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This plucky Halfling explorer took both Sure Footed and Fearless. Her formidable self-confidence is well founded!


In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort. ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit


Unlike most races, Halfling communities tend to leave very little impression on the pages of history, almost as if their famous stealth applies to their entire civilization. As a result, no one is certain just exactly where halflings came from. Some of the most pervasive evidence is that halflings are a fairly new race, much younger than the Elves or Dwarves.

Conversely, there is also evidence that, like Humans, halflings have been around a lot longer than would seem reasonable. There are some records that indicate that the Halfling race was created very early on to serve as the caretakers and custodians of the world once all the other races have gone extinct. This notion is fiercely contested among scholars and scribes and sages and wizards, to put it mildly. If you can get the most learned people to admit it, the simple truth is, no one knows for certain what is up with Halflings.

The one solid fact is, almost every civilized creature likes having halflings around. Halflings are the very best of good neighbors, and anybody with good sense sees that and strives to keep them around.


Growing Up Halfling

Halfling families are a source of great comfort and great anxiety. A halfing's extended family is nearly always living in the same village, and even third cousins and step-aunts are busily involved in the minute details of their relative's daily lives. A halfling child is therefore subjected to potentially dozens of mother and father figures, all of whom feel perfectly justified in partaking of the child's upbringing and education. This can be very confusing, of course, especially when disagreements over the best means of rearing a child or teaching them about the world occur.

Luckily, halflings are almost pathologically devoted to family and friends, so even the most vigorous of disagreements might never amount to much more than disgruntled diary entries which are never shared with anyone. On rare occasions, a family might split apart over some disagreement, and these separations are often complex affairs. Imagine a simultaneous divorce of 100 couples with children, each with property, land and emotional ties to all the rest. It can take decades for these divisions to fully take place, though even at their bitterest, the conversations are polite and hospitality is abundant. Of course, everyone is quietly seething inside, but appearances are important.

The halfling child reaches physical maturity at around 20 years old, and mental and emotional maturity by around age 30.


Halflings spend a fair bit of their energy accumulating keepsakes, as well as fine furniture and luxury items for their households. As a result, they can be seen as miserly by outsiders, though never to the point of turning away guests from a meal. They simply aren't frivolous spenders, preferring to keep their money close until they find just the right thing they want.

In business, Halflings can be a bit too flighty to keep meticulous books, and sometimes are too naive to avoid con artists and petty thieves. As a result, halflings tend to keep their mercantilism centered in their own communities. While they would never treat a non-Halfling stranger as an outsider or potential threat, they are more comfortable when they know whatever money they are spending or earning is coming from a family member, or a neighbor who might someday have grandchildren who marry into the family. In this way, all money eventually comes back home.

While halflings are nowhere near as covetous of monetary wealth as Dwarves, they can see the good sense in keeping all the gold polished, and closely examining every gem (as Dwarves are wont to do), because ultimately, wealth leads to comfort. And gold coins and gemstones are quite nice, really, even before you spend them.


Lifespan and Burial

Halflings live around 180 to 220 years, and reach their dotage around age 150. Often, however, Halflings will claim to have reached their dotage much earlier, as they declare their retirement and spend the rest of their years sprucing up their homes, taking care of family and reminiscing about the good old days.

Halflings prefer their burials to be done on a pyre, the bodies burned and the ashes left to blow away in the wind. As much as Halflings prize freedom, to them, death is the ultimate liberator, freeing them from the shackles of physical bodies and worldly needs. While every halfling enjoys their morning hour of grooming, and their 6 or 7 meals per day, all of them mildly resent the NEED to do them. In death, they can finally bathe and eat only when their whims drive them to do so.

Relations with Others

Starting Height and Weight

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Weight Weight Modifier
Male 2 ft. 8 in. +2d4 in. (2 ft. 10 in. - 3 ft. 4 in.) 30 lbs. +(2d4 lbs.) (32 - 38 lbs.)
Female 2 ft. 6 in. +2d4 in. (2 ft. 8 in. - 3 ft. 2 in.) 25 lbs. +(2d4 lbs.) (27 - 33 lbs.)

Random Starting Ages

Adulthood Intuitive Self-Taught Trained
20 years +2d4 years (22 - 28 years) +3d6 years (23 - 38 years) +4d6 years (24 - 44 years)


Halfling characters have no alignment or class restrictions.

Standard Racial Traits

All Halflings have the following Standard Racial Advantages:

  • Attributes: Halflings may choose to gain one of the following ability score bonus sets when creating their character. No ability score may ever be modified above a 20 or below a 7.
    • +2 to two different stats, -2 to one stat
    • +2 one stat, and +1 to three different stats, -2 to one stat
    • +4 to one stat, -2 to two different stats
  • Size: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
  • Type: Halflings have the Humanoid type, with the Halfling subtype.
  • Base Speed: Halflings have a base land speed of 20 feet.
  • Languages: Halflings begin play speaking Common and Halfling. Halflings with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
  • Normal Vision (Ex): Halflings, like Humans, require bright light to see without penalty. Creatures in dim light gain concealment (20% miss chance) against halflings trying to target them.
  • Halfling Luck (Ex): Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.

Major Racial Traits

Choose one of the following Major Racial Traits:

  • Adaptable Luck (Su): Twice per day as a free action, a Halfling with this racial trait may add a +2 luck bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. If Halflings choose to use the ability before they make the roll or check, they gain the full +2 bonus; if they choose to do so afterward, they only gain a +1 bonus. At 10th level, this ability can be used up to three times per day. At 20th, it can be used four times per day, and at 30th, it can be used five times per day.
  • Fleet of Foot (Ex): Halflings with this racial trait have a base speed of 30 feet, allowing them to move at the same speed as medium creatures. At 12th level, their base speed improves to 35 feet, and at 25th, their base speed improves to 40 feet.
  • Swift as Shadows (Ex): Halflings with this racial trait reduce the penalty for moving while in a Stealth stance by 5, and reduce the Stealth check penalty for sniping by 10. While stealthed, the Halfling's base speed is treated as being 5 higher than normal. At 12th level, their base speed is treated as being 10 higher than normal instead, and at 25th level, their base speed is treated as being 15 higher than normal instead.
  • Beating the Odds (Su): Halflings with this racial trait improve the critical hit range of any weapon they both wield and are proficient with by +1. For example, a longsword, which normally has a critical hit range of 19-20/x2 would improve to an 18-20/x2 in the hands of a Halfling with this racial trait, assuming she is proficient with it. This bonus to her critical hit range is a racial bonus. This racial trait does NOT improve the critical multiplier of the weapon. At 20th level, this trait improves the critical hit range by +2 instead.
  • Sure-Footed (Ex): Halflings with this racial trait choose either the Acrobatics skill or the Climb skill, and may add half their character level as a racial bonus to that skill (round down, minimum 1). At 10th level, they may add half their character level as a racial bonus to the other skill (round down). Both skills become class skills at 1st level if they are not already.

Minor Racial Traits

Choose one of the following Minor Racial Traits:

  • Fearless (Ex): Halflings with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus to Will saves against fear affects. This bonus improves to +3 at level 10, +4 at level 20 and +5 at level 30. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Halfling Luck.
  • Keen Senses (Ex): Halflings with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus to Perception checks. This bonus increases to +3 if they have 10 or more ranks in the skill, +4 if they have 20 or more ranks in the skill, and +5 if they have 30 or more ranks in the skill. Perception becomes a class skill if it is not already.
  • Halfling Jinx (Su): Halflings with this racial trait gain the ability to curse another creature with bad luck at will as a standard action. This curse has a range of 30 feet, and you must be able to see the target and have line of effect to it. The target gets a Will saving throw to resist this jinx (DC = 10 + 1/2 your level + your Charisma modifier). If your target makes this saving throw, it is immune to your jinx ability for 24 hours. A jinxed creature takes a –1 penalty on all saving throws. This jinx lasts for 24 hours or until you attempt to use your jinx again. A jinx is a supernatural ability, is not mind-affecting, does not allow spell resistance, and can affect any kind of creature not immune to luck effects. At 10th level, jinxed targets instead take a -2 penalty to all saves. At 25th level, jinxed targets take a -3 penalty to all saves.
  • Warslinger (Ex): Halflings with this racial trait can reload a sling as a free action. Reloading a sling still requires two hands and provokes attacks of opportunity.
  • Not Compensating (Ex): Halflings with this racial trait can wield weapons that are sized for Medium creatures without taking a size or handiness penalty.