Scavenger (Talent)

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You are an expert at looting after a fight, knowing just where the good stuff is kept, and how best to cart it away quickly.

Ability Type: Ex

Prerequisites: Rogue 1

Benefit: You can gather up the loot from most encounters in 1 minute, and you can make a Barter check at -5 versus a Challenging DC (based on the CR of the encounter) to loot the encounter as a full-round action, if you prefer. Unusually large treasures (like dragon hoards) cannot be looted more quickly with this talent, however. Those moments should be savored, anyway. Take your time. Roll around in it. You know you want to.

In addition, when attempting to reduce the size and weight of the loot (per the Professional Looter skill use of Barter, you can whittle the treasure down much more efficiently than most, depending on your skill check's result:

Table: Professional Looter Results
Skill Result Outcome
Average DC Reduce the weight and volume of the treasure by 10%
Challenging DC Reduce the weight and volume of the treasure by 25%
Hard DC Reduce the weight and volume of the treasure by 50%
Impossible DC Reduce the weight and volume of the treasure by 75%

Rolling anything less than an Average DC on the Barter check still results in the treasure weight and size being unchanged. Regardless of the roll, you cannot change the monetary value of the treasure, just its weight and volume.