Hamstring Strike (Talent)

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Hamstring Strike

Prerequisites: Advanced Talents

Benefit: Anytime a rogue with this talent successfully hits an opponent with a sneak attack, she may forgo her sneak attack damage to try to hamstring her opponent. If the attack succeeds, the rogue deals weapon damage as normal, but instead of the rogue dealing sneak attack damage, the target is knocked prone and is unable to take move actions during its next turn. A successful Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the rogue's level + the rogue's Dexterity modifier) negates this effect.

Special: If the rogue also has the 'Clever Rogue' talent, she may use Hamstring Strike once per encounter in such a way that she need not forgo her sneak attack dice and her Intelligence modifier is added to the Fort save DC.