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Epic Path \ Character Creation \ Barbarian



There are people in the world for whom rules mean little, people who are driven, if not ruled, by their passions. Their emotions are bigger, more intense, than most people. Their joy is more complete, their sorrow deeper, their happiness incandescent, and their anger....

Oh, their anger.

These people, who power their way through a life that's just a little more...intense...than others, are barbarians. The classic barbarian is the glowering, steel-eyed savage, but there are so many more ways for these people who fill their lives so completely to appear. The disgraced nobles son who cares not a fig for his family's disappointment, the mighty warrior who can drive his emotions and spirit into the earth and air and the very fabric of reality, and the dour, wary-eyed slayer of monsters and haunts and spirits, these are all barbarians, people for whom life is much more real and intense than other people.

Alignment: Any non-lawful

Hit Die: d8

Starting Wealth: 3d6 x 10 gp (average: 105 gp)

Class Skills: The barbarian's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Might (Str), Movement (Dex), Naturalism (Special), Ride (Dex), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), and Survival (Wis).

Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Important Ability Scores: CON, STR (used by class abilities). WIS or CHA (depending on Barbaric Mien chosen). DEX is useful for armor class and reflex saves. INT (for skill points). WIS (for Will saves, though Barbarians get a bonus to Will saves while raging).

Table: Barbarian

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Damage Resistance Special
1st +1 2 0 0 Ironthewed, Fury, Rage, Barbaric Mien, Rage Power, Rage Power
2nd +2 3 0 0 1 Rage Power, Damage Resistance
3rd +3 3 1 1 1 Fast Movement
4th +4 4 1 1 2 Intensification, Mien Instinct
5th +5 4 1 1 2 Uncanny Dodge
6th +6 / +1 5 2 2 3 Rage Power
7th +7 / +2 5 2 2 3 Impermeable Hide
8th +8 / +3 6 2 2 4 Intensification
9th +9 / +4 6 3 3 4 Greater Rage (+3 hp/lvl)
10th +10 / +5 7 3 3 5 Rage Power
11th +11 / +6 / +1 7 3 3 5 Blood Dancer (+2 Dex)
12th +12 / +7 / +2 8 4 4 6 Intensification, Mien Instinct
13th +13 / +8 / +3 8 4 4 6 Uncanny Dodge, Improved
14th +14 / +9 / +4 9 4 4 7 Rage Power
15th +15 / +10 / +5 9 5 5 7 Furious Fixation
16th +16 / +11 / +6 / +1 10 5 5 8 Intensification
17th +17 / +12 / +7 / +2 10 5 5 8 Mighty Rage (+4 hp/lvl)
18th +18 / +13 / +8 / +3 11 6 6 9 Rage Power
19th +19 / +14 / +9 / +4 11 6 6 9 Building Frenzy
20th +20 / +15 / +10 / +5 12 6 6 10 Intensification, Strongarm (+2 Str)

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A barbarian is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and light shields.

A barbarian who is wearing armor of any kind cannot enter a rage, gain fury points, or activate rage powers.

Ironthewed (Ex)

Beginning at 1st level, a barbarian uses her Constitution modifier instead of her Strength modifier when calculating to-hit and damage numbers, as well as their CMB and CMD, when not using Rage. Wielding two-handed weapons adds 1.5 times her Con modifier instead of Str modifier. A barbarian's Con modifier is also used when calculating hit points and Fortitude saves, as normal. The barbarian's Strength modifier, when not raging, is only used for Strength-based skill modifiers, Strength checks and encumbrance calculations. Ironthewed is the ability that lets female barbarians be such slender little engines of destruction, as they are depicted on the covers of countless high-quality comic books. Note, however, that a high Strength score is still very valuable to a Barbarian when using their Rage class ability (See below).

Rage (Ex)

Beginning at 1st level, during combat (i.e., while an initiative order is in effect), a barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. A barbarian can enter rage during combat as a swift action, and maintain it each round as a free action. A barbarian can rage for as long as the battle lasts, or dismiss it at any time prior to that, if they prefer.

A barbarian's rage provides the following benefits:

  • Melee to-hit and damage rolls are calculated using both the barbarian's Constitution and Strength modifiers. (A barbarian wielding a two-handed weapon calculates their damage bonus as 1.5x the sum of their STR and CON modifiers.)
  • Encumbrance is calculated using the sum of the barbarian's STR and CON scores to determine carrying capacity. This allows raging barbarians to lift, carry and throw insanely huge objects.
  • Might skill bonus is calculated using both STR and CON modifiers.
  • CMB and CMD are calculated using both STR and CON modifiers.
  • +2 rage bonus to Will saves
  • +2 bonus hit points per class level of barbarian, which disappear when the rage ends. These bonus hit points will stack with temporary hit points. Any damage the barbarian takes is removed first from her temporary hit points (if any), then her bonus hit points from rage, then her normal hit points. When the rage ends, any bonus hit points from rage which remain are immediately lost. (They do not come 'off the bottom', however, and there is no danger that ending rage will cause a barbarian to fall unconscious or die, unless they are already unconscious or dead.)

While in rage, concentrating on details and exercising patience are nearly impossible, and as a result, most skills are beyond the capacity of the barbarian's enraged mind. As a result, a raging barbarian may only make skill checks against the following skills:

Once the rage ends, the barbarian can use any skill she wishes to use, of course.

A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is Fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends.

Fury (Ex)

Each round a barbarian rages, she gains three points of fury. These fury points are granted the moment the barbarian initiates rage, or at the beginning of her turn if she is already raging. If she is raging during a surprise round, she gains three fury in the surprise round as well.

In addition, a barbarian gains points of fury by being attacked by enemies and taking damage, as follows:

  • Barbaric Daring: Any attack of opportunity which the barbarian provokes, whether the enemy takes that attack or not, grants the barbarian a point of fury.
  • Goaded Fury: Any attack made by an enemy creature which damages the barbarian, after any resistances are applied (i.e. actually decreases any of the barbarian's hit points (temp, bonus or normal), grants the barbarian 1 point of fury.

(An ally cannot attack a barbarian to generate fury. Note that there are certain conditions and effects which may cause an ally to take an attack of opportunity on an ally. In such cases, the barbarian does NOT gain fury from that attack of opportunity: Barbarians can never gain fury from an ally, only enemies.)

Fury is used each round to activate rage powers, which provide the barbarian benefits for a single round. Fury points which are spent to activate a rage power are used up, and new fury points must be accumulated before additional rage powers can be activated. There is no limit to the amount of fury you can accumulate during combat, but all unspent fury is immediately lost at the end of combat, or when the barbarian's rage ends, whichever comes first.

Rage Power (Ex)

While raging, a 1st level barbarian gains access to two starting general rage powers, as well as one starting rage power from his chosen barbaric mien (see below). He then gains one additional rage power at every even-numbered barbarian class level thereafter.

A barbarian may only select a rage power for which he meets all the requirements. Some rage powers require a minimum barbarian level, or require a particular Barbaric Mien. If a rage power lists a requirement like "Barbarian 4", this means you must have at least 4 levels of barbarian in order to activate it.

A barbarian may spend fury points to activate one or more of these rage powers during his turn in order to gain their benefit(s) until the start of his next turn. As long as he has sufficient points of fury available to him, he can activate as many different rage powers as he wishes from those powers available to him. Spending fury points to activate a rage power is generally a free action that must be taken during your turn, unless the rage power specifies otherwise.

Unless it states otherwise, each rage power may only be activated once per round, though most rage powers have options for spending additional fury to improve their utility when they are activated.

Effects from an activated rage power always expire at either the end of your current turn, or the start of your next turn. Refer to the rage power description for details.

Rage powers may only be used during combat, and while raging.

Barbaric Mien (Ex)

At 1st level, a barbarian chooses a barbaric mien, defining the source of his rage, or the origin of his volatile demeanor. A barbarian's selected mien provides several benefits to him while raging, as well as making additional rage powers available for selection which are exclusive to that mien.

Feral Mien

A barbarian with the feral mien is more in touch with his more basic, bestial instincts. While he does not take on any animalistic features, grow claws or sprout fur, he is generally less civilized than other barbarians (which is saying quite a lot), and cares little for the trappings of society. When enraged, he is merciless, violent, swift and efficient.
  • Tertiary Ability Score: Charisma. Many of a feral mien barbarian's rage powers make use of the barbarian's charisma modifier for effects.
  • Benefits: In addition to the list of skills a barbarian can use while raging, a feral mien barbarian can also make Stealth and Knowledge (Dungeoneering) checks, and these skills become class skills for the feral mien barbarian.
In addition, a feral mien barbarian may make selections from the feral mien rage powers, and feral mien instincts lists.

Primal Mien

A barbarian with the primal mien is aligned to the elemental forces of the world, and can make use of those forces to destroy his enemies. This attunement is not tied to the living creatures of the world, but its fundamental energies. Many of a primal mien barbarian's rage powers deal elemental damage, provide elemental resistances, or even allow the barbarian to tap into magical forces.
  • Tertiary Ability Score: Wisdom. Many of a primal mien barbarian's rage powers make use of the barbarian's wisdom modifier for effects.
  • Benefits: In addition to the list of skills a barbarian can use while raging, a primal mien barbarian can also make Use Magic Device and Knowledge (Arcana) checks, and these skills become class skills for the primal mien barbarian.
In addition, a primal mien barbarian may make selections from the primal mien rage powers, and primal mien instincts lists.

Superstitious Mien

A barbarian with the superstitious mien has a rich understanding of the underlying mysteries of the world. This can seem like a somewhat crazy, folksy mysticism and paranoia of the many jinxes and hoodous that are constantly trying to exploit unwary souls, but don't underestimate these barbarians. Their alertness to the spiritual world, and constant vigilance against the evils of magic and death make them cagey and dangerous opponents, especially against spellcasters and undead creatures.
  • Tertiary Ability Score: Wisdom. Many of a superstitious mien barbarian's rage powers make use of the barbarian's wisdom modifier for effects.
  • Benefits: In addition to the list of skills a barbarian can use while raging, a superstitious mien barbarian can also make Sense Motive and Knowledge (Religion) checks, and these skills become class skills for the superstitious mien barbarian.
In addition, a superstitious mien barbarian may make selections from the superstitious mien rage powers, and superstitious mien instincts lists.

Urban Mien

A barbarian with the urban mien might appear to be quite civilized and polite, right up until his rage boils over and he coldly slaughters everyone who has dared to offend him. Such barbarians are comfortable in the trappings of society, often even respected and well-liked individuals, but their tempers are terrifying things that can only be whispered about quietly in private spaces, lest it surface and rain terrible woe upon any caught mentioning it.
  • Tertiary Ability Score: Charisma. Many of an urban mien barbarian's rage powers make use of the barbarian's charisma modifier for effects.
  • Benefits: In addition to the list of skills a barbarian can use while raging, an urban mien barbarian can also make Bluff and Knowledge (Local) checks, and these skills become class skills for the urban mien barbarian.
In addition, an urban mien barbarian may make selections from the urban mien rage powers, and urban mien instincts lists.

Damage Reduction (Ex)

At 2nd level, a barbarian gains damage reduction 1/-. Subtract 1 from the damage the barbarian takes each time she is dealt physical damage from any source. This DR improves as the barbarian gains additional levels. See Table: Barbarian and Table: Epic Barbarian for details.

Savage Instinct (Ex)

Beginning at 3rd level, the barbarian may choose one savage instinct from either the general listing, or the listing associated with his chosen Mien. Savage Instincts are abilities which are always on, or on any time the barbarian is raging, providing them a bonus or benefit without the need to expend Fury. See the specific Savage Instinct listing for details.

The barbarian gains additional Savage Instincts at levels 5, 7, 13, 15, and 19, as well as level 23, 27, 31 and 35.

Greater Rage (Ex)

At 9th level, when a barbarian enters rage, the rage bonus to her hit points increases to +3 per Class Level of barbarian, and the rage bonus on her Will saves increases to +3.

Blood Dancer (Ex)

At 11th level, the barbarian's Dexterity is permanently increased by +2. This increase stacks with any other adjustments or bonuses to Dexterity, and is available to the barbarian at all times, whether he is raging or not.

Intensification (Ex)

At 12th level, the barbarian gains the ability to intensify his rage powers. This is done by casting off a rage power the barbarian has previously gained, and using that cast-off rage power to intensify a different rage power he has. An intensified rage power gains a permanent improvement to its effects. Some rage powers can be intensified more than once, by attaching more than one cast-off rage power to it.

Each rage power lists the effects provided when it is intensified by a cast-off rage power. Note that the cast-off rage power's effects and intensification effects are irrelevant. Only the intensification effects of the rage power being intensified are gained, when a cast-off rage power is attached to it.

Once a rage power has been cast-off, it can no longer be used, except to qualify for prerequisites. If a rage power requires that one of its prerequisite rage powers be activated in order to use the new rage power, the prerequisite rage power cannot be cast-off (since you won't be able to activate it if it is cast-off).

Intensification is mandatory, since a barbarian cannot have more than 8 rage powers available to him at a time. This means that, upon reaching 12th level, and gaining his ninth rage power, (and every two levels thereafter) the barbarian must choose one rage power to cast-off, and one power to intensify with the cast-off rage power. By level 35, the barbarian will have 8 rage powers, and a total of 12 intensifications distributed among them.

Intensification is considered a permanent class ability, and cannot be changed without retraining, either using the free retraining gained each time the barbarian gains a level, or via the retraining rules for re-selecting a class ability. A single retraining allows the barbarian to move one intensification from one rage power to another, or to recover one cast-off rage power that had been used to intensify another rage power. If the latter option is chosen, and this brings the barbarian above 8 rage powers, he must choose a different rage power to cast-off, and use it to intensify one of his remaining rage powers.

Mighty Rage (Ex)

At 17th level, when a barbarian enters rage, the rage bonus to her hit points increases to +4 per Class Level of Barbarian, and the rage bonus on her Will saves increases to +4.

Strongarm (Ex)

At 20th level, the barbarian's Strength is permanently increased by +2. This increase stacks with any other adjustments or bonuses to Strength, and is available to the barbarian at all times, whether he is raging or not.


A barbarian who becomes lawful loses the ability to Rage or generate Fury, loses his Ironthewed and Bloodthirst abilities, such that to-hits and damage are now calculated normally, and cannot gain more levels as a barbarian. He retains all other benefits of the class.

A barbarian who takes levels with another class (multi-class) loses the Ironthewed ability and calculates his to-hits and damage from Strength normally, but he may still use Rage and rage powers. He still gains fury while raging, but he is capped to a maximum number of fury points equal to the number of barbarian class levels he has.

Epic Barbarian

Table: Epic Barbarian

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Damage Resistance Class Features
21st +21 / +16 / +11 / +6 13 7 7 11 Masque of Rage (+2 Cha or +2 Wis)
22nd +21 / +16 / +11 / +6 13 7 7 11 Epic Rage Power
23rd +22 / +17 / +12 / +7 14 8 8 12 Hair-Trigger Rage
24th +22 / +17 / +12 / +7 14 8 8 13 Intensification
25th +23 / +18 / +13 / +8 15 9 9 13 Mightier Rage (+5 hp/lvl)
26th +23 / +18 / +13 / +8 15 9 9 14 Intensification
27th +24 / +19 / +14 / +9 16 10 10 15 Terrifying Persistence
28th +24 / +19 / +14 / +9 16 10 10 15 Intensification
29th +25 / +20 / +15 / +10 17 11 11 16 Rawhide Bones (+2 Con)
30th +25 / +20 / +15 / +10 17 11 11 17 Intensification
31st +26 / +21 / +16 / +11 18 12 12 17 Loping Balance
32nd +26 / +21 / +16 / +11 18 12 12 18 Intensification
33rd +27 / +22 / +17 / +12 19 13 13 19 Mightiest Rage (+6 hp/lvl)
34th +27 / +22 / +17 / +12 19 13 13 19 Intensification
35th +28 / +23 / +18 / +13 20 14 14 20 Welling Rage
36th Apotheosis!

Epic Class Features

Damage Reduction (Ex)

An epic level barbarian's DR continues to improve, as detailed in the Table: Epic Barbarian, up to level 35. Beyond level 35, the barbarian's DR no longer improves due to class levels (though it can still be increased via feats).

Masque of Rage (Ex)

At 21st level, the barbarian may choose to permanently increase either his Wisdom or Charisma by +2. This increase stacks with any other adjustments or bonuses to the chosen ability score, and is available to the barbarian at all times, whether he is raging or not.

Epic Rage Power (Ex)

The epic barbarian continues to gain rage powers at even levels. The barbarian must meet any requirements specified by the rage power at the time it is selected.

Mightier Rage (Ex)

Beginning at 25th level, when you rage, your rage bonus to your hit points increases to +5 per Class Level of Barbarian and your rage bonus to Will saves increases to +6.

Rawhide Bones (Ex)

At 29th level, the barbarian's Constitution is permanently increased by +2. This increase stacks with any other adjustments or bonuses to Constitution, and is available to the barbarian at all times, whether he is raging or not.

Mightiest Rage (Ex)

Beginning at 33rd level, when you rage, your rage bonus to your hit points increases to +6 per Class Level of Barbarian and your rage bonus to Will saves increases to +8.