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Condition Severity: Strong

   A dull buzzing sound drones in your ears, and the world is spinning so fast, you can't even tell if you're standing up or lying down.


  • If you move from your starting space during your turn, even via 5-foot step, teleport or forced movement, you are Splayed at the end of the movement.
  • Any attack you make that requires a to-hit roll automatically misses.
  • If you make an area-of-effect attack (e.g. Fireball (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell), you may not modify the area of effect in any way, nor selectively include or exclude creatures from the area of effect (e.g. by using the Selective feat, or the Widen Spell metamagic feat).

Ended By

If the ability, trap, or effect description includes specific directions for how the condition is ended, then that is the primary means of ending this condition. In many cases, it is the only way to end the condition. If nothing is specifically listed for ending the condition, then the following methods can be used to end it, instead:

  • The dazed condition is automatically reduced to the Disoriented condition at the end of your next turn. If you become Splayed due to movement, you remain Splayed even after dazed ends.
  • You can spend a full round action to attempt an Escape Artist check to shake off this condition entirely (instead of letting it degrade to Disoriented). The target DC to do so is the Maneuver Defense of the creature who inflicted this status. If there is no creature involved, the target is a challenging DC based on the CR (challenge rating) of the effect. If you fail the attempt, the condition still degrades to Disoriented at the end of your turn (or at the end of your next turn, if the condition was inflicted in the middle of your current turn).

