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Condition Severity: Weak

   An enemy has grabbed one of your arms, in an attempt to initiate a grapple with you.


  • A grabbed condition is the weakest outcome of a successful Grapple combat maneuver against an enemy.
  • You can still perform most attacks at your normal to-hit bonuses, except as described below:
  • Attacks against any other creature besides the one that grabbed you, or attacks using a two-handed weapon or off-hand weapon (against any creature) suffer a -4 penalty to all to-hit rolls.
  • If you wish to cast a spell, you must make a Concentration check against a DC equal to the grabbing creature's Maneuver Defense, or else the spell fails. If the spell does not include the creature that grabbed you as one of its targets, this check is made with a -4 penalty.
  • This check is not required if you are casting a spell that does not have a somatic component (or have its somatic component removed via the Still Spell metamagic feat, or the spell has a range of "Touch" (but not "Ranged Touch").
  • If you move from your space using any movement type other than Teleport or Forced Movement, the creature that grabbed you may move to a space adjacent to the space you end your move in, as a free action, if they wish. If they choose to move with you, they must move the fewest squares possible to end up adjacent to you, but can otherwise choose which adjacent space they end up in. The grabbing creature's movement is considered forced movement and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Ended By

If the ability, trap, or effect description includes specific directions for how the condition is ended, then that is the primary means of ending this condition. In many cases, it is the only way to end the condition. If nothing is specifically listed for ending the condition, then the following methods can be used to end it, instead:

  • The grabbed condition automatically ends at the start of the grabbing creature's next turn.

