Hamstring Strike (Talent)

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Hamstring Strike

Prerequisites: Advanced Talents

Benefit: Once per encounter, a rogue with this may forgo sneak attack dice in exchange for reducing a creature's saving throws against future attacks. After successfully hitting a creature with an attack that deals sneak attack damage, the rogue may declare that she is using Hamstring Strike. For each two sneak attack dice that the rogue chooses not to roll as damage, the target creature suffers a -1 penalty to all its saving throws until the start of the rogue's next turn. Creatures with roles, such as Threats and Heavies, treat this talent as a condition, to which they have partial immunity, as defined in their role description.

Special: A rogue with the "Ruthless Rogue" path inflicts a -1 penalty for each die of sneak attack damage she forgoes, instead of each two dice.

Special: This talent inflicts a sneak attack effect, and may not be used in combination with any other talent inflicting a sneak attack effect.