Military Ranks

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Military Ranks

There are nine ranks in the Legions, in keeping with Celegian philosophy. Each rank has several grades and distinctions within it as well. There are also nine unit sizes in the Legions, unsurprisingly, and in general each unit size will be commanded by an officer of the corresponding rank. The military ranks and units of organization are as follow.

The lowest rank is that of Trooper. These are the rank and file, and are in command of themselves only. A Trooper is expected to obey orders well and to fight in concert with his fellows, and are constantly being drilled on the various battlefield maneuvers and march codes. They are also expected to think on their feet however, and if enemy battle magics break through the defenses they are expected to save themselves by orderly avoidance and then repair and redress their ranks on their own initiative.

The next rank is that of Talna. A Talna is normally in command of a Squad (also called a Hand), the basic Legion unit. A Squad is six troopers, plus the Talna in command. Their duties are all those of a Trooper, plus they are expected to be sure their troops are properly arrayed in the ranks when they are drawn up for battle. Talna have better pay and may get more advancement, but many Troopers consider a promotion to Talna to be a way to get in trouble seven different ways, rather than just one.

The next rank is that of Sarna. A Sarna is normally in command of a Platoon, which consists of five Squads, so that a Platoon is made up of 36 men including the Sarna in command. Platoons are usually the unit assigned to light garrison duties. Sarna are often highly experienced but have no aptitude or desire to learn the varying skills needed for higher rank. Many Sarna eventually are moved into stalwart leagues as their physical prowess increases. The rank of Sarna has no less than three paths of specialty and up to fifteen grades. Many extremely competent Sarna are assigned as escorts for higher ranking officers.

The next rank is that of Logalla. A Logalla is in command of a unit known as a Group, which consists of six Platoons. A Group thus has 216 men, plus the Logalla in charge. In set battles, the Group is the smallest unit used in maneuver, so Logalla have to be better trained in theory and battlefield maneuver than those of lower rank. Logalla are also in charge of Groups used for garrisons in moderate sized towns and thus are expected to have considerable initiative.

The next rank is that of Ologa. An Ologa is normally in command of a unit known as a Company, which consists of six Groups. A Company is thus composed of 1303 men, counting the Ologa. Ologa have considerably more freedom of decision and are expected to make decisions of considerable importance. A Company is the smallest unit normally assigned to long distance maneuver on it's own within the Empire, and Ologa are expected to comport themselves with distinction. A company is also the largest unit considered capable of rapid response, and Ologa are responsible for quick and decisive actions. A Company is also the smallest unit considered capable of major military action and so gets specialized support units assigned to it, such as cavalry units, magicians, and priests.

The next rank is that of Coulat. A Coulat is normally in command of a unit known as a Regiment. A Regiment is composed of six Companies and thus has a nominal strength of 7,819 men, including the Coulat in command. Regiments are one of the most important unit types in the Legions, as they are large enough to be a significant threat even in very large battles, but are small enough to maneuver quickly and decisively when required. Coulats must be flexible, experienced, and decisive. They are often Stalwarts, nobles, or both. A Coulat has a considerable personal staff, and is the lowest rank in which the Empire has a specific interest. All Coulats will have very good personal equipment, with considerable magical assets. Coulats are almost always Stalwarts, and are expected to seek out and destroy opposing leaders and stalwarts. This is hazardous duty, to be sure, but as a result many Coulats are frightfully strong warriors. Additionally, even if a Coulat falls in battle the Empire will expend considerable effort to resurrect that worthy, if for no other reason than to debrief him or her on what killed them. Many Coulats are quite distinctive and flamboyant characters, and the creation of the Legion's distinctive officer corps begins here.

The next rank is that of Coulatto. This rank was originally a subset of Coulat, but it has since been made separate. A Coulatto is a senior officer, and is normally in charge of a unit known as a Complement. A Complement is so named because it is the normal garrison unit for an Imperial Fortress. A Complement is comprised of six Regiments, and so has a strength 46,915 men, including the Coulatto. A Complement is a formidable military force, and the Coulatto are expected to comport themselves as representatives of the Empire in all of their actions. Commanding a Complement is an introduction into the realm of politics, and this new set of skills is often the most difficult to learn for the hardened warriors who are promoted to this level. Oddly enough, commanding a Complement in battle is different and easier than commanding a smaller unit, but commanding a Complement before a battle is much more difficult. A Complement is too large for quick maneuver, so a Coulatto must trust his Coulats to handle that part of the battle. Instead, a Coulatto must be expert at picking his field of conflict and must have the temperament to engage in the brutal slugfests of heavy combat. They must also be expert at directing the huge mystic resources available to them, leading stalwarts, and must excel at personal combat. Coulatto receive even better equipment than do Coulats, and since they usually advance from the rank of Coulat they are always ferocious in combat and are expected to deal with enemy Stalwarts. The might of the Empire is arrayed behind a Coulatto, and to say they are eccentric and mighty would be an understatement.

The next rank are the Generals. There are nine divisions of General, and they are usually placed in command of either a Battalion, or, as they reach the ultimate levels of seniority, a full Legion. A Battalion is composed of six Complements and so has a strength on paper of 281,490 men. Battalions are the largest units which the Empire attempts to field and control in their entirety. A Legion is composed of six Battalions, and so has a strength on paper of 1,689,000 men. A unit this large is powerful enough to threaten even the Empire if it is mishandled or rebels, so only the most competent and loyal leaders are elevated to this exalted level. Chronun has been accused of choosing his Generals only for their combative skills and neglecting their loyalty, and rumors abound of the disciplinary actions He has inflicted upon his more recalcitrant leaders.

For those of you who have been keeping count, eight ranks have been described and so have eight units. The ranks are Trooper, Talna, Sarna, Logalla, Ologa, Coulat, Coulatto, and General. The units are Squad, Platoon, Group, Company, Regiment, Complement, Battalion, and Legion. But the Empire has both nine ranks and nine units. What then is the last? It is not the Emperor, as most people believe. The highest ranking military officer is known as a Marshall, and is empowered to command more than one Legion as parts of his unit. Celegian military doctrine calls for the ninth and largest unit to be an Expedition.