Hateful Creature

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Back to Monster Patterns and Roles

Hateful Creature is a pattern that can be added to any creature that is truly, exceptionally, bitter and acrimonious. Hateful creatures utterly despise their enemies, and this vicious choler drives them to insane efforts to destroy those who offend them in battle.

Hateful works best on creatures with minds and physical bodies, but it can work on any creature depending upon the concept. A Hateful Golem, even though mindless, might reflect the hate of its maker, for example.

A Hateful Creature uses all of the base creature's statistics and abilities except as noted below.


Same as base creature +2.

Size and Type

The creature's Size does not change. Its Type remains the same but it gains the subtype Hateful.

Initiative Modifier

The creature's initiative modifier increases by half the amount that its CR increases, round up.


All senses such as scent, tremorsense, keen hearing, etc. are unchanged. A Hateful Creature gains a +2 bonus on Perception rolls.

Armor Class

Hateful Creatures gain +2 AC to all armor types.

Hit Dice

A Hateful Creature gains +3 hit points her hit die of its adjusted CR.

Defensive Ability

A Hateful Creature gains the following abilities, which may be added to their Bestiary entry:

  • It gains a +3 untyped bonus to all saving throws.


Same as Base Creature.


Same as Base Creature.

Special Defenses

The Hateful Creature gains ER/- equal to its adjusted CR against attacks from its current Foe (see below). It also gains DR/- equal to its CR against all attacks, its bitter spite allowing it to ignore the effect of wounds.


Same as the base creature.


Same as Base Creature.

Out of Combat

Same as base creature, except every action is stained by its utter, unrelenting hatred of anyone or anything that opposes or hinders it in any way. Hateful creatures are sullen, glowering things, unloved by all others.


A Hateful Creature's base speed improves by ten feet in all movement categories it has.

Melee Attacks

A Hateful Creature retains all the base creature's attacks. It gains a +3 untyped bonus to all attacks and a +2 untyped bonus to all save DC's.


A Hateful Creature gains a damage bonus to all attacks equal to its adjusted CR.

Space and Reach

No change.

Offensive Ability

A Hateful Creature gains the following abilities, which may be added to their Bestiary entry:

Spite Foe (Su)

Once per encounter, as a swift action, a Hateful creature may choose one enemy creature as its Foe. Up to once per round, as part of an attack action made by the Hateful Creature, the Foe must make a Will saving throw at an Average DC against the adjusted CR of the Hateful Creature. If the Foe fails this saving throw, it receives the Antagonized condition against the hateful creature. If it makes the save, it receives the Vexed condition instead. Spite Foe persists until the target is dead or the Hateful creature rests.

Ability Scores

No changes.

Maneuver Offense and Maneuver Defense

+2 untyped bonus to Maneuver Offense and Maneuver Defense.


Same as base creature.


Diplomacy, CR+10. This is used for a Hateful Creature to bite back its spiteful, bitter nature and actually 'get along' with other monsters. Even with Diplomacy, dealing with a Hateful Creature is all sorts of fun.