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Bulette(CR 9)


Solitary monstrosities, Bulette's are burrowing fiends created many thousands of years ago by some mad fool. They have escaped into the wild, and their magical strength serves them well as they prey upon just about everything they can catch.

Bulette's are maddened murderers, the sort of beast who will lay beneath the surface and follow you to your home and eat your children as you watch. Their strength, even for their enormous size, is mind-boggling. They can burrow through earth at good speed and even tear their way through solid stone like a strong man clearing brush. Even worse, bulette's, despite their squat shape, are not clumsy. They are ridiculously agile, able to leap as if mounted on springs and dodge blows in combat like the most lissome elf. Their prowess is unnerving to see and utterly unnatural in origin.

Their huge maws administer gigantic bites that leave their victims battered and torn, their claws can strike in all directions, and all of this is driven by a dull, vicious intelligence that glares at the world in mute rage, always wanting more to kill, more to kill....


CR 9 Hit Dice 14

XP 6,400

NE Huge Magical Beast

Init +8; Senses low-light 120ft, scent, tremorsense 60ft, Perception +15


AC 28, touch 17, flat-footed 21 (+7 dex, +11 armor)

hp 480

Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +12

Aura: -

SR: -

Special Defenses: Resurgence

Immunities: Immunity to Status Effects

Weaknesses: -


Speed 40 ft, burrow 20ft, burrow through stone, 10ft.

Space / Reach: 15 ft. / 10 ft.

Single Melee Savage Bite +16 (4d8+4/x2) + Bruised

Full Melee Savage Bite +16 (4d8+4/x2) + Bruised, 2x Claws +15 (6d6/x2)

Ranged none, but see Leap

Special Attacks Leap, Resurgence

Action Points 2


Str 26, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 6

Base Atk +9; CMB +17; CMD 30

Feats Combat Reflexes. EFFECT: Up to five attacks of opportunity per round.

           Maneuvers. EFFECT: AC 32 versus Attacks of Opportunity

Skills Acrobatics +13

Languages -



As a full attack action, the bulette may use its unholy strength to either spring into the air or plunge through the ground and move a number of squares equal to its move rating. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and must end in a space there the bulette can fit without squeezing. At the end of this movement, the bulette can make a Claw attack against every foe in its reach. (Claws +15 (6d6/x2))


When it is reduced to zero hit points for the first time in a combat, the bulette is not killed. Instead, it burrows beneath the surface and vanishes, as a triggered free action. Combat progresses normally until the next round, when at its normal initative count, the bulette bursts to the surface again, anywhere within twenty feet of its last position. At this time the bulette is reset to half its original hit point total and has any status conditions it was suffering cleared.

Any enemy figure whose space is completely or partially inside the bulette's space is violently tossed aside by this resurgence. The bulette may move any and all creatures affected by resurgence to any legal square adjacent to its space. This is considered a forced movement and does not provoke. All creatures moved in this way may make a Reflex save versus a DC of 19. If they fail this save, they are rendered Prone adjacent to the bulette and take 5d6 of damage. If they make their save they are not prone and take half damage. Resurgence is a move action for the bulette, and it may attack normally afterwards.


sell value of approximately 4,000 gp


Bulette's are fearsome and terrible in combat. They are fully aware of their combat reflexes and maneuvers abilities, and will move back or take five-foot steps to open up the range and get more attacks of opportunity every chance they get. They will spread their Savage Bite around if possible, to slow down any healing their victims are using. When they are getting pressed, they will use Leap to shake up the field of battle, going to attack ranged and supporting characters, and force any melee attackers to close the distance again and suffer even more attacks of opportunity.

Bulette's will usually spend one action point early in the fight so they can take a normal move and then use a full attack action against a soft target. They almost always save their second action point to use when they use Resurgence, so after they burst to the surface they can get a full attack action against a prone target.

Bulette's are completely fearless and will fight to the death without even a pause.