Combat Escapist (Talent)

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You can bend in unexpected ways, making you extremely hard to keep ahold of.

Ability Type: Ex

Prerequisites: Rogue 1

Benefit: A rogue with this talent may attempt to escape any of the Grabbed, Grappled, or Pinned conditions more quickly than most.

  • If the rogue wishes to use a Might check versus the target's Maneuver Defense, they can do so with a Move Action (instead of a Standard Action).
  • If the rogue prefers to attempt an Escape Artist check versus the target's Maneuver Defense, they may do so with a Swift Action (instead of a Move Action).

In addition, if the rogue is successful in escaping the grapple (or grab or pin), the creature they just escaped from is Flat-Footed to the rogue's next attack, as long as that attack occurs before the start of the creature's next turn.

This talent applies to any circumstance where the rogue has been afflicted with any of the above conditions, including being swallowed whole.