Ranged Magic Properties

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Magic weapon properties grant the wearer special abilities while the weapon is wielded. These abilities vary greatly, but often bear a resemblance to spell effects. Note that Spell Effects cannot be applied to weapon.

A magic weapon cannot have any magic weapon properties applied to it unless it has at least a +1 Enhancement bonus also applied to it. For example, you cannot make a longsword with the +2 magic weapon property of Flaming Burst unless it has at least a +1 enhancement bonus (and therefore an Absolute Bonus of +3). No weapon may be enchanted with Epic magic weapon properties unless it has an Enhancement bonus of at least +6.

Magic Weapon Costs

To determine the cost of a magic weapon, three elements must be added together:

  • The cost of the weapon.
  • The cost of any special materials used to create the weapon (e.g. mithril, adamantine, etc.).
  • The cost of the Absolute Bonus (the sum of the magic properties and the enhancement bonus).


Dweomermetals, such as mithril, argent and bloodgold, can grant a weapon special qualities. The prices and special qualities of each dweomermetal are described in detail on the Dweomermetals page.

Dweomermetals do not alter the Absolute Bonus of a weapon, though the cost for a weapon made with a dweomermetal is added to the overall cost of the weapon.

Note that special materials cannot be added to an existing weapon. The weapon must be built from the special material before it can be enchanted. If a character already has a +3 longsword, and wants it to be a +3 argent longsword, he would have to sell his old sword and buy an argent one. He cannot simply upgrade it. (This rule can be broken, at GM discretion, in cases where the weapon is a family heirloom, an artifact, or any sort of magic item that is meant to grow with the player, where replacing it with a new weapon would disrupt the story continuity for the character. In these cases, the item may have always been made from the special material, but only exhibits its qualities when the character reaches a high enough level to appreciate it, or perhaps it acquires the special materials qualities after some event transpires (like the character gets splashed with molten mithril).)

Campaign Level

Heroic tier characters (characters from level 1 to level 20) can wield a weapon with an enhancement bonus up to +5, and can have up to +5 pluses worth of magic weapon properties applied to their weapon, though there must always be at least +1 Enhancement bonus on the weapon before any magic weapon properties can be applied. As a result, heroic tier characters can wield a weapon with an absolute bonus of anything from +1 to +10.

Epic tier characters (characters level 21 to level 35) can wield a weapon with an enhancement bonus up to +9, and can have a total of up to +9 pluses-worth of magic weapon properties applied to their weapon (resulting in an Absolute Bonus as high as +18). However, the enhancement bonus of the weapon must be raised to at least +6 before it can have any Epic magic weapon properties applied to it.

Any attempt to wield a weapon more magically enchanted than your level allows results in the character taking a non-proficiency penalty with the weapon (-4 to attack rolls), and the possibility of even more dire consequences (such as insanity, or being controlled by the weapon).

At level 36 and higher (apotheosis) all restrictions on enhancement bonuses and the magic item properties are lifted, at which point the weapon may be enchanted in any way the character can afford.

Upgrading and Changing Magic Weapon Properties

Enhancement bonuses cannot be removed from a magic weapon once applied, but the enhancement bonus can be increased. If the weapon is made from a dweomermetal that offers an alternate way of allocating the enhancement bonus, this can also be changed by a craftsman (or a character with the Creator feat), but performing this work takes one full day of work per change in the Absolute Bonus, with a minimum of 1 full day.

Magic weapon properties can be removed from a magic weapon, replaced with altogether new properties, or upgraded to a higher version of the existing magic weapon property (when applicable). The cost to do so is the difference in cost between the old Absolute Bonus and the new Absolute Bonus. However, if the Absolute Bonus goes down, there is no refund of money unless you can convince the craftsman performing the alterations why he should actually pay you for the privilege of doing that work. Performing magic weapon property swaps and upgrades takes one full day of work per change in the Absolute Bonus, with a minimum of 1 full day. Even if this work isn't performed by a player, the player must wait for the alterations to be performed, and they cannot make use of the weapon while the craftsman is working on it. Some craftsmen might offer to lend or rent out a weapon while their customers wait, though they would expect the loaner weapon to return to them in good condition.

A magic weapon which is altered in such a way as to violate the limitations of the campaign level will inflict a non-proficiency penalty on the wielder, or worse.

Absolute Bonus

The Absolute Bonus is determined by adding together the 'plus' values of the weapon's Enhancement Bonus and any Magic Properties it will be enchanted with. For example, a +2 Advancing Rapier has a +4 Absolute Bonus, which is the sum of the +2 Enhancement bonus and the +2 Advancing property.

+1 Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
Adaptive (Magic Property) Adaptive Adaptive (Magic Property) Adaptive (Magic Property) Adaptive (Magic Property)
Allying (Magic Property) Allying Allying (Magic Property) Allying (Magic Property) Allying (Magic Property)
Bane (Magic Property) Bane Bane (Magic Property) Bane (Magic Property) Bane (Magic Property)
Called (Magic Property) Called Called (Magic Property) Called (Magic Property) Called (Magic Property)
Conductive (Magic Property) Conductive Conductive (Magic Property) Conductive (Magic Property) Conductive (Magic Property)
Corrosive (Magic Property) Corrosive Corrosive (Magic Property) Corrosive (Magic Property) Corrosive (Magic Property)
Cruel (Magic Property) Cruel Cruel (Magic Property) Cruel (Magic Property) Cruel (Magic Property)
Cunning (Magic Property) Cunning Cunning (Magic Property) Cunning (Magic Property) Cunning (Magic Property)
Distance (Magic Property) Distance Distance (Magic Property) Distance (Magic Property) Distance (Magic Property)
Flaming (Magic Property) Flaming Flaming (Magic Property) Flaming (Magic Property) Flaming (Magic Property)
Frost (Magic Property) Frost Frost (Magic Property) Frost (Magic Property) Frost (Magic Property)
Huntsman (Magic Property) Huntsman Huntsman (Magic Property) Huntsman (Magic Property) Huntsman (Magic Property)
Impervious (Magic Property) Impervious Impervious (Magic Property) Impervious (Magic Property) Impervious (Magic Property)
Keen (Magic Property) Keen Keen (Magic Property) Keen (Magic Property) Keen (Magic Property)
Limning (Magic Property) Limning Limning (Magic Property) Limning (Magic Property) Limning (Magic Property)
Merciful (Magic Property) Merciful Merciful (Magic Property) Merciful (Magic Property) Merciful (Magic Property)
Planar (Magic Property) Planar Planar (Magic Property) Planar (Magic Property) Planar (Magic Property)
Seeking (Magic Property) Seeking Seeking (Magic Property) Seeking (Magic Property) Seeking (Magic Property)
Shock (Magic Property) Shock Shock (Magic Property) Shock (Magic Property) Shock (Magic Property)
Thundering (Magic Property) Thundering Thundering (Magic Property) Thundering (Magic Property) Thundering (Magic Property)

+2 Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
Anarchic (Magic Property) Anarchic Anarchic (Magic Property) Anarchic (Magic Property) Anarchic (Magic Property)
Anchoring (Magic Property) Anchoring Anchoring (Magic Property) Anchoring (Magic Property) Anchoring (Magic Property)
Axiomatic (Magic Property) Axiomatic Axiomatic (Magic Property) Axiomatic (Magic Property) Axiomatic (Magic Property)
Corrosive Burst (Magic Property) Corrosive Burst Corrosive Burst (Magic Property) Corrosive Burst (Magic Property) Corrosive Burst (Magic Property)
Designating, Lesser (Magic Property) Designating, Lesser Designating, Lesser (Magic Property) Designating, Lesser (Magic Property) Designating, Lesser (Magic Property)
Flaming Burst (Magic Property) Flaming Burst Flaming Burst (Magic Property) Flaming Burst (Magic Property) Flaming Burst (Magic Property)
Glamered (Magic Property) Glamered Glamered (Magic Property) Glamered (Magic Property) Glamered (Magic Property)
Holy (Magic Property) Holy Holy (Magic Property) Holy (Magic Property) Holy (Magic Property)
Icy Burst (Magic Property) Icy Burst Icy Burst (Magic Property) Icy Burst (Magic Property) Icy Burst (Magic Property)
Igniting (Magic Property) Igniting Igniting (Magic Property) Igniting (Magic Property) Igniting (Magic Property)
Phase Locking (Magic Property) Phase Locking Phase Locking (Magic Property) Phase Locking (Magic Property) Phase Locking (Magic Property)
Shocking Burst (Magic Property) Shocking Burst Shocking Burst (Magic Property) Shocking Burst (Magic Property) Shocking Burst (Magic Property)
Stalking (Magic Property) Stalking Stalking (Magic Property) Stalking (Magic Property) Stalking (Magic Property)
Unholy (Magic Property) Unholy Unholy (Magic Property) Unholy (Magic Property) Unholy (Magic Property)
Price Name Benefit Aura CL
+2 Anarchic3 An anarchic weapon is infused with the power of chaos 7th
+2 Anchoring6 Pins a target in place and prevents it from moving. 10th
+2 Axiomatic3 An axiomatic weapon is infused with lawful power. 7th
+2 Corrosive Burst3 Does extra acid damage and bonus acid damage on criticals. 12th
+2 Designating, Lesser3 Grants allies a +2 to attack and damage rolls when an opponent is hit 7th
+2 Flaming Burst3 Does extra fire damage and bonus fire damage on criticals. 12th
+2 Glamered A glamered weapon can be commanded to change its shape and appearance. 10th
+2 Holy3 Deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against all creatures of evil alignment. 7th
+2 Icy Burst3 Does extra cold damage and bonus cold damage on criticals. 10th
+2 Igniting3 Causes the target to catch fire upon a critical hit. 12th
+2 Phase Locking3 Places a dimensional anchor upon foes struck. 7th
+2 Shocking Burst3 Does extra electricity damage and bonus electricity damage on criticals. 10th
+2 Stalking By spending actions to study a foe, gain bonus precision damage dice. 10th
+2 Unholy3 Deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against all creatures of good alignment. 7th

+3 Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
+3 Lucky, Greater5 Removed from game (Firearms only) 12th
+3 Reliable, Greater5 Removed from game (Firearms only) 12th
+3 Speed When making a full-attack action you make one extra attack. 7th

+4 Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
+4 Brilliant Energy3 Ignores armor and shield bonuses to AC. 16th
+4 Designating, Greater Grants allies a +4 to attack and damage rolls when an opponent is hit 12th
+4 Nimble Shot A nimble shot weapon doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity when fired. 11th
+4 Second Chance3 Once per round, a missed attack can be re-rolled as a free action 11th

+3 Epic Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
+3 Bane, Greater The weapon excels against certain foes. 21st
+3 Beatific The weapon grants boons. 21st
+3 Coruscating Surrounds foes with brilliant light. 21st
+3 Harrowing A harrowing weapon tracks and slays prey. 21st
+3 Heartpiercer Nothing can hide from a heartpiercer weapon. 21st
+3 Lionhearted Fortifies the wielders courage and morale in battle. 21st
+3 Threatening Able to threaten foes in battle without peer. 21st
+3 Tethered The weapon appears when called utterly without fail. 21st
+3 Terrifying Intimidation in battle breeds terror wherever this weapon goes. 21st
+3 Planar, Improved Defeats the defenses of outsiders. 21st
+3 Savage Damages foes...and the wielder. 21st
+3 Shattered When broken, this weapon gains bonuses and inflicts bleed. 26th

+4 Epic Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
+4 Antimagic Deadly to any user of magic of any kind. 24th
+4 Corrosive Blast Sprays and splatters acid damage, uncaring of friend or foe. 21st
+4 Crushing Increases the base damage of a bludgeoning weapon by 1d6. 28th
+4 Deathly Increases the critical range of a melee weapon by two. 25th
+4 Flaming Blast Erupts in blasts of flame, uncaring of friend or foe. 21st
+4 Icy Blast Gusts out the bitterest cold, uncaring of friend or foe. 21st
+4 Impaling Increases the base damage of a piercing weapon by 1d6. 28th
+4 Indomitable The wielder is immune to fear. 21st
+4 Lacerating Increases the base damage of a slashing weapon by 1d6. 28th
+4 Shadowy Adds five feet of inclusive reach to all attacks made by the weapon. 24th
+4 Shocking Blast Shocks all within reach, uncaring of friend or foe. 21st
+4 Thundering Blast Creates vast peals of thunder, uncaring of friend or foe. 21st
+4 Triple-Throw A triple-throw weapon creates two duplicates of itself when thrown. 21st
+4 Unerring Accuracy Ranged attacks ignore concealment and most cover. 26th

+5 Epic Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
+5 Bane, True The weapon excels against certain foes. 25th
+5 Caustic Soaks enemies in deadly acid. 26th
+5 Desiccation This weapon is the bane of all water. 24th
+5 Distant Shot The weapon no longer takes range penalties. 26th
+5 Dread This weapon excels against a certain type of foe. 22nd
+5 Frigid This weapon is the pride of winter. 25th
+5 Incendiary A fearsome brand of pure fire. 24th
+5 Lightning Bolt A bolt of nearly pure lightning...In Your Hand! 26th
+5 Planar, Greater Outsiders fear this weapon, with good reason. 25th
+5 Precognitive Once per day you may declare an attack roll to be a natural 20 and automatically confirm the critical. 22nd
+5 Thunderstrike The fury of the storm, to destroy your enemies. 25th

+6 Epic Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
+6 Anarchic Power This Chaotic weapon is deadly to Lawful foes. 25th
+6 Axiomatic Power This Lawful weapon is deadly to Chaotic foes. 25th
+6 Force The weapon inflicts force damage. 26th
+6 Glacial Freezes foes, friends, even the scenery. 26th
+6 Gory This weapon punishes the wielder, but punishes foes far worse. 27th
+6 Holy Power This Good weapon is deadly to Evil foes. 25th
+6 Lightning Shocks foes, friends, even the scenery. 26th
+6 Greater Shadowy Adds ten feet of inclusive reach to all attacks made by the weapon. 27th
+6 Supersonic Inflicts sonic damage on foes, friends, even the scenery. 26th
+6 Unholy Power This Evil weapon is deadly to Good foes. 25th
+6 Vitriol Inflicts acidic damage on foes, friends, even the scenery 26th
+6 Volcanic Burns foes, friends, even the scenery. 26th

+7 Epic Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
+7 Astringent Creates a large area of deadly acid 30th
+7 Balefire Creates a large area filled with deadly flame 30th
+7 Bane, Utter The weapon utterly excels against certain foes. 29th
+7 Frostheart Creates a large zone of freezing cold 30th
+7 Planar, Mighty Outsiders avoid the material plane for a reason. 30th
+7 Greater Precognitive Once per encounter you may declare an attack roll to be a natural 20 and confirm the critical. 28th
+7 Leaching This weapon deals desiccation damage and inflicts bleed. 28th
+7 Ionic Creates a large area filled with lightning 30th
+7 Stentorian Creates a large zone of deadly sonic vibrations 30th

+8 Epic Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
+8 Angelic Glory This Lawful Good weapon is anathema to both chaotic and evil foes. 30th
+8 Calamity This force weapon is deadly to all foes and the terrain as well. 27th
+8 Celestial Grandeur This Chaotic Good weapon is anathema to both lawful and evil foes. 30th
+8 Coring Raises the base damage of a piercing weapon by 2d6 32nd
+8 Demonic Horror This Chaotic Evil weapon is anathema to both Lawful and Good foes. 30th
+8 Diabolic Misery This Lawful Evil weapon is anathema to both Chaotic and Good foes. 30th
+8 Razing Raises the base damage of a slashing weapon by 2d6 32nd
+8 Wracking Raises the base damage of a bludgeoning weapon by 2d6 32nd

+9 Epic Ranged Magic Properties

Price Name Benefit Aura CL
+9 Bane, Absolute For some creatures, this weapon is Death. 34th
+9 Jaunting This weapon allows the wielder to dimension door every round after a successful attack. 32nd
+9 Perfect Precognitive Once per round you may declare an attack roll to be a natural 20 and confirm the critical. 32nd
+9 Planar, Utter Outsiders will pay the wielder to remain in the Prime Plane 34th
+9 Vampiric This weapon inflicts desiccation damage and transfers it to the wielder. 33rd
+9 Void This unaligned weapon is utterly deadly to all alignments. 35th