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Gnoll Claw Fighter (CR 8)

Gnolls are, in general, vile things. But the Claw Fighter is the most animalistic of gnolls, the one closest to their hyena nature. Claw Fighters wear the rudiments of clothing at best, crouch on all fours, and their speech is babyish, often interrupted by compulsive yipping giggles that are terrible to hear.

Claw Fighters are hunched things that seem to never stand still. They are always twitching and swaying, shuffling in little circles, their terrible eyes peering over toothy maws stretched wide by painful giggles and lolling tongues. Claw Fighters would be MUCH better at stealth than they are, if they could only stand still and stop giggling. As it is, they are still uncomfortably good at creeping up on their victims. Claw Fighters are eager cannibals, eating every sentient race including other gnolls.

In Gnoll society, claw fighters are, weirdly enough, not looked down upon for their foibles. Indeed, Claw Fighters are not exactly revered, but they are certainly respected. Part of that might have to do with their absolute savagery in combat, which, combined with their horrible strained laughter, is very effective indeed.


CR 8 Hit Dice 12

XP 4,800

CE, Medium, Monstrous Humanoid

Init +4; Senses low-light, keen scent, Perception +12


AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 21 (+6 dex, +11 armor)

hp 125

Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +7

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: -

Immunities: -

Weaknesses: -


Speed 40 ft., see also Wriggling Stalk

Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.

Single Melee Bite +14 (2d8/x2)

Full Melee Bite +14 (2d8/x2), 2x Claws +14 (2d6/x2)

Ranged None, but see Slink and Giggling Charge

Special Attacks Slink, Giggling Charge, Pack Attack

Action Points 0


Str 19, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 8

Base Atk +8; CMB +15; CMD 28

Feats -

Skills Stealth +10

Languages <copy from source>


Giggling Charge

Once per encounter, the Claw Fighter may make a charge attack and use Giggling Charge. As part of the Bite attack made in the Charge, the Gnoll may force the victim of the Giggling Charge to make a Will Save against a DC of 18. Those who fail this Will Save are Baffled for one round. Those who make this Will save are instead Dazzled for one round. This is a sonic based mind-affecting power.

Pack Attack

Any time a Claw Fighter would receive a Flanking bonus to-hit, it doubles the to-hit bonus, to +4 instead of +2.


As a full attack action, the Claw Fighter Gnoll may use its animalistic nature to drop to all fours and Slink to the attack against its enemies. It may shift up to three squares, and take a full attack (claw/claw/bite) at any point during the shift. If it desires, it may make all these attacks upon a single enemy, or it may spread them among enemies it passes as it wishes.


sell value of approximately 3,250 gp


Claw Fighter Gnolls are sly but eager combatants. They will try to sneak up on victims if they can, although their stealth leaves a lot to be desired. Once the battle is joined, they will use Giggling Charge to race to the attack on all fours, cackling the whole time, and try to inflict Baffled or Dazzled upon as many enemies as they can.

Once in melee, fighting Claw Fighters is a disorienting experience, as they will use Slink every round to set themselves up for Pack Attack flanking bonuses. They are quite infuriating, especially with the constant giggling. Even worse, Claw Fighters are not stupid. If there are soft targets in a party, they will utterly ignore the heavily armored sorts and use Slink to go and attack the clothies mercilessly. Wise opponents will seek to go 'back to back' against Claw Fighters, and unwise opponents will suffer.

Claw Fighters are not courageous, and will flee a battle without hesitation...if they think of it. Claw Fighters love fighting and love killing things, and can easily become distracted in a fight to the point that will fail to flee until it is far too late.