Pirate's Eyepatch

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Pirate's Eyepatch

Eyes Slot Item - Transmutation Aura

A Pirate's Eyepatch is a small, generally opaque, piece of material that is held tightly over one eye. They work whether there is an eye behind the patch or not, although in the traditional piratical lifestyle, wearing an eyepatch over a healthy eye is considered poor form. Pirates, Swashbucklers, Corsairs, Privateers, or plain old Bandits, all have a particularly swaggering, chaotic lifestyle, emblemized by exotic manners of speech, odd pets, and weird rules, that are followed or ignored as the mood sets in.

Few things are more perfectly piratical than the scarred face and eyepatch, to show that THIS person is not to be trifled with! Eyepatches come in many designs and styles, from a scrap of dirty cloth tied around the head to elaborate gold and jeweled designs with magically animated glowing eyes on them, and all manner of things in between.

The Pirate's Eyepatch, regardless of how it looks, grants numerous benefits to the wearer.

The first and most basic function is, a Pirate's Eyepatch restores the vision of a lost eye. This has the effect of making the wearer Immune to the Blind condition for normal vision. They are still susceptible to Blind against all non-normal vision senses (such as the confusingly named Blindsense), as well as Blind against all hearing or other senses. But no matter how impaired their sensorium becomes, the wearer of an attuned Pirate's Eyepatch always has normal vision, unless the item is Stolen or Sundered.

Stronger versions of the Pirate's Eyepatch grant increasing additional benefits, as detailed below:

The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.

Pirate's Eyepatch +1   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 1,875 gp
Weight: .1 lbs.
A Pirate's Eyepatch +1 adds Immune to Blind versus normal sight, as do all such items. In addition, it:
  • Reduces the Physical Actions Penalty of Wind and/or Heavy Rain by -1.
  • Grants the wearer a Lesser Swim speed of 10 feet. Going overboard to attack is no longer a death sentence!
  • Grants the wearer the Treacherous Strike ability. Activating Treacherous Strike is a Free Action that cannot be used in the same round as any other damage boosting item that requires a Free Action. As a free action, it must be used during your turn, and activating it allows the effect to last until the end of your current turn. For this item, Treacherous Strike allows you to add your Base Attack Bonus to the damage done by up to three attacks per day, which you may choose after the attack roll is made, as long as those attacks are made with a flanking bonus. If you can get your foe in a bind with one of your allies, you can hurt them worse.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 16 (10 + double CL)), Languid remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 938 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Pirate's Eyepatch +2   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 6,250 gp
Weight: .1 lbs.
A Pirate's Eyepatch +2 adds Immune to Blind versus normal sight, as do all such items. In addition, it:
  • Reduces the Physical Actions Penalty of Wind and/or Heavy Rain by -2.
  • Grants the wearer a Lesser Swim speed of 30 feet. Going overboard to attack is no longer a death sentence!
  • Grants the wearer a Brachiating speed of 10 feet. Swinging about the rigging is now second nature!
  • Grants the wearer the Treacherous Strike ability. Activating Treacherous Strike is a Free Action that cannot be used in the same round as any other damage boosting item that requires a Free Action. As a free action, it must be used during your turn, and activating it allows the effect to last until the end of your current turn. For this item, Treacherous Strike allows you to add your Base Attack Bonus to the damage done by up to five attacks per day, which you may choose after the attack roll is made, as long as those attacks are made with a flanking bonus. If you can get your foe in a bind with one of your allies, you can hurt them worse.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 24 (10 + double CL)), Languid remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 3,125 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Pirate's Eyepatch +3   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 15,500 gp
Weight: .1 lbs.
A Pirate's Eyepatch +3 adds Immune to Blind versus normal sight, as do all such items. In addition, it:
  • Reduces the Physical Actions Penalty of Wind and/or Heavy Rain by -3.
  • Grants the wearer a Lesser Swim speed of 40 feet. Going overboard to attack is no longer a death sentence!
  • Grants the wearer a Brachiating speed of 20 feet. Swinging about the rigging is now second nature!
  • Grants the wearer the Treacherous Strike ability. Activating Treacherous Strike is a Free Action that cannot be used in the same round as any other damage boosting item that requires a Free Action. As a free action, it must be used during your turn, and activating it allows the effect to last until the end of your current turn. For this item, Treacherous Strike allows you to add your Base Attack Bonus to the damage done by up to seven attacks per day, which you may choose after the attack roll is made, as long as those attacks are made with a flanking bonus. If you can get your foe in a bind with one of your allies, you can hurt them worse.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 32 (10 + double CL)), Pale remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 7,750 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Pirate's Eyepatch +4   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 35,500 gp
Weight: .1 lbs.
A Pirate's Eyepatch +4 adds Immune to Blind versus normal sight, as do all such items. In addition, it:
  • Reduces the Physical Actions Penalty of Wind and/or Heavy Rain by -4.
  • Grants the wearer a Lesser Swim speed of 60 feet. Going overboard to attack is no longer a death sentence!
  • Grants the wearer a Brachiating speed of 30 feet. Swinging about the rigging is now second nature!
  • Grants the wearer the Treacherous Strike ability. Activating Treacherous Strike is a Free Action that cannot be used in the same round as any other damage boosting item that requires a Free Action. As a free action, it must be used during your turn, and activating it allows the effect to last until the end of your current turn. For this item, Treacherous Strike allows you to add your Base Attack Bonus to the damage done by up to three attacks per encounter, which you may choose after the attack roll is made, as long as those attacks are made with a flanking bonus. If you can get your foe in a bind with one of your allies, you can hurt them worse.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 40 (10 + double CL)), Pale remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 17,750 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Pirate's Eyepatch +5   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 120,000 gp
Weight: .1 lbs.
A Pirate's Eyepatch +5 adds Immune to Blind versus normal sight, as do all such items. In addition, it:
  • Reduces the Physical Actions Penalty of Wind and/or Heavy Rain by -5.
  • Grants the wearer a Lesser Swim speed of 60 feet. Going overboard to attack is no longer a death sentence!
  • Grants the wearer a Brachiating speed of 40 feet. Swinging about the rigging is now second nature!
  • Grants the wearer the Treacherous Strike ability. Activating Treacherous Strike is a Free Action that cannot be used in the same round as any other damage boosting item that requires a Free Action. As a free action, it must be used during your turn, and activating it allows the effect to last until the end of your current turn. For this item, Treacherous Strike allows you to add your Base Attack Bonus to the damage done by up to four attacks per encounter, which you may choose after the attack roll is made, as long as those attacks are made with a flanking bonus. If you can get your foe in a bind with one of your allies, you can hurt them worse.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 48 (10 + double CL)), Bright remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 60,000 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Pirate's Eyepatch +6   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 377,500 gp
Weight: .1 lbs.
A Pirate's Eyepatch +6 adds Immune to Blind versus normal sight, as do all such items. In addition, it:
  • Reduces the Physical Actions Penalty of Wind and/or Heavy Rain by -6.
  • Grants the wearer a Greater Swim speed of 60 feet. Swimming is never going to be a Pirates favorite thing, but at least you're good at it....
  • Grants the wearer a Brachiating speed of 60 feet. Swinging about the rigging is now fun and easy!
  • Grants the wearer the Treacherous Strike ability. Activating Treacherous Strike is a Free Action that cannot be used in the same round as any other damage boosting item that requires a Free Action. As a free action, it must be used during your turn, and activating it allows the effect to last until the end of your current turn. For this item, Treacherous Strike allows you to add your Base Attack Bonus to the damage done by up to five attacks per encounter, which you may choose after the attack roll is made, as long as those attacks are made with a flanking bonus. If you can get your foe in a bind with one of your allies, you can hurt them worse.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 56 (10 + double CL)), Intense remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 188,750 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Pirate's Eyepatch +7   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 1,150,000 gp
Weight: .1 lbs.
A Pirate's Eyepatch +7 adds Immune to Blind versus normal sight, as do all such items. In addition, it:
  • Reduces the Physical Actions Penalty of Wind and/or Heavy Rain by -7.
  • Grants the wearer a Greater Swim speed of 90 feet. Swimming is never going to be a Pirates favorite thing, but at least you're good at it....
  • Grants the wearer a Brachiating speed of 60 feet. Swinging about the rigging is now fun and easy!
  • Grants the wearer the Treacherous Strike ability. Activating Treacherous Strike is a Free Action that cannot be used in the same round as any other damage boosting item that requires a Free Action. As a free action, it must be used during your turn, and activating it allows the effect to last until the end of your current turn. For this item, Treacherous Strike allows you to add your Base Attack Bonus to the damage done by up to seven attacks per encounter, which you may choose after the attack roll is made, as long as those attacks are made with a flanking bonus. If you can get your foe in a bind with one of your allies, you can hurt them worse.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 64 (10 + double CL)), Blazing remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 575,000 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Pirate's Eyepatch +8   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 3,600,000 gp
Weight: .1 lbs.
A Pirate's Eyepatch +8 adds Immune to Blind versus normal sight, as do all such items. In addition, it:
  • Reduces the Physical Actions Penalty of Wind and/or Heavy Rain by -8.
  • Grants the wearer a Greater Swim speed of 90 feet. Swimming is never going to be a Pirates favorite thing, but at least you're good at it....
  • Grants the wearer a Brachiating speed of 90 feet. Swinging about the rigging is now fun and easy!
  • Grants the wearer the Treacherous Strike ability. Activating Treacherous Strike is a Free Action that cannot be used in the same round as any other damage boosting item that requires a Free Action. As a free action, it must be used during your turn, and activating it allows the effect to last until the end of your current turn. For this item, Treacherous Strike allows you to add your Base Attack Bonus to the damage done by up to five attacks per round, which you may choose after the attack roll is made, as long as those attacks are made with a flanking bonus. If you can get your foe in a bind with one of your allies, you can hurt them worse.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 72 (10 + double CL)), Vital remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 1,800,000 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).

Pirate's Eyepatch +9   [link]  [edit]

Cost: 11,025,000 gp
Weight: .1 lbs.
A Pirate's Eyepatch +9 adds Immune to Blind versus normal sight, as do all such items. In addition, it:
  • Reduces the Physical Actions Penalty of Wind and/or Heavy Rain by -9.
  • Grants the wearer a Greater Swim speed of 120 feet. Swimming is never going to be a Pirates favorite thing, but at least you're good at it....
  • Grants the wearer a Brachiating speed of 90 feet. Swinging about the rigging is now fun and easy!
  • Grants the wearer the Treacherous Strike ability. Activating Treacherous Strike is a Free Action that cannot be used in the same round as any other damage boosting item that requires a Free Action. As a free action, it must be used during your turn, and activating it allows the effect to last until the end of your current turn. For this item, Treacherous Strike allows you to add your Base Attack Bonus to the damage done by up to seven attacks per round, which you may choose after the attack roll is made, as long as those attacks are made with a flanking bonus. If you can get your foe in a bind with one of your allies, you can hurt them worse.
Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 80 (10 + double CL)), Mythic remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 5,512,500 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).