targeted vermin as if they were animals and had animal-level intelligence.
Defoliate Druid 2 You hurl a tiny ball of negative energy, destroying plant life either in a line 60 feet long or a 10-foot-radius spread.
Delay Disease Druid 2 DF Gain immunity to disease for 24 hours.
Delay Poison Druid 2 Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/lvl.
Determine Depth Druid 2 With a touch, you determine the exact thickness of a wall, ceiling, or other solid barrier.
Divine Trident Druid 2 You make touch attacks with a spear-like bolt of electricity that deal 1d8 +1 per 2 caster levels (maximum +10)] electricity damage and might ignite combustible materials.
Eagle Eye Druid 2 Creates a magical sensor high above you.
Elemental Speech Druid 2 Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.
Endure Elements, Communal Druid 2 As endure elements, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Euphoric Cloud Druid 2 M Fog obscures vision and fascinates living creatures.
Feast of Ashes Druid 2 A target starves with an insatiable hunger.
Fiery Runes Druid 2 You charge a weapon with a magic rune of fire.
Fire Sneeze Druid 2 Launch flaming, forceful loogies at your enemies.
Fire Trap Druid 2 M Opened object deals 1d4 + 1/lvl damage.
Flame Blade Druid 2 Touch attack deals 1d8 + 1/two levels damage.
Flaming Sphere Druid 2 Rolling ball of fire deals 3d6 fire damage.
Flotsam Vessel Druid 2 Creates a sturdy raft and oars from driftwood, reeds, and other river detritus.
Fog Cloud Druid 2 Fog obscures vision.
Forest Friend Druid 2 Plants in a forested area become helpful instead of hindering you and your allies.
Frigid Touch Druid 2 Target takes cold damage and is staggered.
Frost Fall Druid 2 The area is covered in a chilling frost.
Fury of the Sun Druid 2 Target takes 1d4 nonlethal and suffers from heatstroke (fatigue).
Gird Ally Druid 2 You create a magical field around summoned creatures you control that deflects attacks made against them. The targets gain a deflection bonusto their AC equal to 1 + 1 for every 6 caster levels you possess (maximum +4 deflection bonus at 18th level)
Glide Druid 2 You take no falling damage, move 60 ft./round while falling.
Greensight Druid 2 See through plant matter as though it were transparent. Blocked by solid wood.
Groundswell Druid 2 Enable target to raise the ground he's standing on five feet, which negates flanking bonuses.
Gust of Wind Druid 2 Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
Gusting Sphere Druid 2 Ball of wind can bull rush creatures inflicting 1d6 nonlethal damage.
Harmless Form Druid 2 You transform the target into a harmless animal of the same approximate body type.
Heat Metal Druid 2 Makes metal so hot it damages those who touch it.
Hold Animal Druid 2 Paralyzes one animal for 1 rnd/lvl.
Ice Slick Druid 2 You create a blast of intense cold, coating all solid surfaces in the area with a thin coating of ice.
Ironskin Druid 2 DF/M Your skin hardens and takes on the color and texture of rough iron.
Lockjaw Druid 2 Creature gains grab ability with natural attack.
Magic Boulder Druid 2 As magic stone, except you affect up to three boulders (rocks up to two size categories smaller than yourself).
Masterwork Transformation Druid 2 M Make a normal item into a masterwork one.
Mud Buddy Druid 2 You create a Small minion out of mud, and it obeys your commands.
Natural Rhythm Druid 2 +1 on damage rolls with each hit (max +5).
Owl's Wisdom Druid 2 Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min/lvl.
Pernicious Poison Druid 2 Target takes a -4 penalty against poison.
Plant Voice Druid 2 You grant one plant creature the ability to speak, hear, and understand any of the languages you know.
Pox Pustules Druid 2 Subject is sickened and has -4 Dex.
Recentering Drone Druid 2 You emit a calming sound that allows creatures with the dazzled, fatigued, shaken, or sickened conditions to temporarily ignore or reduce the the penalties from those conditions.
Reduce Animal Druid 2 Shrinks one willing animal.
Resist Energy Druid 2 Ignores 10 or more points of damage per attack from specified energy type.
Restoration, Lesser Druid 2 Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
Riversight Druid 2 You can view events transpiring along a natural watercourse you touch.
Scale Spikes Druid 2 DF/M When the target is affected by this spell, its scales grow jagged spikes. These spikes act like +1 armor spikes. The subject is automatically considered proficient with these scale spikes.
Scent Trail Druid 2 Leave trail for allies to follow.
Share Language Druid 2 Subject understands chosen language.
Sickening Entanglement Druid 2 As entangle, but plants have sickening sap.
Slipstream Druid 2 Wave boosts creature's speed.
Soften Earth and Stone Druid 2 Turns stone to clay, or dirt to sand or mud.
Soothing Word Druid 2 Reduces effects of multiple conditions on target.
Spider Climb Druid 2 Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.
Spore Burst Druid 2 You cause a willing plant creature's body to sprout small, puffy mushrooms that remain for 1 round per caster level or until the creature uses them.
Steal Breath Transmutation Druid 2 You pull the breath from a creature's lungs, dealing damage and leaving it unable to speak, use breath weapons, or cast spells with verbal components.
Stone Call Druid 2 2d6 damage to all creatures in area.
Stone Discus Druid 2 Flying discus deals bludgeoning or slashing damage.
Stone Throwing Druid 2 The subject gains the rock throwing and rock catching abilities usable with solid, inflexible objects with hardness of at least 5.
Summon Nature's Ally II Druid 2 Summons creature to fight.
Summon Swarm Druid 2 Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders.
Tar Ball Druid 2 Burning tar harms target and penalizes its Dex.
Tree Shape Druid 2 You look exactly like a tree for 1 hour/lvl.
Unshakable Chill Druid 2 Target is afflicted with severe cold.
Vine Strike Druid 2 Bristles burst from your body, lodging in your opponent and blossoming into entangling vines as you pummel your target.
Warp Wood Druid 2 Bends wood.
Wartrain Mount Druid 2 Animal gains the combat training general purpose.
Web Shelter Druid 2 Create a comfortable shelter made of webbing.
Whip of Spiders Druid 2 Create a whip made of poisonous spiders.
Wild Instinct Druid 2 This spell sharpens your senses, allowing you to perceive threats you would otherwise miss.
Wilderness Soldiers Druid 2 Nearby plants aid you in combat.
Wood Shape Druid 2 Reshapes wooden objects to suit you.

Level 3 Druid Spells

Spell Name School Spell Level Components Description
Accept Affliction Druid 3 The caster can transfer the effects of afflictions such as curses, diseases, and poisons from the target creature to himself.
Aggravate Affliction Druid 3 All recurring afflictions possessed by the targeted creature immediately trigger, requiring an immediate saving throw to avoid suffering their effects.
Air Breathing Druid 3 The transmuted creatures can breathe air freely.
Air Geyser Druid 3 Blast of air deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage and knocks opponent upward.
Anchored Step Druid 3 Vines beneath your feet stabilize you but slow you down.
Animal Aspect, Greater Druid 3 As animal aspect, but you gain two animal qualities.
Anthropomorphic Animal Druid 3 Animal becomes bipedal.
Ape Walk Druid 3 Target gains climb 30 and +8 racial bonus on Climb skill checks.
Apport Animal Druid 3 Send or receive a Tiny or smaller animal via teleportation.
Aqueous Orb Druid 3 Creates rolling sphere of water.
Ash Storm Druid 3 Hamper vision and movement.
Aversion Druid 3 Cause the target to avoid an object or location.
Badger's Ferocity Druid 3 Weapons are keen while you concentrate.
Bite the Hand Druid 3 With a short command and a wave of the hand, you compel the target creature to attack the being who summoned it, to the best of its ability.
Blade Snare Druid 3 This spell creates an invisible magic field that does not stop weapons (whether manufactured or natural) from moving toward you, but impedes their motion when they are retracted.
Bleed for Your Master Druid 3 When you would be hit by an attack that requires an attack roll, you may cast this spell to compel the target to throw itself in front of the blow, taking damage from the attack instead of you.
Blood Scent Druid 3 Gain scent ability against injured creatures.
Burrow Druid 3 Target gains a burrow speed of 15.
Burst of Nettles Druid 3 Burst deals 3d6 damage and 1d6 acid.
Call Lightning Druid 3 Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky.
Channel the Gift Druid 3 Channel magical power into target to fuel their spellcasting. The next 3rd level or lower spell target casts does not expend a spell slot; instead you use your spell slot to power their spell.
Clear Grove Druid 3 Trees, shrubs, and other thick vegetation move out of the spell's area.
Cloak of Winds Druid 3 Creates screen of strong wind around you.
Companion Mind Link Druid 3 You can talk with your animal companion, and can handle it with supernatural ease.
Contagion Druid 3 Infects subject with chosen disease.
Create Treasure Map Druid 3 M Creates treasure map out of a creature's corpse.
Cup of Dust Druid 3 Causes a creature to become dehydrated.
Cure Moderate Wounds Druid 3 Cures 2d8 damage + 1/lvl (max +10).
Daylight Druid 3 60-ft. radius of bright light.
Delay Poison, Communal Druid 3 As delay poison, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Diminish Plants Druid 3 Reduces size or blights the growth of normal plants.
Dominate Animal Druid 3 One animal obeys your silent mental commands and orders.
Feather Step, Mass Druid 3 As feather step, but multiple creatures.
Fungal Infestation Druid 3 Target takes bleed damage from attacks.
Heatstroke Druid 3 As ray of exhaustion plus 1d4 nonlethal damage and characters wearing heavy clothing or armor of any sort take a -4 penalty on their saves.
Hide Campsite Druid 3 Hides all traces of your campsite.
Hurricane Blast Druid 3 Creates a severe blast of wind.
Hydraulic Torrent Druid 3 Creates torrent of water that bull rushes any creature in its path.
Hydrophobia Druid 3 Targets in the area must succeed at a Will save or become deathly afraid of drowning.
Ice Spears Druid 3 Cause icy spears to strike foes for 2d6 piercing and 2d6 cold damage; can knock foes down.
Insect Spies Druid 3 You summon one or more glossy black beetles, which have a measure of intelligence and make for excellent spies.
Improve Trap Druid 3 Improve one specific element of a trap.
Life Shield Druid 3 You surround yourself with positive energy that damages undead opponents.
Lily Pad Stride Druid 3 Walk across water on moving lily pads.
Longstrider, Greater Druid 3 As longstrider, plus the speeds of other movement modes increase.
Mad Monkeys Druid 3 Summon a swarm of mischievous monkeys.
Magic Fang, Greater Druid 3 One natural weapon gets + 1/four levels (max +5).
Meld into Stone Druid 3 You and your gear merge with stone.
Nature's Exile Druid 3 Gives subject -10 on Survival checks.
Nauseating Trail Druid 3 Creature leaves a trail of stinking cloud squares.
Neutralize Poison Druid 3 Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Plant Growth Druid 3 Grows vegetation, improves crops.
Poison Druid 3 Touch deals 1d3 Con damage 1/round for 6 rounds.
Protection from Energy Druid 3 Absorbs 12 points/lvl of damage from one kind of energy.
Pup Shape Druid 3 Transforms a single animal or magical beast into a younger and cuter version of itself for a short time.
Quench Druid 3 Extinguishes fires.
Rain of Frogs Druid 3 Summon a swarm of poisonous frogs.
Raven's Flight Druid 3 You can cast this spell only if it is the first action you take on your turn. In a burst of shadowy feathers, you turn into a Tiny blurred shape reminiscent of a black raven until the beginning of your next turn.
Remove Disease Druid 3 Cures all diseases affecting subject.
Resinous Skin Druid 3 You gain DR 5/piercing and +4 to Maneuver Defense against disarm attempts.
Resist Energy, Communal Druid 3 As resist energy, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Scale Spikes, Greater Druid 3 DF/M As scale spikes, except that the spikes growing out of the scales have an enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls equal to +1 for every 4 caster levels (maximum +5). This bonus does not allow the spikes to bypass damage reduction aside from magic.
Share Language, Communal Druid 3 As share language, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Sheet Lightning Druid 3 You create a dazzling flash of electricity that fills the target area.
Shifting Sand Druid 3 Creates difficult terrain and erases tracks; can carry creatures or objects along.
Siphon Might Druid 3 You drain the might of the target and transfer that power to another creature.
Sky Swim Druid 3 You grant a touched target the ability to swim through the air.
Sleet Storm Druid 3 Hampers vision and movement.
Snare Druid 3 Creates a magic booby trap.
Speak with Plants Druid 3 You can talk to plants and plant creatures.
Spider Climb, Communal Druid 3 As spider climb, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Spike Growth Druid 3 Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed.
Spit Venom Druid 3 Spit blinding black adder venom.
Steal Size Druid 3 Reduce one humanoid's size by one size category (if it is larger than you) and you grow one size category.
Stench of Prey Druid 3 Predatory animals must successfully save or attack the target.
Stone Shape Druid 3 Sculpts stone into any shape.
Summon Nature's Ally III Druid 3 Summons creature to fight.
Summon Totem Creature Druid 3 As summon nature's ally III except for different creatures as options.
Swarm of Fangs Druid 3 You summon a swarm of thousands of animate, flying teeth in a 10-foot-by-10-foot cube.
Thorny Entanglement Druid 3 As entangle, plus plants make ranged attacks.
Thunderstomp, Greater Druid 3 Trip multiple creatures within range.
Transfer Regeneration Druid 3 You bestow your regenerative abilities on the target. Your regeneration stops functioning for the duration of the spell, and the target gains your regeneration.
Vengeful Comets Druid 3 Creates 1 comet/4 levels; provides fire protection and shoots comets at spellcasting foes.
Vermin Shape I Druid 3 Take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium vermin.
Ward of the Season Druid 3 Gain emergency healing (spring), extra speed (summer), a bonus on Fortitude saves (fall) or the ability to navigate across slick surfaces with ease (winter). Elf only.
Water Breathing Druid 3 Subjects can breathe underwater.
Waters of Maddening Druid 3 M Create a more potent unholy water.
Wind Wall Druid 3 Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.

Level 4 Druid Spells

Spell Name School Spell Level Components Description
Absorb Toxicity Druid 4 You become immune to diseases and toxins, absorb one, and then spread it to others.
Absorbing Inhalation Druid 4 Inhale a gas removing it from the area without harm and use it as a breath weapon.
Age Resistance, Lesser Druid 4 Ignore penalties from middle age.
Aggressive Thundercloud, Greater Druid 4 Flying storm cloud deals 6d6 electricity damage.
Air Walk Druid 4 Subject treads on air as if solid (climb or descend at 45-degree angle).
Ancestral Memory Druid 4 Gain insight into current situation.
Antiplant Shell Druid 4 Keeps animated plants at bay.
Arboreal Hammer Druid 4 Tree branches attack opponents.
Aspect of the Stag Druid 4 +2 AC against attacks of opportunity and increases speed.
Atavism Druid 4 Animal gains advanced creature simple template.
Ball Lightning Druid 4 Flying lightning spheres deal 3d6 electricity damage each.
Blast Barrier Druid 4 Creates unstable wall for cover that eventually explodes for 2d6 slashing damage plus 1d6 sonic/3 levels.
Blight Druid 4 Withers one plant or deals 1d6/lvl damage to plant creature.
Bloody Claws Druid 4 Causes bleed damage with natural attacks.
Calm Air Druid 4 You calm the air and disperse fog, dust, and other particles.
Cape of Wasps Druid 4 Wasp swarm defends or carries you.
Caustic Blood Druid 4 Acidic blood spurts from your body when you take piercing or slashing damage.
Cloud Shape Druid 4 Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
Command Plants Druid 4 Sways the actions of plant creatures.
Control Water Druid 4 Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Create Holds Druid 4 You create a path of handholds on earthen, plaster, stone, or wooden walls.
Creeping Ice Druid 4 Sheet of ice slowly spreads outward on a horizontal surface.
Cure Serious Wounds Druid 4 Cures 3d8 damage + 1/lvl (max +15).
Dispel Magic Druid 4 Cancels one magical spell or effect.
Earth Glide Druid 4 Gain the ability to pass through stone, dirt and earth.
Echolocation Druid 4 Sonic sense gives you blindsight 40 ft.
Explosion of Rot Druid 4 Rotting energy deals 1d6/lvl dmg and staggers all creatures for 1d4 rounds in 10-ft.-radius burst.
Flame Strike Druid 4 Smites foes with divine fire (1d6/lvl damage).
Flaming Sphere, Greater Druid 4 Rolling ball of fire deals 6d6 fire damage and ignites targets.
Freedom of Movement Druid 4 Subject moves normally despite impediments to movement.
Geyser Druid 4 Creates a geyser of boiling water.
Giant Vermin Druid 4 Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into giant vermin.
Globe of Tranquil Water Druid 4 Upon casting this spell, a rippling bubble of calm water extends outward from you to a radius of 20 feet and remains centered on you when you move.
Grove of Respite Druid 4 Creates trees and a small spring.
Healing Warmth Druid 4 As protection from energy, but can spend 12 points of energy absorption to heal 1d8.
Heavy Water Druid 4 You cause a volume of water to become heavier than normal.
Ice Storm Druid 4 Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
Instant Restoration Druid 4 You channel planar energy into a summoned creature. This spell can be cast as an immediate action when a summoned creature you control drops to 0 or fewer hit points.
Kiss of the First World Druid 4 M Grant living creatures enhanced life or undead creatures debilitating conditions.
Life Bubble Druid 4 Protects from environmental effects.
Master's Escape Druid 4 You create an extradimensional link between yourself and one summoned creature you control that allows you to switch places. After casting master's escape, you can teleport to your summoned creature's space as a swift action, causing your summoned creature to teleport to your former space
Moonstruck Druid 4 Subject is enraged and confused.
Nixie's Lure Druid 4 Unearthly and infectious song that seductively summons up to 24 HD of creatures and fascinate them.
Obsidian Flow Druid 4 Converts the surface of the ground into molten glass.
Plague Carrier Druid 4 target's attacks carry filth fever.
Protection from Energy, Communal Druid 4 As protection from energy, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Reincarnate Druid 4 Brings dead subject back in a random body.
Repel Vermin Druid 4 Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10 ft. away.
Ride the Waves Druid 4 Target can breathe water and swim.
River of Wind Druid 4 Creates wind that causes nonlethal damage and can knock down or push creatures.
Rusting Grasp Druid 4 Your touch corrodes iron and alloys.
Scrying Druid 4 F Spies on subject from a distance.
Slowing Mud Druid 4 Targets are covered in mud that blinds them and acts like slow.
Spike Stones Druid 4 Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may also be slowed.
Strong Jaw Druid 4 Natural attacks deal damage as if dealt by creature two sizes larger.
Summon Nature's Ally IV Druid 4 Summons creature to fight.
Thorn Body Druid 4 Your attackers take 1d6 +1 damage/lvl.
Touch of Slime Druid 4 Touch infests a target with green slime.
True Form Druid 4 Removes polymorph effects.
Vermin Shape II Druid 4 As vermin shape, but Tiny or Large.
Volcanic Storm Druid 4 Hot rocks deal 5d6 damage.
Watchful Animal Druid 4 You place a scrying sensor on your Animal Companion or Familiar.
Zone of Foul Flames Druid 4 Creatures in zone take damage from their own fire spells; makes casting fire spells difficult.

Level 5 Druid Spells

Spell Name School Spell Level Components Description
Air Walk, Communal Druid 5 As air walk, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Animal Growth Druid 5 One animal doubles in size.
Aspect of the Wolf Druid 5 +4 Str and Dex, +2 bonus on trip attacks.
Atonement Druid 5 DF/M Removes burden of misdeeds from subject.
Awaken Druid 5 M Animal or tree gains human intellect.
Baleful Polymorph Druid 5 Transforms subject into harmless animal.
Blessing of the Salamander Druid 5 Subject gets fast healing 2, fire resistance 10, and +2 to its Maneuver Defense.
Call Lightning Storm Druid 5 As call lightning, but 5d6 damage per bolt.
Callback, Greater Druid 5 This spell functions as callback, with greater range and duration.
Commune with Nature Druid 5 Learn about terrain for 1 mile/lvl.
Contagion, Greater Druid 5 Infect a subject with a magical disease.
Control Winds Druid 5 Changes wind direction and speed.
Cure Critical Wounds Druid 5 Cures 4d8 damage + 1/lvl (max +20).
Death Ward Druid 5 Grants bonuses against death spells and negative energy.
Die for Your Master Druid 5 This spell allows your companion or familiar to intercept any attack that targets you, including those that do not require attack rolls.
Dispel Balance Druid 5 You gain a deflection bonus to AC vs. attacks from creatures with a neutral component to their alignment, you may banish such creatures, and you automatically dispel any one enchantment spell cast by such a creature.
Fickle Winds Druid 5 Wind walls selectively block attacks.
Fire Snake Druid 5 Creates a serpentine path of fire 5 ft. long/lvl that deals 1d6 fire damage/lvl.
Geniekind Druid 5 Gain your choice of genie-themed powers.
Half-blood Extraction Druid 5 M/DF Transform an half-orc into a full-blooded orc.
Hallow Druid 5 M Designates location as holy.
Hungry Earth Druid 5 The ground attempts to pull creatures beneath its surface as if hungry for the flesh of mortals.
Insect Plague Druid 5 Wasp swarms attack creatures.
Master's Mutation Druid 5 You can mold the ephemeral substance of the Outer Planes, mutating one summoned creature that you control to better suit your needs
Oasis Druid 5 This spell functions in any natural terrain on the Material Plane. It redirects the flow of water in the ground toward the surface at the designated point, creating a permanent water source similar to a natural spring. The spring discharges 5 gallons of pure drinking water per caster level each hour.
Old Salt's Curse Druid 5 M Target becomes permanently sickened and is staggered at sea.
Raise Animal Companion Druid 5 M As raise dead, but on an animal.
Reprobation Druid 5 Marked target is shunned by your religion.
Rest Eternal Druid 5 M Dead creature cannot be revived.
Snake Staff Druid 5 Transforms wood into snakes to fight for you.
Stoneskin Druid 5 M Grants DR 10/adamantine.
Summon Nature's Ally V Druid 5 Summons creature to fight.
Threefold Aspect Druid 5 F Appear older or younger.
Transmute Mud to Rock Druid 5 Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level.
Transmute Rock to Mud Druid 5 Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level.
Tree Stride Druid 5 Step from one tree to another far away.
Unhallow Druid 5 M Designates location as unholy.
Vinetrap Druid 5 Vines burst to life in a radius around a target with a variety of effects.
Wall of Fire Druid 5 Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/lvl.
Wall of Light Druid 5 An immobile curtain of blinding light blocks line of sight and sheds light to a range of 60 ft. in all directions. Creatures from the Plane of Shadow gain negative levels while within 5 ft, of the wall.
Wall of Thorns Druid 5 Thorns damage anyone who tries to pass.
Whip of Centipedes Druid 5 Create a whip made of poisonous centipedes.

Level 6 Druid Spells

Spell Name School Spell Level Components Description
Age Resistance Druid 6 Ignore penalties from old age.
Antilife Shell Druid 6 10-ft.-radius field hedges out living creatures.
Bear's Endurance, Mass Druid 6 As bear's endurance, affects 1 subject/lvl.
Binding Earth, Mass Druid 6 DF Target creatures treats areas of earth and stone as difficult terrain.
Bite the Hand, Mass Druid 6 With a short command and a wave of the hand, you compel the target creature to attack the being who summoned it, to the best of its ability.
Blazing Rainbow Druid 6 Create bow with brilliant energy arrows or a bridge that helps allies and hinders opponents.
Bull's Strength, Mass Druid 6 As bull's strength, affects 1 subject/lvl.
Cat's Grace, Mass Druid 6 As cat's grace, affects one subject/lvl.
Cure Light Wounds, Mass Druid 6 Cures 1d8 damage + 1/lvl, affects 1 subject/lvl.
Dispel Magic, Greater Druid 6 As dispel magic, but with multiple targets.
Dust Form Druid 6 You become an incorporeal creature of dust for a short period of time.
Eagle Aerie Druid 6 Summon 1 giant eagle/3 levels.
Epidemic Druid 6 Infect a subject with a highly contagious disease.
Find the Path Druid 6 Shows most direct way to a location.
Fire Seeds Druid 6 Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs.
Insect Spies, Greater Druid 6 As Insect Spies (Spell), but you can also borrow the senses of the summoned insects.
Ironwood Druid 6 Magic wood is as strong as steel.
Liveoak Druid 6 Oak becomes treant guardian.
Move Earth Druid 6 Digs trenches and builds hills.
Owl's Wisdom, Mass Druid 6 As owl's wisdom, affects 1 subject/lvl.
Path of the Winds Druid 6 Winds sweep area clear of anything of Small or smaller size, and after act as wind wall.
Plague Storm Druid 6 Cloud infects creatures like contagion.
Repel Wood Druid 6 Pushes away wooden objects.
Share Skin Druid 6 Possess an animal
Sirocco Druid 6 Hot wind does 4d6 damage, fatigues those damaged, and knocks creatures prone.
Spellstaff Druid 6 Stores one spell in wooden quarterstaff.
Stone Tell Druid 6 Talk to natural or worked stone.
Stoneskin, Communal Druid 6 M As stoneskin, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
Summon Nature's Ally VI Druid 6 Summons creature to fight.
Summon Stampede Druid 6 Conjures a herd of aurochs or similar herd animal that immediately stampedes in the indicated direction.
Swarm Skin Druid 6 Turns your body into a swarm that can attack.
Tar Pool Druid 6 Converts the top layer of the ground into hot tar.
Transport via Plants Druid 6 Move instantly from one plant to another of the same kind.
Wall of Stone Druid 6 Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
Whip of Ants Druid 6 Create a whip made of army ants.

Level 7 Druid Spells

Spell Name School Spell Level Components Description
Age Resistance, Greater Druid 7 Ignore penalties from venerable age.
Animate Plants Druid 7 One or more plants animate and fight for you.
Black Mark Druid 7 M Cursed creature is shaken at sea, and aquatic/water subtype creatures are hostile.
Changestaff Druid 7 Your staff becomes a treant on command.
Control Weather Druid 7 Changes weather in local area.
Creeping Doom Druid 7 Swarms of centipedes attack at your command.
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass Druid 7 Cures 2d8 damage + 1/lvl, affects 1 subject/lvl.
Fairy Ring Retreat Druid 7 Toadstool circle leads to an extradimensional meadow.
Fire Storm Druid 7 Deals 1d6/lvl fire damage.
Heal Druid 7 Cures 10 points/lvl damage, all diseases and mental conditions.
Planar Refuge Druid 7 M This spell enforces the rules of the Material Plane on other planes of existence. Upon casting this spell on another plane, a spherical pocket of wilderness terrain forms around the designated point.
Rampart Druid 7 Creates 5-ft.-thick earthen barrier.
Scouring Winds Druid 7 Winds block vision and deal 3d6 damage.
Scrying, Greater Druid 7 As scrying, but faster and longer.
Siege of Trees Druid 7 Transforms Large trees into arboreal catapults of the same size.
Summon Nature's Ally VII Druid 7 Summons creature to fight.
Sunbeam Druid 7 Beam blinds and deals 4d6 damage.
Transmute Metal to Wood Druid 7 Metal within 40 ft. becomes wood.
True Seeing Druid 7 M Lets you see all things as they really are.
Vortex Druid 7 Creates a whirlpool in water.
Wind Walk Druid 7 You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.

Level 8 Druid Spells

Spell Name School Spell Level Components Description
Animal Shapes Druid 8 One ally/lvl polymorphs into chosen animal.
Atavism, Mass Druid 8 One animal/lvl gains advanced template.
Blood Mist Druid 8 Mist causes Wisdom damage and rage.
Control Plants Druid 8 Controls actions of one or more plant creatures.
Cure Serious Wounds, Mass Druid 8 Cures 3d8 damage + 1/lvl, affects 1 subject/lvl.
Earthquake Druid 8 Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius.
Euphoric Tranquility Druid 8 Makes a creature friendly.
Finger of Death Druid 8 Deals 10 damage/lvl to one subject.
Frightful Aspect Druid 8 You take on a terrifying, Large-sized form of yourself and emit an aura that causes creatures to become shaken or frightened.
Repel Metal or Stone Druid 8 Pushes away metal and stone.
Reverse Gravity Druid 8 Objects and creatures fall upward.
Seamantle Druid 8 Sheathes you in protective water.
Stormbolts Druid 8 1d8 damage/lvl (max 20d8) to targets.
Summon Nature's Ally VIII Druid 8 Summons creature to fight.
Sunburst Druid 8 Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage.
Wall of Lava Druid 8 Wall damages foes that try to enter, periodically launches lava at nearby targets.
Whirlwind Druid 8 Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures.
Word of Recall Druid 8 Teleports you back to designated place.