Wyrmsbreath, Improved (Shield Magic Property)

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Wyrmsbreath, Improved (Shield Magic Property)

Enchant Cost: +4

A shield with this special ability is usually crafted with an open dragon's mouth on the front. A shield with the wyrmsbreath special ability is keyed to the elemental energy types (acid, cold, lightning, fire, and sonic). The shield gains a charge each time the wielder is struck by any attack that deals one of the listed elemental damage types.

The wielder may expend that charge on the shield as a standard action, to inflict (Order 3 damage): 1d6+2 points of damage per character level (max 12d6+24 at character level 12) of the elemental damage type of their choice (it need not match the type that damaged the wielder), in either a 25-foot cone (a 5x5 space adjacent to the wielder's space), or a 15 foot cone (a 3x3 space) affecting all creatures, friend or foe, in that area. Struck creatures may make a Reflex save, versus a DC of 10 + half the wielder's character level + either the wielder's STR or CON modifier, for half damage.

There is no limit to the number of charges the shield may have at any given time, but the charges reset to zero after a full night's rest. Each use of the shield expends a charge.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 37), a pale remnant (tier 2), and an item symbolic of the enchantment.