
From Epic Path
Revision as of 18:35, 18 August 2020 by Reese (talk | contribs)
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Level: 10
School: -


Casting Time: True Dweomers require a Full-Round Action to cast normally.
  • Alternatively, you may attempt a Caster Check to try to cast the True Dweomer as a Standard Action. This caster check is completely optional; you can always cast a True Dweomer as a full-round action without making the check, if you wish.
  • If your result equals or exceeds a DC of 52, you successfully cast it as a Standard Action.
  • If your check result is a non-1 result between a 38 and a Expression error: Unexpected < operator., you cast it as a Full-Round Action, as normal.
  • If your check result is less than a 38, or you roll a natural 1 on the die when making the check, the spell is treated as though all targets succeeded on their saving throws, or it deals only half its effect, whichever is more appropriate (GM adjudicates as needed).
  • Most True Dweomers can also be cast as rituals, requiring a 1 hour casting time. When you do so, the area of effect or number of targets is multiplied by 10. The range of the spell is also increased to Long (200 ft. + 20 ft./lvl), if applicable (GM adjudicates as needed).
Components: -


Range: -
Target or Area: -
Duration: -
Saving Throw: -
Save DC: -
Spell Resistance: Yes

