Force Driver

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Return to Life in Celegia

Return to Celegian Prestige Classes

Air and Stone

Prestige class: Force Driver(Air and Stone) THIRD DRAFT

Followers of Air and Stone are often known as Force Drivers.

Force Drivers use Force to weld the two most disparate tangible fundaments into an uneasy union, the keen swiftness of Air guiding their aim, the heavy brutality of Stone aiding their strikes. They can use their art with any handheld ranged weapon, be it a simple river pebble, improvised club, alchemical bag, potion bottle, dart, arrow from any bow, bolt, javelin, missile from a hand onager, etc.

Force Drivers are masters of awareness, and their eagle eyes are legendary. In addition, their affinity with air means they are amazingly accurate over range, able to hit targets others will surely miss. At the same time, their affinity with Stone assures they hit those targets with driving force, easily as hard as any warrior swinging a greatsword can manage.

Force Drivers are growing rare in the Empire as magicians take the stage, but their mix of lethal skills will remain viable for a long time to come.

Hit Die: d8

Requirements: BAB +5, Knowledge, ballistics, 2 ranks, Proficiency, any ranged weapon, Feats: Deft Hands, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (any ranged weapon).

Class Skills: Knowledge, Ballistics, Craft, Bowmaking, Spot, Ride, Rope Use.

Skill points: 2+Int mod per level

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Simple and Martial weapons, Light, Medium, and Heavy armor.

Bonus Feats: One bonus Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat usable for any ranged weapon, Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat, even if does not normally meet the requirements.

1 :Precision +1 2 :Good Hands +1 3 :Precision +2 4 :Heavy Hitter, Good Hands +2 5 :Precision +3 6 :Cramped Shooter, Good Hands +3 7 :Precision +4 8 :Hard Thrower, Good Hands +4 9 :Precision +5 10 :Power Shooter, Good Hands +5

Precision:(Su) +1 to hit with ranged attacks, stacks with all other bonuses

Good Hands(Su): The Force Driver is considered to be one size class larger per level of Good Hands when the mass of projectiles she can deflect, snatch, or otherwise interact with is considered. A size medium Force Driver with Good hands +1 is considered Large, and could deflect Large projectiles. A size small Force Driver with Good hands +5 is considered colossal, and could deflect or snatch colossal weapons. Note, this supernatural ability will allow a Force Driver to return projectiles even if they are too big for the Driver to normally even lift!

Heavy Hitter:(Sp) As Power attack, -1 BAB for +1 damage, only with ranged attacks, usable with any ranged weapon.

Power Shooter:(Sp) As Power attack, -1 BAB for +2 damage, only with ranged attacks, usable with any ranged weapon.

Hard Thrower: (Sp) As power attack, -1 BAB for +1 damage, only with ranged attacks, stacks with Heavy Hitter and Power Shooter, only usable with thrown weapons.

Cramped shooter:(Ex) Using any ranged weapon does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

BAB as Rogue

Good saves: Reflex and Fort