Force (Melee Weapon Magic Property)

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  • Price: +6 bonus
  • Aura overwhelming transmutation; CL 26th; Weight

A force weapon appears extremely shiny, and if seen in strong light is nearly translucent, the surface so smoothly polished it almost appears to have vast depths. When activated, a force weapon is clad in a sheath of unworldly radiance and always sheds bright light in a ten foot radius centered on one intersection of the wielders space. This light is unaffected by any form of magical darkness, but will not dispel any form of magical darkness, either.

Due to the bright light it generates, force weapons pierce most forms of concealment in melee range. Note that is impossible to Stealth while displaying a light source.

Activating a force weapon is a move action instead of a standard action.

While activated a force weapon delivers all of its damage as force damage. A force weapon does a bonus 3d6 of damage on all attacks. On a critical hit this is doubled to a bonus of 6d6. If a force weapon has a critical modifier of x3, the bonus damage becomes 9d6. If the force weapon has a critical modifier of x4, the bonus damage becomes 12d6.

While active, a force weapon adds +1 to the threat range of the weapon. This bonus is a straight adder that is applied after such affects as Keen or Improved Critical, and is always a simple +1 increase to the threat range.

Force weapons cannot be made Broken with the Sunder combat maneuver, except by other force weapons or weapons with the Ghost Touch property. Force weapons inflict full damage on incorporeal creatures.

  • Craft Magic Arms and Armor, wall of force