Vanguard (Vehicle Class)

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The vanguard-class of vehicles is the most durable and robust of the vehicle classes. In addition, it can provide shelter to nearby allies against attacking enemies, taking the damage upon itself and using its powerful defenses to shoulder that burden. It is slower and less maneuverable than any of the other vehicle classes, but is a true juggernaut when it comes to outlasting its opponents. The vanguard-class is frequently the vehicle class for motherships, making that juicy home-base target far less likely to be taken out in a guerrilla-style attack.

As with any vehicle class, vanguard-class vehicles come in all vehicle types (aerial, aethereal, ground, naval, subaquatic, or subterranean) and sizes.

Vanguard-Class General Attributes

Vehicle Attribute: CON
Base Speed: 3 squares (150 feet)
Air: poor
Sub-surface: poor
Land: poor
Aquatic (surface): poor
Weapon Ranges:
Short: 1 - 2
Medium: 3 - 4
Long: 5 - 6
Available Actions:
  • Move
  • Sudden Halt (costs 1 focus)
  • Quick Attack
  • Build Focus
  • Damage Control
  • Second Move
  • Evasive Maneuvers
  • Standard Attack
  • Take Aim

Vanguard-Class Base Stats

Ship Level Base CMB Siege Damage Base CMD Base Durability Base Vehicle DR Base Crew DR Vehicle Features
1 1 1d2 12 5 - 1 Interdict 1
2 2 1d2 13 6 - 1 Auto-Repair 1
3 3 1d3 14 6 - 1 Narrow Profile 1
4 4 1d3 15 7 - 1 -
5 5 1d4 17 8 - 1 Access Panels 1
6 6 1d4 17 9 - 1 -
7 7 1d6 19 9 - 1 Ratcheted Steering 1
8 9 1d6 20 10 - 1 -
9 10 1d6+1 21 11 - 1 Glancing Blow 1
10 11 1d6+2 22 11 1 1 -
11 12 2d6 24 12 1 2 Interdict 2
12 13 2d6 24 15 1 2 -
13 14 2d6+1 26 17 2 2 Narrow Profile 2
14 15 2d6+2 27 18 2 2 -
15 17 2d6+2 28 19 2 2 Slicing Prow
16 18 3d6 29 23 3 2 -
17 19 3d6+1 31 24 3 2 Auto-Repair 2
18 20 3d6+2 31 25 3 2 -
19 21 4d6 33 26 4 2 Access Panels 2
20 22 4d6+2 34 29 4 2 Fog of War 1
21 23 5d6+1 35 31 4 2 Interdict 3
22 25 6d6 36 32 5 3 -
23 26 6d6+2 38 40 5 3 Narrow Profile 3
24 27 7d6+1 38 41 5 3 -
25 28 8d6 40 45 6 3 Access Panels 3, Fog of War 2
26 29 9d6 41 47 6 3 -
27 30 9d6+2 42 48 6 3 Auto-Repair 3
28 31 10d6+1 43 50 7 3 -
29 33 10d6+5 45 59 7 3 Ratcheted Steering 2
30 34 10d6+9 45 61 7 3 Fog of War 3
31 35 10d6+13 47 63 8 3 Glancing Blow 2
32 36 10d6+17 48 64 8 3 -
33 37 10d6+21 49 69 8 3 Access Panels 4
34 38 10d6+25 50 71 9 3 -
35 39 10d6+29 51 73 9 3 Ratcheted Steering 3

Vanguard-Class Vehicle Features


Beginning at level 1, as a free action, you can designate one ally vehicle within your close weapon range. Any enemies wishing to attack the designated ally must attack you instead, until the start of your next turn, even if the allied ship moves out of your close range. As with most free actions, this feature can only be activated during your turn, though it may be done during any part of your turn (including prior to your mandatory move action). Enemies which are unable to target you for any reason, such as being out of range, still cannot attack your interdicted ally. Attacks which hit your vehicle that were intended for your interdicted ally deal only half damage to you. In addition, you can spend 1 point of focus at any time, even outside of your turn, to apply Interdict to an additional ally within range. This can be done as an interrupt, prior to an enemy attack. You may have any number of allies affected by Interdict as you wish, as long as you have sufficient focus to do so.

Beginning at level 11, the range of Interdict improves to close or medium range. Otherwise, Interdict continues to operate as previously described.

Beginning at level 21, the range of Interdict improves to close, medium, or long range. Otherwise, Interdict continues to operate as previously described.


Beginning at level 2, you automatically repair 1 durability each round during the recovery phase. You cannot exceed your vehicle's maximum durability.

Beginning at level 17, you instead automatically repair 2 durability each round during the recovery phase. You cannot exceed your vehicle's maximum durability.

Beginning at level 27, you instead automatically repair 3 durability each round during the recovery phase. You cannot exceed your vehicle's maximum durability.

Narrow Profile

Beginning at level 3, once per encounter, you can perform the Evasive Maneuvers action as a swift action, instead of a standard action.

Beginning at level 13, the maneuver defense bonus granted any time you perform the Evasive Maneuvers action is +4 instead of +2.

Beginning at level 23, the maneuver defense bonus granted any time you perform the Evasive Maneuvers action is +6 instead of +2.

Access Panels

Beginning at level 5, once per encounter, you can perform the Damage Control action as a swift action, instead of a standard action.

Beginning at level 19, when you perform the Damage Control action, if your piloting check equals or exceeds a Hard DC, you repair 3 durability instead of 2. (Normally, this would require an Impossible DC.).

Beginning at level 25, when you perform the Damage Control action, if your piloting check equals or exceeds a Average DC, you repair 2 durability instead of 1. (Normally, this would require a Challenging DC.)

Beginning at level 33, when you perform the Damage Control action, you repair 2 durability on any piloting check result that equals or exceeds an Easy DC.

Pilot Check DC Achieved Durability Repaired
Normal Level 19 Level 25 Level 33
Easy 1 1 1 2
Average 1 1 2 2
Challenging 2 2 2 2
Hard 2 3 3 3
Impossible 3 3 3 3

Ratcheted Steering

Beginning at level 7, you gain 1 point of focus any time you perform a move action or a second move action in which you move directly forward (in the direction of your facing at the start of the move action or a second move action) a single square only.

Beginning at level 29, you gain 1 point of focus any time you perform a move action or a second move action in which you move directly forward (in the direction of your facing at the start of the move action or a second move action) 1 or 2 squares.

Beginning at level 35, you gain 1 point of focus any time you perform a move action or a second move action in which you move directly forward (in the direction of your facing at the start of the move action or a second move action) any number of squares up to your speed.

Glancing Blow

Beginning at level 9, once per encounter as a free action, you can spend 1 focus to reduce all damage you take before the start of your next turn by half (round down). This halving of damage occurs for each attack, and is done prior to reducing it with your vehicle's DR (if any).

Beginning at level 31, as a swift action, you cause the next attack made against you before the start of your next turn to deal only half damage (round down). This halving of damage is done prior to reducing it with your vehicle's DR (if any). If this is used in the same round in which the focus-based use of Glancing Blow (described above) is used, you take only 1/4th of the damage from the first attack made against you before the start of your next turn (dropping fractions). If you are not attacked before the start of your next turn, the swift action used to activate Glancing Blow is wasted.

Slicing Prow

Beginning at level 15, your vehicle is treated as 2 size categories larger for purposes of determining who retains control of a square, any time you are involved with ramming or a collision.

Fog of War

Beginning at level 20, up to once per round as a swift action, you may spend 1 focus to select one enemy and one ally. Until the start of your next turn, the selected enemy may not make attacks against the selected ally (though the ally may still make attacks against the enemy). You must be able to perceive both the enemy and ally in order to use this feature.

Beginning at level 25, activating Fog of War no longer requires you to spend 1 focus, though it may still only be activated no more than once per round.

Beginning at level 30, you may spend one focus as part of the swift action to activate Fog of War. If you do so, you may select either a second enemy or second ally you can perceive. If you choose a second enemy, neither enemy can make attacks against your selected ally until the start of your next turn. If you select a second ally, neither ally can be attacked by the selected enemy until the start of your next turn.

Vanguard-Class Cost By Size

The prices below are the gold piece cost for a Vanguard-class vehicle at the listed level, by size of the ship. You must first purchase the base vehicle (whether it be a aerial, aethereal, ground, naval, subaquatic, or subterranean vehicle), then choose the vehicle class, vehicle size and vehicle level. The total purchase price is the sum of the base vehicle chosen plus the level cost listed below for the desired vehicle size. This table reflects the cost to purchase a Vanguard-class vehicle. The cost for other vehicle classes varies.

The cost to increase an existing ship's level (without changing its size) is calculated by subtracting the current level's cost from the next level's cost. Note that you cannot skip levels when increasing a ship's level; you must level up the ship one level at a time, paying the cost each time.

Changing the size of a vehicle requires purchasing an entirely new vehicle. An existing vehicle cannot have its size increased.

Refer to the Vehicle Size page for details on required number of crew, information on how large the various ship sizes are, as well as information on sizing a vehicle for crew (and pilots) who are smaller or larger than traditional player characters (i.e. sized-small or sized-medium).

Ship Level Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan Colossal Titanic
1 600 800 1,100 1,600 2,100 3,500 5,000 7,000
2 1,400 1,800 2,500 3,600 4,700 7,900 11,300 15,800
3 2,300 3,000 4,100 6,000 7,900 13,100 18,800 26,300
4 3,300 4,400 6,100 8,800 11,600 19,300 27,500 38,500
5 4,500 6,000 8,300 12,000 15,800 26,300 37,500 52,500
6 6,000 8,000 11,000 16,000 21,000 35,000 50,000 70,000
7 7,500 10,000 13,800 20,000 26,300 43,800 62,500 87,500
8 9,600 12,800 17,600 25,600 33,600 56,000 80,000 112,000
9 12,000 16,000 22,000 32,000 42,000 70,000 100,000 140,000
10 15,000 20,000 27,500 40,000 52,500 87,500 125,000 175,000
11 18,600 24,800 34,100 49,600 65,100 108,500 155,000 217,000
12 22,500 30,000 41,300 60,000 78,800 131,300 187,500 262,500
13 27,300 36,400 50,100 72,800 95,600 159,300 227,500 318,500
14 33,600 44,800 61,600 89,600 117,600 196,000 280,000 392,000
15 42,600 56,800 78,100 113,600 149,100 248,500 355,000 497,000
16 57,900 77,200 106,200 154,400 202,700 337,800 482,500 675,500
17 78,000 104,000 143,000 208,000 273,000 455,000 650,000 910,000
18 108,000 144,000 198,000 288,000 378,000 630,000 900,000 1,260,000
19 144,000 192,000 264,000 384,000 504,000 840,000 1,200,000 1,680,000
20 192,000 256,000 352,000 512,000 672,000 1,120,000 1,600,000 2,240,000
21 255,000 340,000 467,500 680,000 892,500 1,487,500 2,125,000 2,975,000
22 342,000 456,000 627,000 912,000 1,197,000 1,995,000 2,850,000 3,990,000
23 453,000 604,000 830,500 1,208,000 1,585,500 2,642,500 3,775,000 5,285,000
24 600,000 800,000 1,100,000 1,600,000 2,100,000 3,500,000 5,000,000 7,000,000
25 780,000 1,040,000 1,430,000 2,080,000 2,730,000 4,550,000 6,500,000 9,100,000
26 1,050,000 1,400,000 1,925,000 2,800,000 3,675,000 6,125,000 8,750,000 12,250,000
27 1,380,000 1,840,000 2,530,000 3,680,000 4,830,000 8,050,000 11,500,000 16,100,000
28 1,860,000 2,480,000 3,410,000 4,960,000 6,510,000 10,850,000 15,500,000 21,700,000
29 2,460,000 3,280,000 4,510,000 6,560,000 8,610,000 14,350,000 20,500,000 28,700,000
30 3,270,000 4,360,000 5,995,000 8,720,000 11,445,000 19,075,000 27,250,000 38,150,000
31 4,320,000 5,760,000 7,920,000 11,520,000 15,120,000 25,200,000 36,000,000 50,400,000
32 5,670,000 7,560,000 10,395,000 15,120,000 19,845,000 33,075,000 47,250,000 66,150,000
33 7,500,000 10,000,000 13,750,000 20,000,000 26,250,000 43,750,000 62,500,000 87,500,000
34 9,930,000 13,240,000 18,205,000 26,480,000 34,755,000 57,925,000 82,750,000 115,850,000
35 13,230,000 17,640,000 24,255,000 35,280,000 46,305,000 77,175,000 110,250,000 154,350,000

Vanguard-Class Upgrades

The following modules require only 1 upgrade slot in a Vanguard-class vehicle:

The following modules require 2 upgrade slots in a Vanguard-class vehicle:

The following modules require 3 upgrade slots in a Vanguard-class vehicle: