Souterraine Severer

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Souterraine Severer (CR 15)

Souterraines are weird creatures that can be found deep underground in both natural caves and created passages, as well as occasionally getting close to the surface and infesting ruins, surface caves, and even occasionally sewers, dungeons, keeps, and the like. They are earth-natured creatures, their flesh resembling dirt and stone. When they are killed, there is no definite "end" to them below the surface: they instead seems to intimately commingled with whatever the base stone and soil is. They are strongly suspected of being extensions into the prime material plane from some plane of Earth, or a demi-plane close to it.

In appearance, they look like low mounds of earth and rock about eight to ten feet across. They are very difficult to spot in natural and rough terrain, and even in finished stone structures are easily mistaken for mounds of debris, trash, and rubble. Until they go active, that is.

When they are active and attacking, the wide, low mound of rubble splits to reveal a gigantic maw that is seemingly inset into the surface they are inhabiting. They always seem to be 'inside' an earth or stone surface, most commonly the floor, frequently a wall, and sometimes even a ceiling, buttress, pier, or other structure.

When they open their maws, they extrude from six to a dozen long, strong, rope-like prehensile tentacles from around the maw that are incredibly long and strong. They typically lash these tentacles around their victims and drag them to their maws to be swallowed. The tentacles are frequently equipped with suckers, razor-sharp claws, scutes, acid-emitting glands, glue-glands, poison glands, and numerous other effects, each more terrible than the last.

Perhaps worst of all is their ability to pull in their tentacles, close their maws, and 'sink into' the surface they inhabit, merely to appear moments later, having used earth glide to move to a new location., seeming to 'surface' in their new location like a massive turtle rising to the surface of a pond.

A souterraine severer is typical of the breed, lurking in dark, stony places and ready to ambush and eat the unwary. Their tentacles are very strong for a souterraine, and are equipped with razor-sharp blades of bone along their entire lengths. Severer's have weak maws compared to most souterraines and cannot swallow whole: They make up for this with much stronger tentacle attacks, the ability to grapple, and the ability to shove their victims around the battlefield.


CR 15 Hit Dice 22

XP 51,200

NE, Large, Magical Beast (Earth)

Init +7; Senses Superior Tremorsense 120 ft., Perception +23


AC 37, touch 21, flat-footed 31 (+10 armor, +6 dex, +6 natural, +5 deflection)

hp 328

Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +14

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: DR 10, only versus Bludgeoning Damage

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed Earth Glide 20 ft

Space / Reach: 10 ft. / 20 ft.

or: Single Melee Tentacle Slash +24 (3d8+15/x2) + Reposition +26

Full Melee Slashing Swarm +24 (3d6+3/x2), attacks all enemy creatures in a fifteen foot square within their reach

Ranged Sneaky Tentacle +24 (3d8+8/x2), + Reposition +26, originates from a surface within a range 60 feet only, victim must be within 20 feet of that surface.

Special Attacks Tickling Tentacles, Earth Slam

Action Points 0


Str 24, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14

Base Atk +15; CMB +24; CMD 32

Feats Improved Reposition, EFFECT: +2 on CMB and CMD for Reposition, Reposition attempts do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Skills Stealth +28, Survival +20

Languages Aklo, Undercommon


Tickling Tentacles

A souterraine can extend a tentacle underground, un-detectably, and use it to shove unexpectedly against the soles of the feet of any creature walking or standing on any surface it can reach. As a swift action the Souterraine chooses one foe in its reach or within the reach of it's ranged attack. That foe must make a Reflex saving throw versus a DC of 23 or be knocked Prone.

Earth Slam

A souterraine may extend several tentacles underground, un-detectably, and use them to unexpectedly dash a foe to the ground with killing force. As a move action, the souterraine chooses one foe in its reach. That foe must make a Reflex save versus a DC of 23 or take 4d6 physical bludgeoning damage and be knocked Prone. If the save is made they take no damage, but are still knocked Prone.


sell value of approximately 18,750 gp


Souterraine Severers are excellent ambush predators, and their tactics will reflect this. They will either use their excellent Stealth to disguise themselves as mere patches of dirt and wait, or they will sense foes with their amazing tremor sense and emerge from the walls and floor and ceiling all around their victims. In a surprise round they will try to fire their Slashing Swarm attack on as many foes as they can hit, but in battle, slashing swarm is a fairly weak "knock down a tough foe" attack but a good "attack lots of people if they're clumped up" power.

Typically they will go with single attack actions, and use their tickling tentacles to try and knock down ranged attackers, or, their Earth Slam to harm and prone closer in attackers. Fights against Souterraine often end up with EVERYBODY prone, and the monsters swarming to the attack.

If they are taking heavy damage, souterraines will use their Earth Glide to run away promptly and quickly. They are not vicious, they just want to eat people in peace and quiet. Note: Transmute Rock to Mud and Wall of Stone can be used to disable their Earth Glide for the duration of an encounter, although forcing a souterraine to fight to thee death is a risky proposition.