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[[Image:True_Dweomer_1.jpg|500px|right|A master of true dweomer magic can devastate a battlefield of soldiers singlehandedly.]]
[[Image:True_Dweomer_1.jpg|500px|right|A master of true dweomer magic can devastate a battlefield of soldiers singlehandedly.]]
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''Llodwynn stood his ground, eyes closed, as the Stone Below sang to him. His tremorsense, more powerful than ever, showed him Tabriss kneeling humbly in her tent, dutiful to her Gods.  Lars, sturdy and stubborn and so perfectly courageous, was watching the approach to their miserable cave, sparring verbally with the lounging Arnsibel, and losing, as always.''
''Llodwynn stood his ground, eyes closed, as the Stone Below sang to him. His tremorsense, more powerful than ever, showed him Tabriss kneeling humbly in her tent, dutiful to her Gods.  Lars, sturdy and stubborn and so perfectly courageous, was watching the approach to their miserable cave, sparring verbally with the lounging Arnsibel. And losing. As always.''

''Llodwynn shut out his life-long companions, their bustle and calm and comfort, and meditated on his aura. In his mind's eye, his aura covered him like flowstone, endlessly complex, ever-so-slowly changing. Since he was born a Sorcerer, prominent in his imaginings were the potent knots of his innate spells, akin to complex geodes inset into that flowing stone aura.''
''Llodwynn shut out his life-long companions, their bustle and calm and comfort, and meditated on his aura. In his mind's eye, his aura covered him like flowstone, endlessly complex, ever-so-slowly changing. Since he was born a Sorcerer, prominent in his imaginings were the potent knots of his innate spells, akin to complex geodes inset into that flowing stone aura.''

''This was nothing new, Llodwynn had felt those tiny nubbins of power in his aura since he first shed his rubble. Many years later, those knots of power were as familiar as ever, his birthright slowly welling up ever more and more power and complexity and strength.''
''This was nothing new, Llodwynn had felt those tiny nubbins of power in his aura since he first shed his rubble. Many years later, those knots of power were as familiar as ever, his birthright slowly welling up ever more with greater power, complexity, and strength.''

''Llodwynn ignored his spells, and looked deeper. Spells had been welling up out of his bloodline for his entire life, and he was pretty sure he could sense at least two or three new ones, slowly oozing their way to the surface. He ignored those nascent spells, they would be welcome and useful, but he was used to that.''
''Llodwynn ignored his spells, and looked deeper. Spells had been welling up out of his bloodline for his entire life, and he was pretty sure he could sense at least two or three new ones, slowly oozing their way to the surface. He ignored those nascent spells, they would be welcome and useful, but he was used too that.''

''After discounting his normal auric flows, the ebb and urge of his very lifeforce, and counting and setting aside all his vast array of spells...there was something else welling up in his aura.''
''After discounting his normal auric flows, the ebb and urge of his very lifeforce, and counting and setting aside all his vast array of spells...there was something else present; something new was welling up inside of his aura.''

''This was new. It was not a spell, exactly, although it felt similar. It was fainter, but...much larger, and more complex, the 'geode' multilayered and full of depths. It was definitely part of his Bloodline, it was a potent magical ability, but it was...bigger than a spell.  It was new, and fascinating, and Llodwynn, still as a stone, eyes closed and senses shuttered, smiled as he realized what this new thing must be.''
''This was new. It was not a spell, exactly, although it carried that same familiar pull. It was fainter, but much... larger, and more complex, the 'geode' multi-layered and full of endless, hidden depths. It was definitely part of his Bloodline, it was a potent magical ability, but it was... bigger than a spell.  It was new, and fascinating, and Llodwynn, still as a stone, eyes closed, his senses shuttered, smiled as he realized what this new thing must be.''

''True Dweomer.''   
''True Dweomer.''   

===What are True Dweomers?===
===What are True Dweomers?===
In Epic Path, there are many, many magical 'things'. One of the most prominent are Spells, which are a class feature available to eight classes in one form or another (extracts and poultices included), and available to anyone who wants to buy a [[Magic_Rods | Magical Rod]] or two.
In Epic Path, there are many, many magical 'things'. One of the most prominent are Spells, which are a class feature directly available to many classes in one form or another (extracts and poultices included), and available to anyone who wants to buy a [[Magic_Rods | Magical Rod]] or two.

So what are True Dweomers?
So what are True Dweomers?
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A True Dweomer, also known as a "Miracle", "Great Working", "Ur Spell", "Truemagic" or 'Vis Viva", among many other names, is a magical working that is similar to a spell, but...more.  True Dweomers are bigger, heavier, and more complex than regular Spells. As a result, True Dweomers are more powerful than Spells, and indeed, GM's are encouraged to use these 'Great Workings' to explain elements of their game world.  Perhaps there's a gigantic wall in your world, thousands of miles long and reaching into the clouds, that was made in ages past by a True Dweomer. Maybe there is a cyclopean vortex in the center of the ocean that was left by a Vis Viva, which is why nobody sails ships past the sight of land. There are many storytelling ways to use this mechanism, and GM's are encouraged to be as imaginative and 'out of the box' as they want.
A True Dweomer, also known as a "Miracle", "Great Working", "Ur Spell", "Truemagic" or 'Vis Viva", among many other names, is a magical working that is similar to a spell, but...more.  True Dweomers are bigger, heavier, and more complex than regular Spells. As a result, True Dweomers are more powerful than Spells, and indeed, GM's are encouraged to use these 'Great Workings' to explain elements of their game world.  Perhaps there's a gigantic wall in your world, thousands of miles long and reaching into the clouds, that was made in ages past by a True Dweomer. Maybe there is a cyclopean vortex in the center of the ocean that was left by a Vis Viva, which is why nobody sails ships past the sight of land. There are many storytelling ways to use this mechanism, and GM's are encouraged to be as imaginative and 'out of the box' as they want.

But for purposes of PLAYERS, unless the GM gets into REALLY High Epic, Legendary and Mythic story-telling, True Dweomers are handled in the game rules simply as bigger and meaner spells. However, more than any other mechanic (except perhaps Potens Machanvar), the GM is encouraged to 'get nuts' with True Dweomers. If you want your players to have continent-burning power, give it to them!  Chew the scenery a little! Get your EPIC on! Have fun!   
But for purposes of PLAYERS, unless the GM gets into REALLY high Epic, Legendary and Mythic story-telling, True Dweomers are handled in the game rules simply as bigger and meaner spells. However, more than any other mechanic (except perhaps Potens Machanvar), the GM is encouraged to 'get nuts' with True Dweomers. If you want your players to have continent-burning power, give it to them!  Chew the scenery a little! Get your EPIC on! Have fun!   

Just be sure to have a spare game universe ready, in case your players wreck their first one....
Just be sure to have a spare game universe ready, in case your players wreck their first one....

===How True Dweomers Work===
===How True Dweomers Work===
All spell casting classes that gain a Tenth level spell slot become eligible to cast True Dweomers when they receive their first such tenth level slot. This occurs between 19th and 30th level, depending upon the class. True Dweomers are different from Spells in that they are not Divine or Arcane, but they are instead BOTH... or maybe neither?  True Dweomers operate at a 'more fundamental' level than normal spells. They use much more Mana, and operate with a deeper and more potent interaction between the casters Aura and the ambient Mana. Divine and Arcane casters all learn and cast True Dweomers the same way, and they all get the same results. Divine Casters are much more likely to call them 'Miracles', though.  
All spell casting classes that gain a Tenth level spell slot become eligible to cast True Dweomers when they receive their first such tenth level slot. This occurs between 19th and 30th level, depending upon the class. True Dweomers are different from Spells in that they are not Divine or Arcane, but they are instead BOTH... or maybe neither?  True Dweomers operate at a 'more fundamental' level than normal spells. They use much more Mana, and operate with a deeper and more potent interaction between the casters Aura and the ambient Mana. Divine and Arcane casters all learn and cast True Dweomers the same way, and they all get the same results. (Divine Casters are much more likely to call them 'Miracles', though.) For the purpose of class features, abilities, feats, etc, that call out applicability to only 'arcane' or 'divine' spells, True Dweomers always qualify. Because True Dweomers are cool that way.  

====True Dweomers have no Arcane Spell Failure Chance====
====True Dweomers have no Arcane Spell Failure Chance====
One consequence of this deeper nature is that True Dweomers are never subject to an [[Armor_and_Shields#Arcane_Spell_Failure_Chance | Arcane Spell Failure Chance]], just like Divine spells. If you are a Wizard and want to wear plate mail, true dweomers are your key to success.  
One consequence of this deeper nature is that True Dweomers are never subject to an [[Armor_and_Shields#Arcane_Spell_Failure_Chance | Arcane Spell Failure Chance]], just like Divine spells. If you are a Wizard and want to wear plate mail, true dweomers are your key to success.  

You will note that despite their "arcanodivinity", very few True Dweomers are healing-oriented. This is because most such Great Works are more aimed at smiting the enemy, rather than fixing ills. And honestly, if you need more healing horsepower than an Absolute Mass Heal, you need to reconsider your life choices.
You will note that despite their "arcanodivinity", very few True Dweomers are healing-oriented. This is because most such Great Works are more aimed at smiting the enemy, rather than fixing ills. And honestly, if you need more healing horsepower than an [[Absolute Spell (Feat) | Absolute Mass Heal]], you need to reconsider your life choices.

====True Dweomers have Strata====
====True Dweomers have Strata====
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So....  How DO you learn True Dweomers?
So....  How DO you learn True Dweomers?

You have to spend a feat. Maybe a lot of feats.
You have to spend a [[Truemagic Scribe (Feat) | feat]]. Maybe a lot of feats.

To obtain the knowledge to cast any True Dweomer, each character '''must''' research, study, experiment, or receive inspiration on their own. Even if a Player Character somehow discovers a True Dweomer written down by another, the inscriptions are just freighted gibberish, unless that character expends their own efforts.
To obtain the knowledge to cast any True Dweomer, each character '''must''' research, study, experiment, or receive inspiration on their own. Even if a Player Character somehow discovers a True Dweomer written down by another, the inscriptions are just freighted gibberish, unless that character expends their own efforts.
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To raise the strata of a True Dweomer requires the burning of THREE normal spells to gain plus one Strata.  Class abilities, magic item effects, and all similar abilities, that improve the circle of a spell during mana burning still apply to a True Dweomer's Strata, but they only operate at one-third strength. Partial burning has no effect, and any spells burned or any class ability or magic item ability that is applied to a True Dweomer that does not reach the next 'threshold of three', is lost with no effect. Note that it is possible (and recommended) to Burn one or two spells to 'fill out' the power needed to reach the next Strata in such cases.   
To raise the strata of a True Dweomer requires the burning of THREE normal spells to gain plus one Strata.  Class abilities, magic item effects, and all similar abilities, that improve the circle of a spell during mana burning still apply to a True Dweomer's Strata, but they only operate at one-third strength. Partial burning has no effect, and any spells burned or any class ability or magic item ability that is applied to a True Dweomer that does not reach the next 'threshold of three', is lost with no effect. Note that it is possible (and recommended) to Burn one or two spells to 'fill out' the power needed to reach the next Strata in such cases.   

Since the table below shows that Spell Strata are more 'flat' than Spell Circles, True Dweomers will always absorb as much Burn as you dare to throw at them. Even a Level 10 True Dweomer can be Burned all the way to Strata 9 as soon as you take it. Casters are advised to be very careful with this mechanic, and here's why: A Hellball, available as low as level 19, can be Mana Burned all the way up to Strata 9 as soon as you learn it! To Burn a Hellball, a Strata 1 spell, to Strata 9, costs a stunning 24 spell slots every time it is cast! A 19th level caster can Burn all their spells VERY quickly at that paceNow, that maximum-Burned level 19 Hellball is going to inflict 19d6 + 323 points of damage, so, holy moly.  But it's not a trick you can do a lot until you get a much higher level and excellent gear.
Since the table below shows that Spell Strata are more 'flat' than Spell Circles, True Dweomers will always absorb as much Burn as you dare to throw at them. Even a Level 10 True Dweomer can be Burned all the way to Strata 9 as soon as you take it. Casters are advised to be very careful with this mechanic, and here's why: A Hellball, available as low as level 19, can be Mana Burned all the way up to Strata 9 as soon as you learn it. To Burn a Hellball, a Strata 1 spell, to Strata 9, costs a stunning 24 spell slots every time it is cast, no matter the level of the caster. A 19th level caster can Burn all their spells VERY quickly at that pace. Now, that maximum-Burned level 19 Hellball is going to inflict 19d6 + 266 points of damage, so, holy moly.  But it's not a trick you can do a lot until you get a much higher level and excellent gear.

Lastly, but most importantly, a spell slot filled with a True Dweomer CANNOT be emptied to use as mana burning fuel. Any slot filled with a True Dweomer must be cast, or forgotten. Spell slots you fill with True Dweomers cannot be used for Mana Burning fuel.  This means that you must carefully measure how many True Dweomers you memorize each day, to be sure you have enough normal Spells or unused spell slots available to Burn as 'fuel.'
Lastly, but most importantly, a spell slot filled with a True Dweomer CANNOT be emptied to use as mana burning fuel. Any slot filled with a True Dweomer must be cast, or forgotten. Spell slots you fill with True Dweomers cannot be used for Mana Burning fuel.  This means that you must carefully measure how many True Dweomers you memorize each day, to be sure you have enough normal Spells or unused "full" spell slots available to Burn as 'fuel.'
====Strata Damage for True Dweomers====
{| class="ep-default" style="text-align:center; font-size:85%;"
! Spell Strata || Burn Cost || Min Character Level (CL) || Base Dice|| Max dice
| 1  || N/A || 19th || 1d6+6/CL || 35d6+210
| 2  || +3 || 19th || 1d6+8/CL || 35d6+280
| 3  || +3 || 19th || 1d6+9/CL ||      35d6+315
| 4  || +3 || 19th || 1d6+10/CL ||      35d6+350
| 5  || +3 || 19th || 1d6+11/CL ||      35d6+385
| 6  || +3 || 19th || 1d6+13/CL ||      35d6+455
| 7  || +3 || 19th || 1d6+15/CL ||      35d6+525
| 8  ||  +3 || 19th || 1d6+16/CL ||      35d6+560
| 9  ||  +3 || 19th || 1d6+17/CL ||      35d6+595

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====True Dweomer Casting Times and Ritual Variable Effects====
====True Dweomer Casting Times and Ritual Variable Effects====
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If cast as a Ritual, True Dweomers have their Area of Effect multiplied by a factor of ten in every dimension, and Vis Viva that have a set number of targets likewise have that limit increased ten-fold. In addition, the range of the True Dweomer cast as a Ritual is doubled, to give the caster a fighting chance of not being inside their own blast.
If cast as a Ritual, True Dweomers have their Area of Effect multiplied by a factor of ten in every dimension, and Vis Viva that have a set number of targets likewise have that limit increased ten-fold. In addition, the range of the True Dweomer cast as a Ritual is doubled, to give the caster a fighting chance of not being inside their own blast.

Note that, as always, multiple bonuses are additive, not multiplicative. For example, suppose a Cleric chooses to Ritually cast a Vast, Absolute, Hellball (and, Wow, did they have to work hard to create THAT monster).  The Ritual multiplies the area by 10 times, the Vast Spell Feat multiplies area by 10 times, and Absolute Spell doubles the area. Does the area increase by 10x10x2 times?  Absolutely not! Such a Hellball would be a cube 2200 squares on a side (11,000 feet in diameter), which is...actually not too bad, for this scale of magic.  But, the rule is, the area increases by 10+10+2, or twenty-two times  This is a much more reasonable 242 squares on a side (1210 feet in diameter), which will still completely cover any battle mat in existence.  Theater of the Mind is important for such activities!
Note that, as always, multiple bonuses are additive, not multiplicative. For example, suppose a Cleric chooses to Ritually cast a Vast, Absolute, Hellball (and, Wow, did they have to work hard to create THAT monster).  The Ritual multiplies the area by 10 times, the Vast Spell Feat multiplies area by 10 times, and Absolute Spell doubles the area. Does the area increase by 10x10x2 times?  Absolutely not! Such a Hellball would be a cube 2200 squares on a side (11,000 feet in diameter), which is...actually not too bad, for this scale of magic.  But, the rule is, the area increases by 10+10+2, or twenty-two times. This is a much more reasonable 242 squares on a side (1210 feet in diameter), which will still completely cover any battle mat in existence.  Theater of the Mind is important for such activities!

The range is similarly doubled by the Ritual, and doubled again by the Absolute Spell Feat. In this case, since 2*2 (the wrong way) and 2+2 (the right way) are the same, the range is multiplied by 4 as you would expect.
The range is similarly doubled by the Ritual, and doubled again by the Absolute Spell Feat. In this case, since 2*2 (the wrong way) and 2+2 (the right way) are the same, the range is multiplied by 4 as you would expect.
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Now, for your typical adventurer who wants to Blow Stuff Up, full-round casting times (or longer!) are not much use. Do not worry! It is possible to Fast Cast all True Dweomers by making a [[Bailiwick Skill]] Check against a sliding Difficulty Class scale. The DC for Fast Casting any True Dweomer is included in the write-up for each one.
Now, for your typical adventurer who wants to Blow Stuff Up, full-round casting times (or longer!) are not much use. Do not worry! It is possible to Fast Cast all True Dweomers by making a [[Bailiwick Skill]] Check against a sliding Difficulty Class scale. The DC for Fast Casting any True Dweomer is included in the write-up for each one.

If you make a very good Skill roll, you can cast a True Dweomer as a Standard Action, just like most normal spells. If you are a spontaneous caster and truly ambitious, it is possible to then apply a Quicken Spell or even a Multispell feat, and crack off two or three True Dweomers in a single round! If your skill roll is not so good, this can take a lot longer, and the Ur Spell doesn't work as well as it should.  True Dweomers never backfire or harm the caster (unless you accidentally get yourself inside the area of effect, which is a VERY REAL CONCERN), as long as they put in the time and trouble (high enough level and Truemagic feats taken) to 'get good' with these mighty magics.
If you make a very good Skill roll, you can cast a True Dweomer as a Standard Action, just like most normal spells. If you are a spontaneous caster and truly ambitious, it is possible to then apply a Quicken Spell feat, and crack off two or three True Dweomers in a single round! If your skill roll is not so good, this can take a lot longer, and the Ur Spell doesn't work as well as it should.  True Dweomers never backfire or harm the caster (unless you accidentally get yourself inside the area of effect, which is a VERY REAL CONCERN), as long as they put in the time and trouble (high enough level and Truemagic feats taken) to 'get good' with these mighty magics.

If you have to memorize True Dweomers (poor goofy Wizards), then you must apply any and all Metamagic Feats as you memorize, like usual, which can commit you in advance to making a Bailiwick skill check, and if you then fail that check (such as by rolling a 1), then you lose the True Dweomer, which is very painful. This is why the [[Truemagic Ordinate (Feat)]] is so awesome.
If you have to memorize True Dweomers (poor goofy Wizards), then you must apply any and all Metamagic Feats as you memorize, like usual, which can commit you in advance to making a Bailiwick skill check, and if you then fail that check (such as by rolling a 1), then you lose the True Dweomer, which is very painful. This is why the [[Truemagic Ordinate (Feat)]] is so awesome.
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{{SpellTableAid|Cruel Iron|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Cruel Iron|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Defensive Sphere|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Defensive Sphere|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Entwined Fate|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Endless Enemies|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Epic Dispel|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Eternal Freedom|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Eternal Freedom|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Flying Flaming Corpses|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Glacial Rime|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Glacial Rime|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Guardians Tomb|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Hex of Fissuring|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Hex of Fissuring|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Horrific Maiming|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Horrific Maiming|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Jagged Heart|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Kinetic Force|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Lord of the City|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Lord of the City|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Magic Castle|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Monarch of Monsters|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Quietus Horribilis|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Ravening Lance|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Traveling Doom|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Vital Cessation|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Wrathful Ray|True}}

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{| {{SpellTableHeader|Mnk}}
{| {{SpellTableHeader|Mnk}}

{{SpellTableAid|Animus Blast|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Animus Blast|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Arcane Synthesis|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Call of the Obsidian|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Cleansing Light|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Dragon Strike|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Egg Breaker|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Geminal Origin|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Gruesome Repute|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Hand of Time|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Heart of the Gazelle|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Heat Lightning|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Kiss of Death|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Lord of Nightmares|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Lord of Nightmares|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Mass Frog|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Meteor Storm|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Mundi Vocem|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Perfect Storm|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Spark Slayer|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Wave of Weakness|True}}

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{| {{SpellTableHeader|Mnk}}
{| {{SpellTableHeader|Mnk}}

{{SpellTableAid|Acerbic Wits|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Anvil Mundanus|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Auric Assassination|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Blood Provenance|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Crown of Glory|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Foundry's Heart|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Great Wish|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Greater Cessation|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Heart of the Volcano|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Heart of the Volcano|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Kinetic Control|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Knife to the Heart|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Lash of Iron|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Lash of Iron|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Last Act|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Living Lightning|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Monstrous Docent|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Mountain Voice|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Mummy Dust|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Regula Legis|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Roving Spirit|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Touch of the Maker|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|War Council|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Warp and Weft|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Web of Fate|True}}

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{| {{SpellTableHeader|Mnk}}

{{SpellTableAid|Arcane Thesis|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Balefire Storm|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Blood-Soaked Sanctum|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Crystalline Bolts|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Dire Tide|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Frangere Malum|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Haunted Grounds|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Heaven's Teardrop|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Judgement Day|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Lance of Change|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Lightning Cascade|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Lightning Sand|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Lightning Sand|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Maddening Insult|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Magnum Imperium|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Mantle of Devastation|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Masque of Visions|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Nailed to the Sky|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Phantasmal World|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Raise Domain|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Safe Time|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Spell Worms|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Stride of Iron|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Superb Dispel|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|True Pestilence|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|True Pestilence|True}}

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{| {{SpellTableHeader|Mnk}}

{{SpellTableAid|Demise Unseen|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Dwell Time|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Heart Clutch|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Hulking Figure|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Illusio Imperium|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Let Go Of Me|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Magic Castle|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Melting Mists|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Melting Mists|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Momento Mori|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Obliteration of Life|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Rain of Fire|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Shunting Ward|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Silent Cessation|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Soul Dominion|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Soul Dominion|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Sphere of Decay|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Spirit of Victory|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Splinter Storm|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Superior Meteorite|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Toxic Breath|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|True Wish|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Unending Torment|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Unending Torment|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Vengeful Gaze of God|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Vial of Wrath|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Yawning Void|True}}
{{SpellTableAid|Yellow Fever|True}}


Revision as of 19:12, 14 May 2022

A master of true dweomer magic can devastate a battlefield of soldiers singlehandedly.

Llodwynn stood his ground, eyes closed, as the Stone Below sang to him. His tremorsense, more powerful than ever, showed him Tabriss kneeling humbly in her tent, dutiful to her Gods. Lars, sturdy and stubborn and so perfectly courageous, was watching the approach to their miserable cave, sparring verbally with the lounging Arnsibel. And losing. As always.

Llodwynn shut out his life-long companions, their bustle and calm and comfort, and meditated on his aura. In his mind's eye, his aura covered him like flowstone, endlessly complex, ever-so-slowly changing. Since he was born a Sorcerer, prominent in his imaginings were the potent knots of his innate spells, akin to complex geodes inset into that flowing stone aura.

This was nothing new, Llodwynn had felt those tiny nubbins of power in his aura since he first shed his rubble. Many years later, those knots of power were as familiar as ever, his birthright slowly welling up ever more with greater power, complexity, and strength.

Llodwynn ignored his spells, and looked deeper. Spells had been welling up out of his bloodline for his entire life, and he was pretty sure he could sense at least two or three new ones, slowly oozing their way to the surface. He ignored those nascent spells, they would be welcome and useful, but he was used too that.

After discounting his normal auric flows, the ebb and urge of his very lifeforce, and counting and setting aside all his vast array of spells...there was something else present; something new was welling up inside of his aura.

This was new. It was not a spell, exactly, although it carried that same familiar pull. It was fainter, but much... larger, and more complex, the 'geode' multi-layered and full of endless, hidden depths. It was definitely part of his Bloodline, it was a potent magical ability, but it was... bigger than a spell. It was new, and fascinating, and Llodwynn, still as a stone, eyes closed, his senses shuttered, smiled as he realized what this new thing must be.

True Dweomer.

What are True Dweomers?

In Epic Path, there are many, many magical 'things'. One of the most prominent are Spells, which are a class feature directly available to many classes in one form or another (extracts and poultices included), and available to anyone who wants to buy a Magical Rod or two.

So what are True Dweomers?

A True Dweomer, also known as a "Miracle", "Great Working", "Ur Spell", "Truemagic" or 'Vis Viva", among many other names, is a magical working that is similar to a spell, but...more. True Dweomers are bigger, heavier, and more complex than regular Spells. As a result, True Dweomers are more powerful than Spells, and indeed, GM's are encouraged to use these 'Great Workings' to explain elements of their game world. Perhaps there's a gigantic wall in your world, thousands of miles long and reaching into the clouds, that was made in ages past by a True Dweomer. Maybe there is a cyclopean vortex in the center of the ocean that was left by a Vis Viva, which is why nobody sails ships past the sight of land. There are many storytelling ways to use this mechanism, and GM's are encouraged to be as imaginative and 'out of the box' as they want.

But for purposes of PLAYERS, unless the GM gets into REALLY high Epic, Legendary and Mythic story-telling, True Dweomers are handled in the game rules simply as bigger and meaner spells. However, more than any other mechanic (except perhaps Potens Machanvar), the GM is encouraged to 'get nuts' with True Dweomers. If you want your players to have continent-burning power, give it to them! Chew the scenery a little! Get your EPIC on! Have fun!

Just be sure to have a spare game universe ready, in case your players wreck their first one....

How True Dweomers Work

All spell casting classes that gain a Tenth level spell slot become eligible to cast True Dweomers when they receive their first such tenth level slot. This occurs between 19th and 30th level, depending upon the class. True Dweomers are different from Spells in that they are not Divine or Arcane, but they are instead BOTH... or maybe neither? True Dweomers operate at a 'more fundamental' level than normal spells. They use much more Mana, and operate with a deeper and more potent interaction between the casters Aura and the ambient Mana. Divine and Arcane casters all learn and cast True Dweomers the same way, and they all get the same results. (Divine Casters are much more likely to call them 'Miracles', though.) For the purpose of class features, abilities, feats, etc, that call out applicability to only 'arcane' or 'divine' spells, True Dweomers always qualify. Because True Dweomers are cool that way.

True Dweomers have no Arcane Spell Failure Chance

One consequence of this deeper nature is that True Dweomers are never subject to an Arcane Spell Failure Chance, just like Divine spells. If you are a Wizard and want to wear plate mail, true dweomers are your key to success.

You will note that despite their "arcanodivinity", very few True Dweomers are healing-oriented. This is because most such Great Works are more aimed at smiting the enemy, rather than fixing ills. And honestly, if you need more healing horsepower than an Absolute Mass Heal, you need to reconsider your life choices.

True Dweomers have Strata

Now, the root source of the power in an Ur Spell may be of Divine or Arcane provenance, but the actual True Dweomer itself is the same, no matter if a Deity lent a helping hand or not. To reflect this fundamental 'bigger and deeper' expanse of a True Dweomer, such artifices, be they called Ur Spells, Miracles, Vis Vivas, or anything else, DO NOT have a Spell Circle to reflect the damage they inflict upon their targets. Instead, True Dweomers use an entirely different scale, called their Spell Strata.

True Dweomer Memorization Rules

A True Dweomer is memorized each day using the same rules as a Spell. True Dweomers have levels ranging from 10th level to 14th level, and they may be memorized in any spell slot of their own spell level or higher, just as a spell can be. If your class has a Spellbook, they must be written into those spell books, using the rules for spellbooks.

How to Obtain a True Dweomer

No class ever gets a True Dweomer 'for free'. You become eligible for True Dweomers when your class receives their first tenth level spell slot, but unlike spells, you don't ever 'just know' any True Dweomer. You cannot pray for one, or expect the Green to give you one, or spend downtime days to figure one out, and especially, you can't buy one on a scroll.

True Dweomers are never available for purchase as a scroll. (The only time a True Dweomer is ever even possible in scroll form is if a Player Character uses the Spell Research downtime rules to improve a True Dweomer. Such scrolls are so incredibly precious that they are never available for sale. You should also write that down into your Spellbooks immediately, so it can't get lost or stolen.)

So.... How DO you learn True Dweomers?

You have to spend a feat. Maybe a lot of feats.

To obtain the knowledge to cast any True Dweomer, each character must research, study, experiment, or receive inspiration on their own. Even if a Player Character somehow discovers a True Dweomer written down by another, the inscriptions are just freighted gibberish, unless that character expends their own efforts.

This effort is embodied in the game rules by taking the various "Truemagic" feats. There is no other way to obtain or use a True Dweomer. Thus, if a player character wants to be able to cast any True Dweomer, they must take one or more Truemagic feats to simulate the effort they expend to learn these incredibly potent magics.

Metamagic and True Dweomers

True Dweomers are affected by Metamagic Feats exactly as spells are. A Vast, Perfected, Hellball is a sight to behold...from a safe distance! Since True Dweomers are deeper and more fundamental than spells, and thus must be used with higher level spell slots, it can be very difficult to apply the 'good' metamagics to a True Dweomer without the use of Spell Research or the purchase of magic items.

True Dweomers can be had in levels as high as Fourteen, and spell slots only go as high as level 17, even for the very best spellcasters. This means that the most powerful True Dweomers only have three 'levels worth' of overhead into which to fit metamagics. Magic Wands, a Mage Staff, and spell research become very important when you're looking into these extremely high levels of play!

True Dweomer Spell Strata and Mana Burning

True Dweomers are large and powerful, and require a huge amount of Burn to raise their Strata. This can empty even a very powerful spell caster's store of spells VERY quickly if they are not careful.

Even more importantly, careful examination of the table below will show that Spell Strata behave quite differently than Spell Circles. In all cases, the base number of dice that can be rolled for damage is always no greater than the caster's Caster Level, but ALL True Dweomers, regardless of level, can reach a maximum of 35D6 plus adders at Caster Level 35. As if that isn't fantastic enough, the Strata of any True Dweomer can be of any level, as long as the high price is paid to Burn. This allows the 'dabbler' to take on the single Truemagic Scribe (Feat), and then metamagic and manaburn their way to the very heights of what Great Workings can do...with some considerable effort.

To raise the strata of a True Dweomer requires the burning of THREE normal spells to gain plus one Strata. Class abilities, magic item effects, and all similar abilities, that improve the circle of a spell during mana burning still apply to a True Dweomer's Strata, but they only operate at one-third strength. Partial burning has no effect, and any spells burned or any class ability or magic item ability that is applied to a True Dweomer that does not reach the next 'threshold of three', is lost with no effect. Note that it is possible (and recommended) to Burn one or two spells to 'fill out' the power needed to reach the next Strata in such cases.

Since the table below shows that Spell Strata are more 'flat' than Spell Circles, True Dweomers will always absorb as much Burn as you dare to throw at them. Even a Level 10 True Dweomer can be Burned all the way to Strata 9 as soon as you take it. Casters are advised to be very careful with this mechanic, and here's why: A Hellball, available as low as level 19, can be Mana Burned all the way up to Strata 9 as soon as you learn it. To Burn a Hellball, a Strata 1 spell, to Strata 9, costs a stunning 24 spell slots every time it is cast, no matter the level of the caster. A 19th level caster can Burn all their spells VERY quickly at that pace. Now, that maximum-Burned level 19 Hellball is going to inflict 19d6 + 266 points of damage, so, holy moly. But it's not a trick you can do a lot until you get a much higher level and excellent gear.

Lastly, but most importantly, a spell slot filled with a True Dweomer CANNOT be emptied to use as mana burning fuel. Any slot filled with a True Dweomer must be cast, or forgotten. Spell slots you fill with True Dweomers cannot be used for Mana Burning fuel. This means that you must carefully measure how many True Dweomers you memorize each day, to be sure you have enough normal Spells or unused "full" spell slots available to Burn as 'fuel.'

Strata Damage for True Dweomers

Spell Strata Burn Cost Min Character Level (CL) Base Dice Max dice
1 N/A 19th 1d6+6/CL 35d6+210
2 +3 21st 1d6+7/CL 35d6+245
3 +3 23rd 1d6+8/CL 35d6+280
4 +3 25th 1d6+9/CL 35d6+315
5 +3 27th 1d6+10/CL 35d6+350
6 +3 29th 1d6+11/CL 35d6+385
7 +3 31st 1d6+12/CL 35d6+420
8 +3 33rd 1d6+14/CL 35d6+490
9 +3 35th 1d6+16/CL 35d6+560

True Dweomer Casting Times and Ritual Variable Effects

True Dweomers are very, very large and complex to cast. The normal casting time for ALL True Dweomers is as a Full Round Action. When cast this way, there is no skill roll required, and all aspects of the True Dweomer act as described in each Ur Spell's writeup.

Now, in order to simulate the 'world shaking, battle ending' power of such Workings, it is always possible to cast any True Dweomer as a Ritual. The time required for each such Ritual is left to the GM, but it is usually at least an hour and may take a Day or more. It is strongly recommended that the casting time for any Ritual never be less than a minute, for balance purposes.

If cast as a Ritual, True Dweomers have their Area of Effect multiplied by a factor of ten in every dimension, and Vis Viva that have a set number of targets likewise have that limit increased ten-fold. In addition, the range of the True Dweomer cast as a Ritual is doubled, to give the caster a fighting chance of not being inside their own blast.

Note that, as always, multiple bonuses are additive, not multiplicative. For example, suppose a Cleric chooses to Ritually cast a Vast, Absolute, Hellball (and, Wow, did they have to work hard to create THAT monster). The Ritual multiplies the area by 10 times, the Vast Spell Feat multiplies area by 10 times, and Absolute Spell doubles the area. Does the area increase by 10x10x2 times? Absolutely not! Such a Hellball would be a cube 2200 squares on a side (11,000 feet in diameter), which is...actually not too bad, for this scale of magic. But, the rule is, the area increases by 10+10+2, or twenty-two times. This is a much more reasonable 242 squares on a side (1210 feet in diameter), which will still completely cover any battle mat in existence. Theater of the Mind is important for such activities!

The range is similarly doubled by the Ritual, and doubled again by the Absolute Spell Feat. In this case, since 2*2 (the wrong way) and 2+2 (the right way) are the same, the range is multiplied by 4 as you would expect.

Of course, if the referee WANTS that Ritual-cast Vast Absolute Hellball to be seen from the Stars Above, 2200 squares it is!

Fast Casting True Dweomers with Bailiwick Skill Rolls

Now, for your typical adventurer who wants to Blow Stuff Up, full-round casting times (or longer!) are not much use. Do not worry! It is possible to Fast Cast all True Dweomers by making a Bailiwick Skill Check against a sliding Difficulty Class scale. The DC for Fast Casting any True Dweomer is included in the write-up for each one.

If you make a very good Skill roll, you can cast a True Dweomer as a Standard Action, just like most normal spells. If you are a spontaneous caster and truly ambitious, it is possible to then apply a Quicken Spell feat, and crack off two or three True Dweomers in a single round! If your skill roll is not so good, this can take a lot longer, and the Ur Spell doesn't work as well as it should. True Dweomers never backfire or harm the caster (unless you accidentally get yourself inside the area of effect, which is a VERY REAL CONCERN), as long as they put in the time and trouble (high enough level and Truemagic feats taken) to 'get good' with these mighty magics.

If you have to memorize True Dweomers (poor goofy Wizards), then you must apply any and all Metamagic Feats as you memorize, like usual, which can commit you in advance to making a Bailiwick skill check, and if you then fail that check (such as by rolling a 1), then you lose the True Dweomer, which is very painful. This is why the Truemagic Ordinate (Feat) is so awesome.

True Dweomers in Combat

Casting a True Dweomer always provokes if you try to cast it while threatened, and you may Combat Cast it just like any other spell. True Dweomers, aside from their enormous power, are treated exactly as spells, and can be lost if you get hit while casting one. If you successfully Fast Cast a True Dweomer, you can Quicken or Still it, and thus avoid provoking. Indeed, if you must memorize spells in advance, then you have to memorize the higher level Quickened or Stilled version, and thus, you absolutely must attempt to Fast Cast it to cast it at all. This means you must accept some risk in your already busy life as an adventurer.

True Dweomers and Spell Research

Between Adventures, many users of True Dweomers will be interested in performing Spell Research on their collection of Great Workings, to make them even better. Luckily for such intrepid souls, True Dweomers respond to this process much better than more conventional Spells.

A serious issue is, that since you cannot adjust a Spell above 17th level with Metamagic Feats (since spell slots that high just don't exist), most of the 'best' Metamagic Feats can't be used with True Dweomers at all! High level Wands can get around this issue, but such devices are very expensive. We won't even discuss how much a Staff of such power could cost.

Even more seriously, you cannot adjust a Spell above 17th level to even BEGIN Spell Research on it! So, is it impossible to ever Research an Absolute Hellball, since that combo has a Spell Level of 18?

Of course not! True Dweomers are better than that.

Rather than being limited to a total adjusted caster level of 17 (like Spells are), a True Dweomer can always accept Spell Research to reduce their level for up to three Metamagic Feats, no matter how small or how huge the total is. Wow!

Now, the bad news is, the total spell level must be reduced to 17 or below before the modified True Dweomer may be cast at all, the caster must actually possess all the feats they wish to reduce, and worst of all, the DC to fast cast any True Dweomer modified by Spell Research increases by a +2 penalty for every metamagic feat added (+2 to +6 penalty). That Truemagic Heirophant (Feat) is REALLY nice...but incredibly expensive.

Thus, Spell Research for True Dweomers can seem seductively wonderful, until you realize the extremely high cost in downtime days, gold, feats, and difficulty. All that awesome power doesn't come for free!

Are True Dweomers required?

The short answer is 'no.'

The more complicated answer is 'maybe'. Without True Dweomers, a spellcaster cannot do as much damage as they can with True Dweomers. Strata hit REALLY hard.


To get even basic True Dweomers costs at least one feat, and to get 'good' with them requires three, or even five feats. Plus, True Dweomers must be Mana Burned to Strata Six or higher to really 'shine', and that takes a LOT of spell slots for each casting. Even high epic casters can struggle to keep such an engine 'fed' for long.

Simply put, True Dweomers are very expensive, both in terms of the Feats required to learn them at all, and the number of spell slots you must expend if you want to Mana Burn them to the highest levels of damaging power. If you feel that this price is too high, and you don't want to dabble with such foolishness, you really don't have to!

If you are an Epic caster we have LOTS of metamagic feats available that will allow you to use all those high-level spell slots using 'mere' Spells. And high Circle damage, while not as big as high Strata damage, is still really, really good. Trust us, few things are more fun than a Heightened, Perfected Wish. :)

Level 10 True Dweomer Spells

Name School Cast Time Description
Auric Seizure Enchantment Std Strike at creatures very existence and agency, causing Soul (energy, rare) damage and the Hindered condition.
Crown of Vermin Transmutation Std Change into a Medium sized mass of tiny creatures at will, gaining many benefits.
Cruel Iron Abjuration Std Impale your target with a ray attack, causing damage, Entangling them, and setting a Synergy
Defensive Sphere Abjuration Std You create a sphere around yourself in which you may erase hostile attacks.
Dreamscape Illusion Std The world is malleable to your needs.
Entwined Fate Illusion Std Entwine yourself and allies with enemies you your allies benefit, and the enemies detriment.
Endless Enemies Enchantment Std You drive terror and paranoia into the minds of your enemies.
Epic Dispel Enchantment Std Cancels multiple magical spells or effects and Disintegrates its targets.
Eternal Freedom Abjuration Std Completely remove a number of Status Conditions from yourself or allies you choose.
Flying Flaming Corpses Necromancy Std You turn corpses on the battlefield into horrible screaming missiles.
Glacial Rime Transmutation Std Pour out a bitter chill upon an 11x11x11 space, doing heavy damage and many other effects.
Guardians Tomb Conjuration Std Conjure up a cenotaph, unleashing a blast of dire energy, followed by waves of vengeful warrior spirits.
Hellball Evocation Std Inflicts Stellar damage at Long range in a 55-foot cubic area (an 11x11x11 square area) with no save.
Hex of Fissuring Conjuration Std Bring forth six pillars of terrible dark iron, fracturing and splintering Reality to do so.
Hemophobia Necromancy Std Inflict horror upon your targets as they become more and more injured.
Horrific Maiming Transmutation Std Choose targets nearby, and change only a part of them into something else, to their detriment.
Ignore Illusion Std Choose multiple creatures and Ignore them right out of reality.
Jagged Heart Conjuration Std Empower your allies with enormous piercing damage.
Kinetic Force Evocation Std Floods those touched with enormous power of movement.
Lord of the City Abjuration Std Creates a comfortable magical mansion, and makes you and your guests well-favored by the inhabitants of a settlement.
Magic Castle Conjuration Std Creates a sturdy extra-dimensional castle, with numerous workshops and study halls.
Mire Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Monarch of Monsters Universal Std You Summon forth a King Among Monsters to serve you!
Occlude Abjuration Std You split a foes ability to sense the world, limiting their attacks and placing them at risk of a Synergy.
Quietus Horribilis Illusion Std You levy a terrible Quiet upon the world, dealing damage and ruining objects.
Ravening Lance Evocation Std Ravening beams of energy spear down and burn holes in targets or objects you choose.
Traveling Doom Necromancy Std Undead pick you up and carry you along, while tearing at anything that comes too close.
Unlife Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Vital Cessation Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Wrathful Ray Enchantment Std Creatures struck suffer heavy Psychic damage and attack their allies and enemies alike.

Level 11 True Dweomer Spells

Name School Cast Time Description
Aegis Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Animus Blast Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Arcane Synthesis Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Call of the Obsidian Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Cleansing Light Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Damnation Necromancy Std A dire ray attack sends your victim to Hell.
Dragon Strike Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Egg Breaker Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Geminal Origin Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Gruesome Repute Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Hand of Time Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Heart of the Gazelle Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Heat Lightning Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Judgement Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Kinslayer Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Kismet Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Kiss of Death Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Lord of Nightmares Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Mass Frog Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Meteor Storm Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Mundi Vocem Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Perfect Storm Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Spark Slayer Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Verdigris Abjuration Std Cover a huge area with green corruption, damaging foes and sealing shut closures and openings.
Wave of Weakness Abjuration Std Coming Soon!

Level 12 True Dweomer Spells

Name School Cast Time Description
Acerbic Wits Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Anvil Mundanus Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Aspirate Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Auric Assassination Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Betterment Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Blood Provenance Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Crown of Glory Evocation Std Call forth one or more swords of force and make ray attacks with them.
Eclipse Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Eidolon Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Foundry's Heart Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Great Wish Universal Std Reshape reality as you wish.
Greater Cessation Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Heart of the Volcano Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Jughead Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Kinetic Control Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Knife to the Heart Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Langour Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Lash of Iron Abjuration Std Inflict slashing damage, a push, and Rupture to targets in a long, narrow area.
Last Act Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Limbless Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Living Lightning Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Meteorite Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Monstrous Docent Universal Std Summon forth a being of Significance, and accept its servitude.
Mountain Voice Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Mummy Dust Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Pebbles Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Peripetia Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Regula Legis Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Roving Spirit Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Touch of the Maker Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Ullulate Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Unknowing Illusion Std Coming Soon!
War Council Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Warp and Weft Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Web of Fate Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Zoanthropy Transmutation Std Coming Soon!

Level 13 True Dweomer Spells

Name School Cast Time Description
Arcane Thesis Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Astrobleme Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Balefire Storm Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Blood-Soaked Sanctum Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Crystalline Bolts Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Dire Tide Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Ergosphere Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Frangere Malum Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Haunted Grounds Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Heaven's Teardrop Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Impervious Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Judgement Day Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Lance of Change Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Lightning Cascade Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Lightning Sand Abjuration Std Cause an avalanche mixed with lightning, re-arranging the battlefield as you wish.
Maddening Insult Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Magnum Imperium Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Mantle of Devastation Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Martyrdom Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Masque of Visions Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Nailed to the Sky Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Nullity Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Pandemonium Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Phantasmal World Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Raise Domain Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Safe Time Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Skyshatter Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Spell Worms Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Stride of Iron Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Superb Dispel Enchantment Std Cancels multiple magical spells or effects and Disintegrates its targets.
Terror Illusion Std Coming Soon!
True Pestilence Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Unquiet Necromancy Std Coming Soon!

Level 14 True Dweomer Spells

Name School Cast Time Description
Bolide Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Cobblestones Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Demise Unseen Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Dwell Time Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Excelsior Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Guilt Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Heart Clutch Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Hulking Figure Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Illusio Imperium Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Let Go Of Me Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Liquefy Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Maelstrom Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Magic Castle Conjuration Std Creates a sturdy extra-dimensional castle, with numerous workshops and study halls.
Megalomania Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Melting Mists Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Missteps Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Momento Mori Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Moonshadows Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Necrophagy Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Obliteration of Life Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Obscurance Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Petrify Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Quatorze Universal Std You Summon a Monster of incredible power to do your bidding
Rain of Fire Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Resonance Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Ruins Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Shunting Ward Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Signify Universal Std Coming Soon!
Silent Cessation Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Soul Dominion Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Sphere of Decay Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Spirit of Victory Necromancy Std Coming Soon!
Splinter Storm Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Superior Meteorite Evocation Std Coming Soon!
Toxic Breath Evocation Std Coming Soon!
True Wish Universal Std The mightiest of all the Great Workings? Perhaps.
Undo Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Unending Torment Illusion Std Coming Soon!
Unmind Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Vengeful Gaze of God Conjuration Std Coming Soon!
Vial of Wrath Transmutation Std Coming Soon!
Xystarch Universal Std Coming Soon!
Yawning Void Abjuration Std Coming Soon!
Yellow Fever Enchantment Std Coming Soon!
Zoesis Transmutation Std Coming Soon!